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responses in hymn tunes?

From: Kira Garvie
Subject: responses in hymn tunes?
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2021 17:18:49 -0400

Hello all,
I have a very specific problem I am running into of how to add a tenor response within the repeat of a hymn tune when there is also a response in the verses. Here is the hymn and my code. (I just copied everything... sorry if it is too much!)

% Standard definitions and defaults for FlexScores


\version "2.16.2"

\language "english"



indent = 0.0\in

\context { \ChordNames

\override ChordName #'font-size = #-1


\context { \Score

#(set-accidental-style 'modern 'Score)


\context { \Lyrics

\override LyricText #'font-size = #0.5 % omitted -


\context { \Staff




#(set-global-staff-size 18)

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")




top-margin = 0.5\in

bottom-margin = 0.5\in

left-margin = 0.75\in

right-margin = 0.75\in

indent = 0.0\in

ragged-bottom = ##t

markup-system-spacing #'padding = #3

system-system-spacing #'padding = #3

top-system-spacing #'padding = #5

oddHeaderMarkup = \markup


\on-the-fly #not-first-page

\fill-line {

\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string

\fromproperty #'header:title

\fromproperty #'header:instrument


} % end of oddHeaderMarkup

evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup

oddFooterMarkup = \markup


\fontsize #-2.5 \column


\on-the-fly #first-page

\line { \italic \fromproperty #'header:note }


\on-the-fly #first-page

\line { \italic \fromproperty #'header:fsHymnal \fromproperty #'header:fsHymnNumber }

\on-the-fly #first-page

\fill-line {

\line { \fromproperty #'header:fsTextCredit }

\line { \right-column { \fromproperty #'header:fsTuneName } } }

\on-the-fly #first-page

\fill-line {

\line { \fromproperty #'header:fsTuneCredit }

\line { \right-column { \fromproperty #'header:fsMeter } } }

\on-the-fly #first-page

\fill-line {

\line { \fromproperty #'header:fsTextCopyright }

\line { \right-column { \fromproperty #'header:fsAlternateA } } }

\on-the-fly #first-page

\fill-line {

\line { \fromproperty #'header:fsTuneCopyright }

\line { \right-column { \fromproperty #'header:fsAlternateB } } }

\hspace #0

\fill-line { \line { \center-column { \sans \fromproperty #'header:fsURL } } }


} % end of oddFooterMarkup

evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup

scoreTitleMarkup = \markup \null

bookTitleMarkup = \markup






\fontsize #4.5 \fromproperty #'header:fsHymnNumber

\fontsize #4.5 \fromproperty #'header:title



\fill-line { \fontsize #1 \fromproperty #'header:subtitle }

\fill-line { \fontsize #1 \fromproperty #'header:instrument }


} % end of scoreTitleMarkup

} % end of paper options


% if a voice uses \removeWithTag #'vocalMarkup, items tagged thus won't be shown


hideSlur = {

\override Slur #'transparent = ##f

\tag #'vocalMarkup \override Slur #'transparent = ##f




% This section has snippets of lilypond that will be included in various

% cases -- for example, the descant markup stuff will be included if

% hasDescant is set to #t


chordMarkup = {



descantMarkup = {

\new Staff \with


\fontsize = #-3

\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3)



\clef "treble"

\new Voice = "DescantVoice" \Descant

\lyricsto DescantVoice \new Lyrics \DescantLyrics





\header {

title = ""

subtitle = ""

fsHymnal = ""

fsHymnNumber = ""

fsTextCredit = \markup {

\wordwrap { } }

note = ""


StanzaOne = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "1."

There's a call comes ring -- ing o'er the rest -- less wave,

{ “Send the light! Send the light!” }

There are souls to res -- cue, there are souls to save,


StanzaTwo = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "2."

We have heard the Mac -- e -- do -- nian call to -- day,

{ “Send the light! Send the light!” }

And a gold -- en of -- f'ring at the cross we lay,

%refrain end

_ _ _ _ _ _

\repeat volta 2 {Send the light, the bless -- ed gos -- pel light; Let it }

\alternative { { shine from shore to shore! }

{ shine for -- ev -- er -- more! } }



StanzaThree = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "3."

Let us pray that grace may ev -- 'ry -- where a -- bound

{ “Send the light! Send the light!” }

And a Christ -- like spir -- it ev -- 'ry -- where be found,


StanzaFour = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "4."

Let us not grow wea -- ry in the work of love,

{ “Send the light! Send the light!” }

Let us ga -- ther jew -- els for a crown a -- bove,


AltoResponse = \lyricmode {

\repeat unfold 28 { \skip 1 }

Send the light! Send the light!


