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[lwip-devel] LWIP 1.3.0 RC1 - Starting work with this release - QUESTION

From: Piero 74
Subject: [lwip-devel] LWIP 1.3.0 RC1 - Starting work with this release - QUESTIONS
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 18:00:46 +0100

Hi all.

I'm starting work using lwip 1.3.0 rc1, but i want to clarify some issues:

1. Can i consider 1.3.0 rc1 more stable than 1.2.0 (or... can i suppose less bugs in 1.3.0. RC1)? or i have to wait final release?
2. i wrote a new driver for my microcontroller emac. I'm integrating it in the stack. After a discussion with other developer  (Jonathan),  i'm thinking  to  call inside irq function tcpip_input()  pbuf , because i can use a thread safety function for mailbox inside irq (available in freertos). Is it possible to use REFERENCE pbufs pointing to driver ram buffer instead copy from ? i have to use sequential api (socket or netconn), so, in the driver i will have to know how packet pbuf could be released, to reuse ram in the driver for other packet from Ethernet. Is there a callback function which i can use? So ... in other word... if i allocate a pbuf chain of pbufs from the pool INSIDE the driver, how i can know WHEN this chain will deallocate?
3. in lwip 130rc1 i have to call tcpinit for all initializations, passing callback function for init_done. where do i do netif initialization?? before tcpinit call using netif_add OR after using netifapi_netif_add??
4. i want to understand how use dhcp... i have to set option and call dhcp_start... and nothing else ? if i don't use dhcp, after the netifapi_netif_add i have to call netif_setup, right?
5. for security reason, i need that ALL threads in my application doesn't block indefinitely, and signal a supervisor thread with alive message. Tcp_ip thread block indefinitely? How i can call a custom function every N ms inside Tcp_ip? i'm thinking to do some check in sys_arch_timeout, because tcpip_thread call sys_mbox_fetch and after this function, and inside i can know the owner thread id... so, i can send keep alive message to supervisor... but this idea works only if Tcp_ip thread doesn't block indefinitely. Can anyone clarify me?
6. i need to do periodic operation, only for checking lan connection, can i use sys_timeout()? in this way, lwip stack will do this call for me, right?? OR, lwip stack has a callback function for checking  link status? i didn't see it in ethernetif.c....

ok... sorry for my long post.... I'm waiting your answer!

Bye and thanks,

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