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[Guile-commits] 01/04: Remove circularity in r6rs by rebasing conditions

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 01/04: Remove circularity in r6rs by rebasing conditions on core records
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 09:21:20 -0500 (EST)

wingo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guile.

commit 9f1a6717349ce3a6c1617dd7d606bc02386f1183
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed Oct 30 15:49:25 2019 +0100

    Remove circularity in r6rs by rebasing conditions on core records
    * module/rnrs/conditions.scm: Use core record facilities to define the
      base condition types, define-condition-type, and the standard
      condition hierarchy.
      (simple-condition?): Rename from condition-internal?.
    * module/rnrs/exceptions.scm: Move `raise' definition here, out from the
      procedural records layer.
      (format-simple-condition): Reimplement in a simpler way, hopefully
      producing the same output.
    * module/rnrs/records/procedural.scm:
    * module/rnrs/records/inspection.scm: Import the exceptions and
      conditions modules, and use the normal raise function.
 module/rnrs/conditions.scm         | 110 +++++++++++++++---------------------
 module/rnrs/exceptions.scm         |  96 ++++++++++++++-----------------
 module/rnrs/records/inspection.scm |   4 +-
 module/rnrs/records/procedural.scm | 113 ++++++++++---------------------------
 4 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/rnrs/conditions.scm b/module/rnrs/conditions.scm
index fa2ed67..c59d96f 100644
--- a/module/rnrs/conditions.scm
+++ b/module/rnrs/conditions.scm
@@ -82,25 +82,29 @@
-  (import (only (guile) and=> @@)
+  (import (only (guile)
+                and=>
+                make-record-type
+                record-constructor
+                record-predicate
+                record-accessor)
          (rnrs base (6))
-         (rnrs lists (6))
-         (rnrs records procedural (6)))
+         (rnrs lists (6)))
-  (define &compound-condition (make-record-type-descriptor 
-                              '&compound-condition #f #f #f #f
-                              '#((immutable components))))
+  (define &condition (make-record-type '&condition '() #:extensible? #t))
+  (define simple-condition? (record-predicate &condition))
+  (define &compound-condition (make-record-type '&compound-condition
+                                                '((immutable components))))
   (define compound-condition? (record-predicate &compound-condition))
-  (define make-compound-condition 
-    (record-constructor (make-record-constructor-descriptor 
-                        &compound-condition #f #f)))
+  (define make-compound-condition (record-constructor &compound-condition))
   (define simple-conditions
-    (let ((compound-ref (record-accessor &compound-condition 0)))
+    (let ((compound-ref (record-accessor &compound-condition 'components)))
       (lambda (condition)
         (cond ((compound-condition? condition)
                (compound-ref condition))
-              ((condition-internal? condition)
+              ((simple-condition? condition)
                (list condition))
                (assertion-violation 'simple-conditions
@@ -108,7 +112,7 @@
   (define (condition? obj) 
-    (or (compound-condition? obj) (condition-internal? obj)))
+    (or (compound-condition? obj) (simple-condition? obj)))
   (define condition
     (lambda conditions
@@ -120,41 +124,12 @@
          (make-compound-condition (apply append (map flatten conditions)))
          (car conditions))))
-  (define-syntax define-condition-type
-    (syntax-rules ()
-      ((_ condition-type supertype constructor predicate
-         (field accessor) ...)
-       (letrec-syntax
-          ((generate-accessors
-            (syntax-rules ()
-              ((_ counter (f a) . rest)
-               (begin (define a 
-                         (condition-accessor 
-                          condition-type
-                          (record-accessor condition-type counter)))
-                      (generate-accessors (+ counter 1) . rest)))
-              ((_ counter) (begin)))))
-        (define condition-type 
-           (make-record-type-descriptor 
-            'condition-type supertype #f #f #f 
-            '#((immutable field) ...)))
-         (define constructor
-           (record-constructor 
-            (make-record-constructor-descriptor condition-type #f #f)))
-         (define predicate (condition-predicate condition-type))
-         (generate-accessors 0 (field accessor) ...)))))
