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Re: [PATCH] add language/wisp to Guile?

From: Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Subject: Re: [PATCH] add language/wisp to Guile?
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 09:36:23 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.1

Maxime Devos <> writes:

>> [...]
>> That would be nice, but would require doing changes in a critical core
>> part of Guile. It would change this addition from a risk-free added
>> feature to a risky core change.
> I maintain that a new language shouldn't be merged until the
> Scheme-specific load path stuff is fixed/extended to work for
> non-Scheme things (e.g. Wisp) too -- if this requires somewhat risky
> (*) changes to core parts, then that just means we'll have to do some
> risky stuff, then.
> I also expect that Guile maintainers will have the opposite opinion
> (i.e., ‘fixing the load path stuff isn't necessary for merging a new
> language implementation’).
> (*) FWIW I disagree on the 'risky' assessment -- it seems like a ‘if
> it runs, it will work’ thing to me.  That it modifies a core part of
> Guile, makes it less risky IMO, as it would automatically be more
> tested.
> Aside from the (*) and the 'I also expect [...],', I don't have
> anything new to say about this, so I'll stop here.

Thank you for your suggestions and contributions so far. They help me a

>> [...]
>> That would also enable shipping pre-compiled software without
>> sourcecode,
> That can already be done -- besides legalities, nothing stops people
> from putting [^] or [^] .scm files in $GUILE_LOAD_PATH and putting .go
> [^]: Redacted to not give people ideas on how to circumvent stuff.
> I can elaborate by non-public e-mail if you like.

Thank you! (for redacting) — I hope I’ll never need that :-)

> On 14-02-2023 22:24, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> PS: So what’s still missing here is to avoid setting the locale. Do you
>>      happen to have a hint how to actually do this right?
> I think you might have forgotten about this:
>>  -- Scheme Procedure: set-port-encoding! port enc
>>  -- C Function: scm_set_port_encoding_x (port, enc)
>>      Sets the character encoding that will be used to interpret I/O to
>>      PORT.  ENC is a string containing the name of an encoding.  Valid
>>      encoding names are those defined by IANA
>>      (, for example
>>      ‘"UTF-8"’ or ‘"ISO-8859-1"’.
>> As such, I propose calling set-port-encoding! right in the beginning
>> of read-one-wisp-sexp.

Yikes, yes. I shouldn’t spend so much time thinking about implications
when I haven’t yet applied all the clear and uncontested improvements.

Thank you!

> More concretely, replace
> (define (read-one-wisp-sexp port env)
>          ;; allow using "# foo" as #(foo).
>          (read-hash-extend #\# (λ (chr port) #\#))
>          (cond
>             ((eof-object? (peek-char port))
>               (read-char port )); return eof: we’re done
>             (else
>               (let ((chunk (wisp-scheme-read-chunk port)))
>                 (cond
>                   ((not (null? chunk))
>                     (car chunk))
>                   (else
>                     #f))))))
> by
> (define (read-one-wisp-sexp port env)
>   ;; Allow using "# foo" as #(foo).
>   ;; Don't use the globally-acting read-hash-extend, because this
>   ;; doesn't make much sense in parenthese-y (non-Wisp) Scheme.
>   ;; Instead, use fluids to temporarily add the extension.
>   (define %read-hash-procedures/parameter
>     (fluid->parameter %read-hash-procedures))
>   (parameterize ((%read-hash-procedures/parameter
>                    `((#\# ,(λ (chr port) #\#))
>                      ,@(%read-hash-procedures/parameter))))
>     ;; Read Wisp files as UTF-8, to support non-ASCII characters.
>     ;; TODO: would be nice to support ';; coding: whatever' lines
>     ;; like in parenthese-y Scheme.
>     (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8")
>     (if (eof-object? (peek-char port))
>         (read-char port) ; return eof: we’re done
>         (let ((chunk (wisp-scheme-read-chunk port)))
>           (and (not (null? chunk)) ; <---- XXX: maybe (pair? chunk)
>                (car chunk))))))
> (untested).
> (I've also done the read-hash-extend stuff and simplified the 'cond'
> expressions.)

Thank you again for that!

Which begs an important question: How would you like to be attributed? I
plan to also merge this back to the wisp repo and I’d like to attribute
you there, too.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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