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Re: [lwip-devel] MSG_MORE flag for send

From: Jonathan Larmour
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] MSG_MORE flag for send
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 23:52:45 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.8-1.1.fc4 (X11/20060501)

Simon Goldschmidt wrote:

Am 27.10.2007 um 16:45 schrieb Jonathan Larmour:

Simon Goldschmidt wrote:

Interesting patch (this functionality is required by the TCP RFCs by the way),

Are you sure about that? We already only set PSH on the last segment of enqueued data from a single 'write', so isn't that all that is required? It seems more to me that this is an extension to give the user more control over when to send a PSH, rather than it being at the end of every 'write'.

Sorry, seems I remembered it wrong, it's a MAY in RFC 1122 (page 107), not a MUST.

I think you meant page 82 (specifically but yeah I see it there as MAY.

Certainly, adding an extra param is not a requirement; this could be done with a separate API message to set a flag in the pcb, e.g. in tcp.h:

But that would set the push flag for every segment.

To be clear, I meant the new TF_DELAY_PSH I proposed in the PCB flags, not the PSH flag in a segment. (Too many "flags" around I think :-)). Without TF_DELAY_PSH set, the current behaviour would be preserved.

I'd rather let netconn_write put the flag into the message (flags are supported in socket API, why not in netconn API?). Then netconn layer can set the flag, call TCP and set it back again.

That would work too.

#define TF_DELAY_PSH (u8_t)0x80U

And then in tcp_enqueue:
   if (seg != NULL && seglen > 0 && seg->tcphdr != NULL &&
       0 == (pcb->flags & TF_DELAY_PSH) ) {
     TCPH_SET_FLAG(seg->tcphdr, TCP_PSH);

New equivalent functions can be provided in the higher APIs. The advantage there being that they are left out if unused (if using a linker with dead function garbage collection).

Rather than there being a specific API message to set this flag (which would take space that couldn't be removed without an lwipopts.h define), it may be better to have one to get/set any PCB flag, which has more generic purpose.

That might be a good idea, much like get/setsockopt.

Yep, like them, with room for expansion in the future. Probably best not to restrict to PCB flags even.

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