TenorResponse = \lyricmode {

\repeat unfold 11 { \skip 1 }

Send the light! Send the light!

\repeat unfold 11 { \skip 1 }

Send the light! Send the light!



\language "english"

hasChords = ##f

hasDescant = ##f


fsTuneCredit = \markup {

\wordwrap { } }


keyTime = {

\time 4/4


\key f \major

\partial 4


Soprano = \relative c' {




\override Staff.Rest #'staff-position = #0

|c8. c16

|f4 f f8. c16 f8. g16

|a4 a a bf8. a16

|g2. a8. g16 f2. c8. c16

|f4 f f8. c16 f8. g16

|a4 a a bf8. a16

|g2. a8. g16

|f2. \repeat volta 2 { a8. bf16

|c2~ c8. d16 c8. bf16

|a4 a a bf8. a16 }

\alternative { { |g2~ g8. bf16 a8. g16

| a2. s4 }

{ |g2~ g8. bf16 a8. g16

| f2. } }

\bar "|."


Alto = \relative c' {




\override Staff.Rest #'staff-position = #0

|a8. a16

|a4 a a8. a16 a8. bf16

|c4 c c d8. c16

|bf2. c8. bf16

|a2. a8. a16

|a4 a a8. a16 a8. bf16

|c4 c c d8. c16

|bf2. c8. bf16

|a2. \repeat volta 2 { f'8. g16

|a2~ a8. bf16 a8. g16

|f4 f f g8. g16 }

\alternative { { |e2~ e8. g16 f8. e16

|f2. s4 }

{ |e2~ e8. d16 c8. bf16

|a8. d16 c8. bf16 a4 } }

\bar "|."


Tenor = \relative c {




\override Staff.Rest #'staff-position = #0

|f8. f16

|c4 c c8. c16 f8. f16

|f4 f f r4

|r4 e8. e16 e4 r

|r c8. c16 c4 f8. f16

|c4 c c8. c16 f8. f16

|f4 f f r

|r e8. e16 e4 r

|r c8. c16 c4 \repeat volta 2 { r4

|r4 c'8. c16 c4 c4

|c8. c16 c8. c16 c4 r }

\alternative { { |r4 c8. c16 c4 r

|r8. c16 c8. c16 c4 s4 }

{ |r4 c8. c16 c4 r4

|r8. f,16 e8. d16 c4 } }

\bar "|."


Bass = \relative c {




\override Staff.Rest #'staff-position = #0

|f,8. f16

|f4 f f8. f16 f8. f16

|f'4 f f r4

|r4 c8. c16 c4 r

|r f,8. f16 f4 f8. f16

|f4 f f8. f16 f8. f16

|f'4 f f r

|r c8. c16 c4 r

|r f,8. f16 f4 \repeat volta 2 { r4

|r4 f'8. f16 f4 f

|f8. f16 f8. f16 f4 r }

\alternative { { |r4 c8. c16 c4 r

|r8. f16 f8. f16 f4 s4 }

{ |r4 c8. c16 c4 r

|r8. f,16 f8. f16 f4 } }

\bar "|."




% Full score, with vocal markup


#(use-modules (guile-user))

%chordMarkup = {

% \Chords

% \AccompChords


%{descantMarkup = {

\new Staff = "descant"


{ \override NoteHead #'font-size = #-2

\override Stem #'font-size = #-2

\override Rest #'font-size = #-2

\override Accidental #'font-size = #-2

\override Clef #'font-size = #-3

\override KeySignature #'font-size = #-3

\override TimeSignature #'font-size = #-3

\override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -3)



\clef "treble"

\new Voice = "DescantVoice" \Descant

\lyricsto DescantVoice \new Lyrics = "DescantLyrics" \DescantLyrics


} %}




$(if hasDescant descantMarkup)

$(if hasChords chordMarkup)

\new Staff = "treble"


\clef "treble"

\new Voice = "SopranoVoice" \Soprano

\new Voice = "AltoVoice" \Alto

% \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "treble" } { \lyricsto "SopranoVoice" { \SopranoResponse } }

\lyricsto AltoVoice \new Lyrics = "AltoResponse" \AltoResponse

\lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaOne

\lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaTwo

\lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaThree

\lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaFour

% \lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaFive

% \lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaSix

% \lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaSeven

% \lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaEight

% \lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaNine

% \lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaTen

% \lyricsto SopranoVoice \new Lyrics \StanzaEleven


\new Staff = "bass"


\clef "bass"

\new Voice = "TenorVoice" \Tenor

\new Voice = "BassVoice" \Bass

\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "bass" } { \lyricsto "TenorVoice" { \TenorResponse } }

% \lyricsto BassVoice \new Lyrics \BassResponse

>> %{%}

% \Keyboard


















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