-  (define &condition (@@ (rnrs records procedural) &condition))
-  (define &condition-constructor-descriptor
-    (make-record-constructor-descriptor &condition #f #f))
-  (define condition-internal? (record-predicate &condition))
   (define (condition-predicate rtd)
     (let ((rtd-predicate (record-predicate rtd)))
       (lambda (obj)
        (cond ((compound-condition? obj) 
               (exists rtd-predicate (simple-conditions obj)))
-             ((condition-internal? obj) (rtd-predicate obj))
+             ((simple-condition? obj) (rtd-predicate obj))
              (else #f)))))
   (define (condition-accessor rtd proc)
@@ -165,27 +140,37 @@
               (and=> (find rtd-predicate (simple-conditions obj)) proc))
              (else #f)))))
+  (define-syntax define-condition-type
+    (syntax-rules ()
+      ((_ condition-type supertype constructor predicate
+         (field accessor) ...)
+       (begin
+         (define condition-type
+           (make-record-type 'condition-type '((immutable field) ...)
+                             #:parent supertype #:extensible? #t))
+         (define constructor (record-constructor condition-type))
+         (define predicate (condition-predicate condition-type))
+         (define accessor
+           (condition-accessor condition-type
+                               (record-accessor condition-type 'field)))
+         ...))))
+  (define-condition-type &serious &condition
+    make-serious-condition serious-condition?)
+  (define-condition-type &violation &serious
+    make-violation violation?)
+  (define-condition-type &assertion &violation
+    make-assertion-violation assertion-violation?)
   (define-condition-type &message &condition 
     make-message-condition message-condition? 
     (message condition-message))
-  (define-condition-type &warning &condition make-warning warning?)
-  (define &serious (@@ (rnrs records procedural) &serious))
-  (define make-serious-condition 
-    (@@ (rnrs records procedural) make-serious-condition))
-  (define serious-condition? (condition-predicate &serious))
-  (define-condition-type &error &serious make-error error?)
+  (define-condition-type &warning &condition
+    make-warning warning?)
-  (define &violation (@@ (rnrs records procedural) &violation))
-  (define make-violation (@@ (rnrs records procedural) make-violation))
-  (define violation? (condition-predicate &violation))
-  (define &assertion (@@ (rnrs records procedural) &assertion))
-  (define make-assertion-violation 
-    (@@ (rnrs records procedural) make-assertion-violation))
-  (define assertion-violation? (condition-predicate &assertion))
+  (define-condition-type &error &serious
+    make-error error?)
   (define-condition-type &irritants &condition 
     make-irritants-condition irritants-condition?
@@ -199,8 +184,7 @@
-  (define-condition-type &implementation-restriction
-    &violation
+  (define-condition-type &implementation-restriction &violation
@@ -213,6 +197,4 @@
     (subform syntax-violation-subform))
   (define-condition-type &undefined &violation
-    make-undefined-violation undefined-violation?)
+    make-undefined-violation undefined-violation?))
diff --git a/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm b/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm
index 52f5c25..fda87ff 100644
--- a/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm
+++ b/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm
@@ -22,20 +22,23 @@
   (import (rnrs base (6))
           (rnrs control (6))
           (rnrs conditions (6))
-         (rnrs records procedural (6))
-         (rnrs records inspection (6))
          (only (guile)
+                make-record-type
+                record-type-name
+                record-type-fields
+                record-constructor
+                record-predicate
+                record-accessor
+                struct-ref
+                struct-vtable
-                filter
-                with-throw-handler
-                *unspecified*
-                @@))
+                with-throw-handler))
   ;; When a native guile exception is caught by an R6RS exception
   ;; handler, we convert it to an R6RS compound condition that includes
@@ -77,19 +80,27 @@
   ;; 'raise' so that native Guile exception handlers will continue to
   ;; work when mixed with R6RS code.
+  (define &raise-object-wrapper
+    (make-record-type '&raise-object-wrapper
+                      '((immutable obj) (immutable continuation))))
+  (define make-raise-object-wrapper
+    (record-constructor &raise-object-wrapper))
+  (define raise-object-wrapper?
+    (record-predicate &raise-object-wrapper))
+  (define raise-object-wrapper-obj
+    (record-accessor &raise-object-wrapper 'obj))
+  (define raise-object-wrapper-continuation
+    (record-accessor &raise-object-wrapper 'continuation))
   (define (raise obj)
     (if (guile-condition? obj)
         (apply throw (guile-condition-key obj) (guile-condition-args obj))
-        ((@@ (rnrs records procedural) r6rs-raise) obj)))
-  (define raise-continuable
-    (@@ (rnrs records procedural) r6rs-raise-continuable))
+        (throw 'r6rs:exception (make-raise-object-wrapper obj #f))))
-  (define raise-object-wrapper? 
