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plots combined loop , fucntion, shell command. when comes to epslatex: o

From: Tu Can
Subject: plots combined loop , fucntion, shell command. when comes to epslatex: overlap axis, only one plot in pdf while many in eps file
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2020 19:15:18 +0800
User-agent: Evolution 3.30.5-1.1

I have plenty of plots, about 200. using for loop, function, shell

when I use terminal pdf, all is ok. but I need add some equation on
axis. so I have to use terminal latex or something.

after I changed terminal to epslatex(shown below). 
$ gnuplot **.gplt 
works fine. gives a tex file and eps file. And eps file have several
plots without any text. after I 
$ pdflatex **.tex. 
It only gives a pdf with the first plot and all axis text overlap.

I've trid 
$ set mutliplot
it gives eps and pdf all plots overlapped in one plot. so do any text.

I've searched several days for solution. can't find any demo or
question as complex as I have(loop, function, shell command). also find
none problem like I described above(eps mutliplot while pdf only one).

main part of my gnuplot script:

set terminal epslatex size 45cm, 30cm color colortext standalone
set output "result_MVyes_inVno_aver_vg_percent_n-p.tex"

array distance[8] = ["0.1", "0.5", "1.0", "1.5", "2.0", "3.0", "5.0",
array start[8] = [24,  719,  1414, 2109, 2804, 3499, 4194, 4889]
array end[8]   = [368, 1063, 1758, 2453, 3148, 3843, 4538, 5233]
getData(fName, n) = sprintf("<(sed -n '%d,%dp' %s)", start[n], end[n],

array clean[3] = ["po", "no", "BGno"]
fileName(year, i) = sprintf("origin_fluid_%s%s.dat", year, clean[i])
comData(n, year) = sprintf("<(paste %s %s |sed -n '%d,%dp')",
fileName(year, 1), fileName(year, 2), start[n], end[n])

uds0 = "using 2:(100*($12-$28)/$28)"

set xlabel 'y'
set key out vert
set logscale x 10
set format y '$%.1e$'
set xrange [10**(-2):3.5]

# atmospheric pressure             #
#                                  #

set yrange [-2*10**(-4):2*10**(-4)]
set ylabel 'atmospheric pressure'
set title 'every year every distance polluted atmospheric pressure'
plot for [year in "2004 2005 2006"] for [i = 1:8] comData(i, year)
@uds0 with linespoint pn 5 lt (abs(year)-2004)*8+i title year."

set title '2004 every distance polluted and nonpolluted atmospheric
plot for [year in "2004"] for [i = 1:8] comData(i, year) @uds0 with
linespoint pn 5 lt (abs(year)-2004)*8+i title year." ".distance[i]

set title '2005 every distance polluted and nonpolluted atmospheric
plot for [year in "2005"] for [i = 1:8] comData(i, year) @uds0 with
linespoint pn 5 lt (abs(year)-2004)*8+i title year." ".distance[i]

set title '2006 every distance polluted and nonpolluted atmospheric
plot for [year in "2006"] for [i = 1:8] comData(i, year) @uds0 with
linespoint pn 5 lt (abs(year)-2004)*8+i title year." ".distance[i]

do for [i = 1:8] {
   set title "every year ".distance[i]." polluted and nonpolluted
atmospheric pressure"
   plot for [year in "2004 2005 2006"] comData(i, year) @uds0 with
linespoint pn 5 lt (abs(year)-2003) title year." ".distance[i]

Tu Can <>

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