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Re: [lwip-devel] updating the xilinx adapters in lwIP CVS

From: Kieran Mansley
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] updating the xilinx adapters in lwIP CVS
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:46:07 +0000

On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 18:35 -0800, Siva Velusamy wrote:
> Hi -
> I'm curious as to what the procedure is for updating the adapters for
> Xilinx MAC's on lwIP CVS.
> I have ports for lwip-1.2.0, and lwip-1.3.0RC1 that I'd like to place there.
> the 1.3.0RC1 port is functional, but it will probably need some more
> modifications which I will provide down the line.

Excellent, it is good to see ports being actively maintained.

> Currently in the contrib folder, there is a folder
> "contrib/ports/v2pro" which happens to be empty. Ideally, the Xilinx
> adapters would be in "contrib/ports/xilinx" rather than v2pro which is
> a specific Xilinx device.

Sounds fine.

> I can provide a snapshot (and future updates) to someone with write
> permissions, or alternatively I could get write permissions for the
> "contrib/ports/xilinx" folder.

I'd be happy to give you write access to CVS to enable you to upload and
maintain this port.  If you could put in a membership request for the
lwIP group on savannah, I'll approve it so you can start checking stuff
in.  It would be nice to get this in before we do the final roll of

> Also the way Xilinx libraries are structured, they use a TCL file to
> generate lwipopts.h, and the whole port is meant to be used via a
> Xilinx design environment (EDK). I assume it is not a problem if the
> sources include these miscellaneous files also.

I don't have a problem with that.


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