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Re: buc.el ready

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: buc.el ready
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 17:28:53 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.7+183 (3d24855) (2021-05-28)

* Emanuel Berg via Users list for the GNU Emacs text editor 
<> [2021-06-08 11:13]:
> Jean, or anyone else, take a look. Is the pack ready? [code
> also yanked last in mail]
> I went thru it and it is actually a very good an simple idea,
> I don't know why I suddenly didn't understand it's purpose and
> thought it complicated...

;;; buc.el --- move between buffers based on category -*- lexical-binding: t
;;; Commentary:
;;; Author: Emanuel Berg (incal) <>
;;; Created: 2021-05-23
;;; Keywords: docs, files
;;; License: GPL3+
;;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "1.0"))
;;; URL:
;;; Version: 2.0.0

Your "Commentary" comes too early there.

Why not read: (info "(elisp) Simple Packages")  

Additionally you have not provided a license. "GPL3+" is some kind of
a tag, it is not a license and does not comply to GPL3 licensing
requirements. Use C-h C-c to find out "How to apply"

> I'm unsure tho if the documentation probably doesn't make anything
> clearer to a lot of people, right?

I was never reading documentation inside of package before some
years. I was reading description lines from M-x package-list-packages
and information about the package. Why should a user go into the
source, unless it is some programming library.


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