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Re: Determining requested output files

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: Determining requested output files
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 22:36:31 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.3 (3.46.3-1.fc37)

Le samedi 18 février 2023 à 11:55 -0500, Fr. Samuel Springuel a écrit :

I have the following scheme function which I used on versions 2.22 and earlier which determined the requested output files for a lilypond run:

#(define target-extensions (cond ((equal? (ly:get-option 'backend) 'svg) (list "svg"))
                                 ((equal? (ly:get-option 'backend) 'scm) (list "scm"))
                                 ((equal? (ly:get-option 'backend) 'ps) (uniq-list (sort-list (ly:output-formats) string<?)))
                                 ((equal? (ly:get-option 'backend) 'eps) (map (lambda (str) (if (equal? str "ps") "eps" str)) (uniq-list (sort-list (ly:output-formats) string<?))))
                                 (else '())))

Now, I realize that the list of possible backends has changed (from ps, eps, null, scm, and svg to ps, cairo, and svg) so I have to make some adjustments there, but the ps and cairo backends both can produce multiple different types of files.  For the old ps backend, what was requested used to be available in ly:output-formats, but this function has been removed (commit bf3af63b seems to be the culprit).  I’m having trouble, however, figuring out where the information has migrated to (I assume it still has to be stored somewhere).  Can anyone provide some additional clarity here?

It's going to be a bit ugly, because the information is now stored internally in C++ and just passed to the output backends (which are internal as well). You would have to parse command-line options like --pdf yourself from #(command-line).

However, this may be an XY question. What is your use case for determining the requested output files?

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