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Re: pandoc-mode /Asciidoc

From: Gottfried
Subject: Re: pandoc-mode /Asciidoc
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 14:13:54 +0000


I put this in my init.el file concerning Asccidoc:

(defun string-to-file-force (string file)
"Prints string into file, matters not if file exists. Return FILE as file name."
  (with-temp-file file
    (insert string))

(defun rcd-command-output-from-input (program input &rest args)
"Return output string from PROGRAM with given INPUT string and optional ARGS."
  (let* ((output (with-temp-buffer
                   (insert input)
                   (apply #'call-process-region nil nil program t '(t nil) nil 

(defun rcd-asciidoctor (string &rest args)
  "Return HTML by using Asciidoctor markup STRING."
  (let ((asciidoctor (executable-find "asciidoctor")))
    (apply 'rcd-command-output-from-input "asciidoctor" string "-" args)))

(defun rcd-asciidoctor-preview ()
  "Preview asciidoctor"
  (let ((asciidoctor (executable-find "asciidoctor")))
    (when asciidoctor
      (let* ((output (buffer-string))
             (output (rcd-asciidoctor output))
             (file (string-to-file-force output "asciidoctor-preview.html")))
        (browse-url file)))))

(require 'adoc-mode)
(define-key adoc-mode-map (kbd "C-c a") #'rcd-asciidoctor-preview)

;;Asciidoctor refresh output quickly
(run-with-timer SECS REPEAT FUNCTION &rest ARGS)
(run-with-timer 1 3 #'rcd-asciidoctor-preview-buffer-as-html)
(defun rcd-asciidoctor-preview-buffer-as-html ()
  "Convert asciidoctor to file `/tmp/my.html'"
  (let* ((asciidoc (buffer-string))
         (tmp-file "/tmp/my.html")
         (html (rcd-asciidoctor asciidoc)))
    (with-temp-file tmp-file
      (insert html))))

I put that in my init.el file concerning markdown-mode:

;; markdown for formatting text
(defun rcd-markdown (text &rest args)
  "Markdown processing"
  (let ((markdown (executable-find "markdown")))
    (cond (markdown
           (cond (text
(apply 'rcd-command-output-from-input markdown (append (list text) args)))
                 (t ""))
           (t (user-error "Command `markdown' not available"))))))

(defun rcd-markdown-preview ()
  "Preview Markdown."
  (let* ((output (rcd-markdown (buffer-string)))
         (file (concat (buffer-file-name) "-MD.html")))
    (with-temp-file file (insert output))
    (browse-url file)))
;;(define-key KEYMAP KEY DEF &optional REMOVE)
(require 'markdown-mode)
(define-key markdown-mode-map (kbd "C-c a") #'rcd-markdown-preview)

Kind regards


Am 23.02.23 um 12:34 schrieb Jean Louis:
* Gottfried <> [2023-02-22 18:53]:

Am 13.02.23 um 15:40 schrieb Jean Louis:
Those warnings you may disregard.

because every time I open emacs it shows up and it does not open the file I

  and starting emacs it shows this:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable SECS)
    (run-with-timer SECS REPEAT FUNCTION &rest ARGS)
"/home/gfp/.config/emacs/init.el" t t)
    load("/home/gfp/.config/emacs/init" noerror nomessage)
    startup--load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x1a5d9b48a35c1bee>) #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode
0x4d12c0e0e44348b>) t)

What exactly did you put in init.el ?


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