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Question for Windows users

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Question for Windows users
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2023 01:44:02 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4 (3.46.4-1.fc37)


A little question for Windows users: could one of you please
do the following test and report back?

1. Choose any font that is NOT installed on your system.
   Random choice:
   It's very recognizable, so it'll be easy to tell if the
   font is being properly used. I will assume you use this
   font (“AlexBrush”) in the following.

2. Create a .ly file in some directory on your computer. Put
   the font .otf/.ttf file(s) in that directory.

3. Add this code to the .ly file and compile it:

   \version "2.24.1"
   #(ly:font-config-add-directory "C:/path/to/directory")
   \markup \override #'(font-name . "AlexBrush") "ABCD"

   where "C:/path/to/directory" is the path to the directory
   you put the .ly file and the font in, with 4 different
   variants. Please test all 4 and let me know which work
   and which don't.

   a) Slashes in the path and a slash at the end:
   b) Slashes in the path and no slash at the end:
   c) Double backslashes in the path and a double backslash at the end:
   d) Double backslashes in the path and no double backslash at the end:

Thanks in advance.


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