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[lwip-devel] Re: [lwip-users] RFC: New project leadership needed for lwI

From: Kieran Mansley
Subject: [lwip-devel] Re: [lwip-users] RFC: New project leadership needed for lwIP. Please step up.
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 09:47:12 +0000

On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 23:48 +0100, Leon Woestenberg wrote:
> Hello,
> this is my second request to the lwIP developers (with CVS commit
> access) to step up as a project leader for lwIP. [1]

Firstly, can I thank Leon for all the help he has provided to the lwIP
project over recent years, and I hope he'll continue to be involved in
some capacity.  

> [1] My first request to the mailing list (many months ago) gave zero
> responses. Either I was popular or the job was inpopular, or both :-)

I suspect both!  As no one else has stepped forward, and I agree with
Leon that a leader is important, I'll volunteer to do the job for a
while.  Although I no longer use lwIP myself (and its similarity to my
day job means I prefer not to commit code to ensure there is no risk of
being accused of contaminating lwIP with someone else's intellectual
property) I'm happy to oversee things for the time being.

I am always open to help from others, and should anyone else feel that
they could do the job better I'd be very pleased to welcome them.


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