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[lwip-devel] RE: [task #7017] Implement DNS client

From: Pettinato, Jim
Subject: [lwip-devel] RE: [task #7017] Implement DNS client
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 16:22:35 -0500

Yes Frédéric, fine with me. I've been following along as best I can but I'm in 
Berlin this week on business so I haven't been able to try the lasest changes 
out... But I trust you guys. ;)

Thanks for jumping in and helping out with this.

- Jim


James M. Pettinato, Jr.

Software Engineer

E: address@hidden | P: 814 898 5250 

FMC Technologies Measurement Solutions Inc.
1602 Wagner Avenue | Erie PA | 16510 USA 
Phone: 814 898 5000 | Fax: 814 899-3414


-----Original Message-----
From: Frédéric Bernon [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 4:04 PM
To: Pettinato, Jim; Kieran Mansley; Jonathan Larmour; Simon Goldschmidt; 
Frédéric Bernon; David Empson; address@hidden
Subject: [task #7017] Implement DNS client

Follow-up Comment #100, task #7017 (project lwip):

I note some possible improvements for a future task:

- return multiple ip addresses
- return other RR types (MX, SRV...)
- implement a "dynamic dns update" message

Jim, no objections to close this task ?


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