-    (@@ (rnrs records procedural) raise-object-wrapper?))
-  (define raise-object-wrapper-obj
-    (@@ (rnrs records procedural) raise-object-wrapper-obj))
-  (define raise-object-wrapper-continuation
-    (@@ (rnrs records procedural) raise-object-wrapper-continuation))
+  (define (raise-continuable obj)
+    (call/cc
+     (lambda (k)
+       (throw 'r6rs:exception (make-raise-object-wrapper obj k)))))
   (define (with-exception-handler handler thunk)
     (with-throw-handler #t
@@ -152,44 +163,23 @@
                    (loop (+ i 1) (cdr components))))))))
   (define (format-simple-condition port condition)
-    (define (print-rtd-fields rtd field-names)
-      (let ((n-fields (vector-length field-names)))
-        (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
-            ((>= i n-fields))
-          (format port "      ~a: ~s"
-                  (vector-ref field-names i)
-                  ((record-accessor rtd i) condition))
-          (unless (= i (- n-fields 1))
-            (newline port)))))
-    (let ((condition-name (record-type-name (record-rtd condition))))
-      (let loop ((rtd (record-rtd condition))
-                 (rtd.fields-list '())
-                 (n-fields 0))
-        (cond (rtd
-               (let ((field-names (record-type-field-names rtd)))
-                 (loop (record-type-parent rtd)
-                       (cons (cons rtd field-names) rtd.fields-list)
-                       (+ n-fields (vector-length field-names)))))
-              (else
-               (let ((rtd.fields-list
-                      (filter (lambda (rtd.fields)
-                                (not (zero? (vector-length (cdr rtd.fields)))))
-                              (reverse rtd.fields-list))))
-                 (case n-fields
-                   ((0) (format port "~a" condition-name))
-                   ((1) (format port "~a: ~s"
-                                condition-name
-                                ((record-accessor (caar rtd.fields-list) 0)
-                                 condition)))
-                   (else
-                    (format port "~a:\n" condition-name)
-                    (let loop ((lst rtd.fields-list))
-                      (when (pair? lst)
-                        (let ((rtd.fields (car lst)))
-                          (print-rtd-fields (car rtd.fields) (cdr rtd.fields))
-                          (when (pair? (cdr lst))
-                            (newline port))
-                          (loop (cdr lst)))))))))))))
+    (let* ((type (struct-vtable condition))
+           (name (record-type-name type))
+           (fields (record-type-fields type)))
+      (cond
+       ((null? fields)
+        (format port "~a" name))
+       ((null? (cdr fields))
+        (format port "~a: ~s" name (struct-ref condition 0)))
+       (else
+        (format port "~a:\n" name)
+        (let lp ((fields fields) (i 0))
+          (let ((field (car fields))
+                (fields (cdr fields)))
+            (format port "      ~a: ~s" field (struct-ref condition i))
+            (unless (null? fields)
+              (newline port)
+              (lp fields (+ i 1)))))))))
   (set-exception-printer! 'r6rs:exception exception-printer)
diff --git a/module/rnrs/records/inspection.scm 
index 052e84f..781f062 100644
--- a/module/rnrs/records/inspection.scm
+++ b/module/rnrs/records/inspection.scm
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
   (import (rnrs arithmetic bitwise (6))
           (rnrs base (6))
          (rnrs records procedural (6))
+         (rnrs exceptions (6))
+         (rnrs conditions (6))
          (rename (only (guile)
@@ -73,5 +75,5 @@
            (k (+ k parent-nfields)))
       (unless (and (<= parent-nfields k)
                    (< k (length (record-type-fields rtd))))
-        (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+        (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
       (logbit? k (record-type-mutable-fields rtd)))))
diff --git a/module/rnrs/records/procedural.scm 
index 08a7fd2..9eb0934 100644
--- a/module/rnrs/records/procedural.scm
+++ b/module/rnrs/records/procedural.scm
@@ -28,31 +28,27 @@
   (import (rnrs base (6))
-    (only (rename (guile)
-                  (record-accessor guile:record-accessor))
-          cons*
-          logbit?
-          when unless
-          throw
-         struct-ref
-         struct-set!
-          make-record-type
-          record-type?
-          record-type-name
-          record-type-fields
-          record-type-constructor
-          record-type-mutable-fields
-          record-type-parent
-          record-type-opaque?
