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Native compilation by default?: Was [Re: stats say SBCL is 78 875 % fast

From: Madhu
Subject: Native compilation by default?: Was [Re: stats say SBCL is 78 875 % faster than natively compiled Elisp
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 12:34:21 +0530

pardon the blog -- to test the validity of the claims in this thread I
was trying to run

(time (fib 2000 500))
(time (slynk::eval-in-emacs '(fib 5000 500)))
from within some lisp to compare the elapsed time.

However when I tried to "native" compile Emanuel Berg's fib function in
a file fib.el
;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
(defun fib (reps num)
  (let ((z 0))
    (dotimes (_ reps)
      (let ((p1 1)
            (p2 1))
        (dotimes (_ (- num 2))
          (setf z (+ p1 p2)
                p2 p1
                p1 z))))
with  (byte-compile-file "fib.el" t)
I got a fib.elc which was loaded, but the file was not natively

(dissassemble 'fib) only shows the byte code.

I was under the impression that this should have automatically produced
an eln file with default native-* variables which i've reviewed.

I was able to produce the eln file with an explicit call to
(load (native-compile "fib.el"))
or M-x emacs-lisp-native-compile-and-load
and load it and dissassemble it

Is my understanding of the documentation - that native compilation is an
automatic side effect of byte compiling, wrong?

Last tried on the `master' branch with sources from around 2023-02-15

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