The mailing list software does this automatically. You do not need to.
> Moderator can delete the previous. Sorry!
This is not a moderated list. No-one can delete mails you've sent out after
you've sent them. Note that resending mails does not particularly increase
your chances of getting a reply, and for some people (like myself) tends to
decrease them.
ok... sorry... i understood and i will change my behaviour for the future :O|
> if i have some strange problem in my EMAC driver OR simply the link is
> off (cable is unplugged),
> my implementattion of low_level_output return ERR_IF
> Is it correct or it could be a problem?
ERR_IF is a fatal error. If lwIP encounters that when sending data, the
associated sockets/connections will get forcibly closed. It's up to you
(through your driver implementation) if that's what you want.
Normally the link going away (e.g. cable unplugged) is considered a
temporary failure, and not one to cause connections to be dropped. Perhaps
that driver should be changed.
ok... i changed my driver... it will return ERR_OK always and drop packet if i have strange problem or link is off.
In this way application task have not the responsability to manage check_if_close and open_again.
I think that in general for UDP protocol will be the same as missing packet on the network, and tcp/ip will try to resend cause no ack received... i think that after a lot of time tcp manager will close socket for 'CLOSED BY PEER' if a lot of packet will not have ack.... is it right?