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Re: Non-local page-break oddities

From: William Rehwinkel
Subject: Re: Non-local page-break oddities
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 01:41:35 -0400
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Dear Joel,

I think that using multiple bookparts is a perfect strategy for this document based on this example, in which each score should nicely start on a new page.

Without any minimal examples, it is hard to determine what exactly is causing the bad page-breaking results, maybe you are using the optimal-page-turn algorithm for example.

In case you didn't know and it is any help, you can define header blocks inside bookparts, and override global header values or delete them by setting the value to ##f, like the following.


% ---------------

\version "2.25.2"

\header {
  composer="this will appear in every bookpart"
\book {
  \bookpart {
    \header {
      title= "this is the title"
    \score {
      \relative c' c4
  \bookpart {
    \header {
      title = "this is the second title"
    \score {
      \relative g' g4

On 4/24/23 23:33, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
I’m getting close to finished with my first Lilypond project, a book of some 30 scores.  I tried building the `\book` section piecemeal, including a handful of scores and tweaking the page breaks, and then another batch, and so on.

|\book {
   \paper { min-systems-per-page = 2 }

The weird thing is, if I comment out all a few `\scoreX` statements, the page breaks fall where I want them.  But when I compile the whole book at once, some scores start to stretch across multiple pages in ugly ways.

I have tried tweaking with lines like

|\paper { max-systems-per-page = 8 min-systems-per-page = 5 }|

in strategic places, but that still fails when I add enough scores.

(It looks like perhaps using `\bookpart` around chunks of the book might help, but that re-prints the book header when I don’t want it to, and I’m not seeing how to suppress that.)

It’s hard to give a minimal example without publishing my whole project in public.


+ ------------------------------------------- +
|   William Rehwinkel - Oberlin College and   |
|                          Conservatory '24   |
|         |
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