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Re: [RFC] refactoring extra-special-file; an /etc/tmpfiles/ equivalent

From: Attila Lendvai
Subject: Re: [RFC] refactoring extra-special-file; an /etc/tmpfiles/ equivalent
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 13:38:05 +0000

> FTR, the "guixy way" currently is to add a service like this:

as mirai kindly instructed me on IRC, even though it's a somewhat widely spread 
solution, this has issues, as documented in:

instead, the proper way is to add a full-fledged one-shot shepherd service:

    (requirement '(file-systems))
    (provision '(disable-keyboard-wakeup))
    (documentation "echo XHC >/proc/acpi/wakeup, so that my USB Kinesis 
keyboard doesn't wake up the laptop right after a suspend")
    (one-shot? #t)
         (use-modules (ice-9 regex))
         (use-modules (ice-9 textual-ports))

         (lambda _
           (when (string-match "XHC\t  S3\t\\*enabled"
                               (call-with-input-file "/proc/acpi/wakeup"
             (display "Turning off usb wakeup\n")
             (with-output-to-file "/proc/acpi/wakeup"
               (lambda _
                 (display "XHC"))))))))))

and while we are at it, a newcomer feedback:

it's super confusing that there are 'guix services' and 'shepherd services', 
and they are rather different animals with very similar names, and they are 
present in a very confined context.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
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the alligators.’”
        — Rosamund and Benjamin Zander, 'The Art of Possibility' (2002)

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