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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/de/suggestion accep

From: Dorian Meid
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/de/suggestion acceptorreject.tmpl,NONE,1.1 mail_suggestion_ACCEPTED.tmpl,NONE,1.1 mail_suggestion_AVAILABLE.tmpl,NONE,1.1 mail_suggestion_ORDERED.tmpl,NONE,1.1 mail_suggestion_REJECTED.tmpl,NONE,1.1
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 12:27:08 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/de/suggestion
In directory 

Added Files:
        acceptorreject.tmpl mail_suggestion_ACCEPTED.tmpl 
        mail_suggestion_AVAILABLE.tmpl mail_suggestion_ORDERED.tmpl 
Log Message:
First german contribution to 2.2.2
Thanks to Friedrich

--- NEW FILE ---
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="acquisitions-top.inc" -->
<div id="mainbloc">

<!-- TMPL_IF name="op_else" -->
        <h1 class="acquisition">Vorschl&auml;ge</h1>
                        <th class="acquisition">Status</th>
                        <th class="acquisition">Vorschlag</th>
                        <th class="acquisition">Vorgeschlagen von</th>
                <form method="post" 
                        <input type="hidden" name="op" value="aorr_confirm">
                <!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="suggestions_loop" -->
                                        <select name="aorr">
                                                <option value=""></option>
                                                <option value="R<!--TMPL_VAR 
name="suggestionid" -->">Reject</option>
                                                <option value="A<!--TMPL_VAR 
name="suggestionid" -->">Akzeptieren</option>
                                <td <!-- TMPL_IF name="even" 
-->class="hilighted"<!-- /TMPL_IF -->>
                                        <p><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" --> - 
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" --></p>
                                                <!-- TMPL_IF 
name="copyrightdate" -->Exemplar. Jahr:<!-- TMPL_VAR name="copyrightdate" --> 
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
                                                <!-- TMPL_IF name="volumedesc" 
-->volume:<i><!-- TMPL_VAR name="volumedesc" --></i> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
                                                <!-- TMPL_IF name="isbn" 
-->ISBN :<i><!-- TMPL_VAR name="isbn" --></i> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
                                                <!-- TMPL_IF 
name="publishercode" --><br/>verlegt von <!-- TMPL_VAR name="publishercode" --> 
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
                                                <!-- TMPL_IF 
name="publicationyear" --> in <i><!-- TMPL_VAR name="publicationyear" --></i> 
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
                                                <!-- TMPL_IF name="place" --> 
at <i><!-- TMPL_VAR name="place" --></i> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->
                                                <!-- TMPL_IF name="note" 
--><p><i>(<!-- TMPL_VAR name="copyrightdate" -->)</i></p> <!-- /TMPL_IF -->

                                <td <!-- TMPL_IF name="even" 
-->class="hilighted"<!-- /TMPL_IF -->>
                                        <!-- TMPL_VAR name="surnamesuggestedby" 
--><!-- TMPL_IF name="firstnamesuggestedby" -->,<!-- /TMPL_IF --> <!-- TMPL_VAR 
name="firstnamesuggestedby" -->
                <!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
                                <input type="submit" class="button acquisition" 
value="&auml;ndere Status">
                        <td> &nbsp; </td>
                        <td> &nbsp; </td>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="acquisitions-bottom.inc" -->
--- NEW FILE ---
Sehre geehrter <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryName" --> Benutzer, Sie haben 
angeregt, da&szlig die Bibliothek <!-- TMPL_VAR name="title" --> erwirbt<!-- 
TMPL_IF name="author" --> von <!-- TMPL_VAR name="author" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->. 
 <!-- TMPL_VAR name="lib.surname" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR lib.firstname --> reviewed 
your suggestion today, and found it interesting. The item will be ordered as 
soon as possible. You will be notified by mail when the order is completed, and 
again when the book arrives at the library.  If you have any questions, please 
email us at <!-- TMPL_VAR name="libemail" -->.  Thank you,  <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="LibraryName" -->
--- NEW FILE ---
Sehre geehrter <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryName" --> Benutzer, Sie haben 
angeregt, da&szlig die Bibliothek <!-- TMPL_VAR name="title" --> erwirbt<!-- 
TMPL_IF name="author" --> von <!-- TMPL_VAR name="author" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->. 
 We are pleased to inform you that the item is now part of the collection of 
the Nelsonville Public Library.  If you have any questions, please email us at 
<!-- TMPL_VAR name="libemail" -->.  Thank you,  <!-- TMPL_VAR 
NAME="LibraryName" -->
--- NEW FILE ---
Sehre geehrter <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryName" --> Benutzer, Sie haben 
angeregt, da&szlig die Bibliothek <!-- TMPL_VAR name="title" --> erwirbt<!-- 
TMPL_IF name="author" --> von <!-- TMPL_VAR name="author" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->. 
Wie freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu k&ouml;nnen, da&szlig; das Buch bestellt 
wurde. Es sollte bald eintreffen. Sie werden umgehend benachrichtigt, wenn es 
ausleihbar ist. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, dann mailen Sie bitte an <!-- 
TMPL_VAR name="libemail" -->. Danke, <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryName" -->
--- NEW FILE ---
Sehre geehrter <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryName" --> Benutzer, Sie haben 
angeregt, da&szlig die Bibliothek <!-- TMPL_VAR name="title" --> erwirbt<!-- 
TMPL_IF name="author" --> von <!-- TMPL_VAR name="author" --><!-- /TMPL_IF -->. 
 <!-- TMPL_VAR name="lib.surname" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR lib.firstname --> reviewed 
your request today, and has decided not to accept the suggestion at this time.  
If you have any questions, please email us at <!-- TMPL_VAR name="libemail" 
-->.  Thank you,  <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="LibraryName" -->

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