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Re: [libcvd-members] libcvd cvd/convolution.h cvd/cpu_hacks.h cvd/di...

From: Gerhard Reitmayr
Subject: Re: [libcvd-members] libcvd cvd/convolution.h cvd/cpu_hacks.h cvd/di...
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 10:22:45 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080421)

fair enough. I haven't looked at mingw in a long time, so I have no
idea. In any case, I will have to integrate with other people using VC,
so I am happy to work with the same toolchain.

Edward Rosten wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Gerhard Reitmayr wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Let me know, if you have any problems with any of these changes. I will
>> try to fix them ASAP. I am going to use this over the summer for some
>> Linux/OSX/Win32 cross platform development, hopefully this will make it
>> stable and useful.
> I don't know if this is helpful, but you can link mingw compiled stuff
> against normal windows stuff. That's why libCVD supports mingw at the
> moment. That said, I ported it, but I didn't do any of the other work on
> Windows.
> The main benefit seems to be allowing ./configure to work under windows
> and pick up whatever libraries you have without editing config files.
> I believe that this went via static libraries as well. Unlike cygwin,
> you don't need mingw installed on machines you want to move the
> executables to. As a further benefit it is possible to cross compile
> some programs from the comfort of a Linux machine. Even stranger is when
> you have wine installed and the cross host can run the target's
> execuatables. That confused me and ./configure for a while :-)
> In theory, it ought to be possible to specify the commandline visual
> studio compiler instead of gcc. That said, the script would probably get
> the flags all wrong. I suppose one could write a flag translation
> wrapper...

I have used a project once that actually did that. used cygwin to run
configure and they provided a wrapper around vc compiler to look like
gcc. IMHO too much work for us :)


Gerhard Reitmayr
MIL, Engineering Department, Cambridge University
tel: +44 1223 765150

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