-          record-predicate
-          guile:record-accessor
-          record-modifier
-          vector->list))
+          (rnrs conditions (6))
+          (rnrs exceptions (6))
+          (only (rename (guile)
+                        (record-accessor guile:record-accessor))
+                logbit?
+                when
+                unless
+                struct-ref
+                struct-set!
+                make-record-type
+                record-type?
+                record-type-name
+                record-type-fields
+                record-type-constructor
+                record-type-mutable-fields
+                record-type-parent
+                record-type-opaque?
+                record-predicate
+                guile:record-accessor
+                record-modifier
+                vector->list))
   (define (make-record-type-descriptor name parent uid sealed? opaque? fields)
     (make-record-type name (vector->list fields) #:parent parent #:uid uid
@@ -74,15 +70,15 @@
   (define (make-record-constructor-descriptor rtd parent-rcd protocol)
     (unless (record-type? rtd)
-      (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+      (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (when protocol
       (unless (procedure? protocol)
-        (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation))))
+        (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
     (when parent-rcd
       (unless (eq? (rcd-rtd parent-rcd)
                    (record-type-parent rtd))
         (when protocol
-          (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))))
+          (raise (make-assertion-violation)))))
     ((record-type-constructor record-constructor-descriptor)
      rtd parent-rcd protocol))
@@ -140,10 +136,10 @@
            (k (+ k parent-nfields)))
       (unless (and (<= parent-nfields k)
                    (< k (length (record-type-fields rtd))))
-        (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+        (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
       (lambda (obj)
         (unless (pred obj)
-          (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+          (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
         (struct-ref obj k))))
   (define (record-mutator rtd k)
@@ -155,63 +151,12 @@
            (k (+ k parent-nfields)))
       (unless (and (<= parent-nfields k)
                    (< k (length (record-type-fields rtd))))
-        (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+        (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
       (unless (logbit? k (record-type-mutable-fields rtd))
-        (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+        (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
       (lambda (obj val)
         (unless (pred obj)
-          (r6rs-raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+          (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
         (struct-set! obj k val))))
-  ;; Condition types that are used in the current library.  These are defined
-  ;; here and not in (rnrs conditions) to avoid a circular dependency.
-  (define &condition (make-record-type-descriptor '&condition #f #f #f #f 
-  (define &condition-constructor-descriptor 
-    (make-record-constructor-descriptor &condition #f #f))
-  (define &serious (make-record-type-descriptor 
-                   '&serious &condition #f #f #f '#()))
-  (define &serious-constructor-descriptor
-    (make-record-constructor-descriptor 
-     &serious &condition-constructor-descriptor #f))
-  (define make-serious-condition 
-    (record-constructor &serious-constructor-descriptor))
-  (define &violation (make-record-type-descriptor
-                     '&violation &serious #f #f #f '#()))
-  (define &violation-constructor-descriptor
-    (make-record-constructor-descriptor 
-     &violation &serious-constructor-descriptor #f))
-  (define make-violation (record-constructor 
-  (define &assertion (make-record-type-descriptor
-                     '&assertion &violation #f #f #f '#()))
-  (define make-assertion-violation 
-    (record-constructor 
-     (make-record-constructor-descriptor
-      &assertion &violation-constructor-descriptor #f)))
-  ;; Exception wrapper type, along with a wrapping `throw' implementation.
-  ;; These are used in the current library, and so they are defined here and 
-  ;; in (rnrs exceptions) to avoid a circular dependency.
-  (define &raise-object-wrapper
-    (make-record-type-descriptor '&raise-object-wrapper #f #f #f #f
-                                '#((immutable obj) (immutable continuation))))
-  (define make-raise-object-wrapper 
-    (record-constructor (make-record-constructor-descriptor 
-                        &raise-object-wrapper #f #f)))
-  (define raise-object-wrapper? (record-predicate &raise-object-wrapper))
-  (define raise-object-wrapper-obj (record-accessor &raise-object-wrapper 0))
-  (define raise-object-wrapper-continuation 
-    (record-accessor &raise-object-wrapper 1))
-  (define (r6rs-raise obj) 
-    (throw 'r6rs:exception (make-raise-object-wrapper obj #f)))
-  (define (r6rs-raise-continuable obj)
-    (define (r6rs-raise-continuable-internal continuation)
-      (throw 'r6rs:exception (make-raise-object-wrapper obj continuation)))
-    (call/cc r6rs-raise-continuable-internal))

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