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Re: Installing grub2-bios into a raw partition instead of MBR gap

From: Christian Eggers
Subject: Re: Installing grub2-bios into a raw partition instead of MBR gap
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 07:58:49 +0100

> Le 17/02/2021 à 09:20, Christian Eggers a écrit :
>> I would like to install grub2 to a non-EFI machine with Windows+Linux
>> (MBR partition table). As Linux uses LVM and the first partition starts at
>> sector 63,
> That must be a very old partition table.
Created by Windows XP :-)

Yesterday evening the hard disk physically died (during the attempt to create 
some free space after the MBR). So the problem has been solved as I have to
reinstall everything on a new drive.


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