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[lwip-devel] [bug #21099] Request getting lost/unanswered in lwip stack

From: Vipin
Subject: [lwip-devel] [bug #21099] Request getting lost/unanswered in lwip stack [bug #20640]
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:50:29 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)


                 Summary: Request getting lost/unanswered in lwip stack [bug
                 Project: lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack
            Submitted by: vipin_dce
            Submitted on: Monday 09/17/2007 at 11:50
                Category: None
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Change Request
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Planned Release: 



This is with respect to bug reported by me with ID #20640 which was closed
later with out final conclusion. I made some progress in that and I guess it
is worth sharing.

Brief History: We had RESET issued by the firmware as well as by the PC.

1. Firmware Resets: There was some problem with my hardware which was solved
and the board stops issuing reset.

2. PC resets: I am still getting these RESETs. I have analysed the problem
and found the TEMPORARY solution also. But I am looking for a permanent fix.
Please refer to the attached ethereal trace.
IP Address: Board, PC

Looking at RESET packets ( 81, 103, 125, 147..) issued by PC, I observed that
the PC is issung RESETs because it was expecting more data from the board
which it didn't receive in a given time frame (before it can issue further
request) and hence the PC after waiting for 100 ms(approx)issues RESET.
As my board is programmed to send 8960 bytes to each request thats why it
didn't send more data.

But when I progammed my board for 8980 bytes, all the RESETs vanishes as the
PC got second frame of data also.

Does it mean we again have issue with congestion window size?



File Attachments:

Date: Monday 09/17/2007 at 11:50  Name: Reset  Size: 130kB   By: vipin_dce



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