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Re: [lwip-devel] implementing Lwip on an cooperative RTOS

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] implementing Lwip on an cooperative RTOS
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 16:24:39 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080914)

Cor v.d. Smissen wrote:
I am preparing on integrating Lwip in our proprietary *cooperative* RTOS using an Renesas M32C MCU. Semaphores, Mailboxes, Threads etc. are no problem. I've already ported these. Does anybody have some hints on how to deal with implementing "sys_timeouts" in "sys_arch.c" ?
sys_timeouts() has to return a pointer that is unique for the currently running thread, that's all.
Our threads do not have linked lists of timeouts that i can use...
Do i need to insert task switch code (call the scheduler) in the Lwip code manually in order to gain control again?
How can i control the timing?
As far as i can see now, i need to write a thread that takes care of all the cyclic stuff.
Am i right?
An example of sys_arch.c would be greatly appreciated.
The contrib module (accessible via CVS or in the downloads section) of the current version (1.3.0) has both windows and unix/linux example ports that you can look at for a start.


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