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[Guile-commits] 11/11: Port dead code elimination (DCE) pass to CPS2

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 11/11: Port dead code elimination (DCE) pass to CPS2
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 17:33:01 +0000

wingo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guile.

commit 48b2f190b2661c329ec95dee83b8eb08f605f25e
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed May 20 11:36:57 2015 +0200

    Port dead code elimination (DCE) pass to CPS2
    * module/language/cps2/dce.scm: New file.
    * module/language/cps2/optimize.scm: Enable CPS2 DCE pass.
    * module/ Add language/cps2/dce.scm.
 module/                |    1 +
 module/language/cps2/dce.scm      |  403 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 module/language/cps2/optimize.scm |    2 +
 3 files changed, 406 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index 6c6830f..fe49d17 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ CPS_LANG_SOURCES =                                          
 CPS2_LANG_SOURCES =                                            \
   language/cps2.scm                                            \
   language/cps2/compile-cps.scm                                        \
+  language/cps2/dce.scm                                                \
   language/cps2/effects-analysis.scm                           \
   language/cps2/renumber.scm                                   \
   language/cps2/optimize.scm                                   \
diff --git a/module/language/cps2/dce.scm b/module/language/cps2/dce.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f7086a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/cps2/dce.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
+;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; This pass kills dead expressions: code that has no side effects, and
+;;; whose value is unused.  It does so by marking all live values, and
+;;; then discarding other values as dead.  This happens recursively
+;;; through procedures, so it should be possible to elide dead
+;;; procedures as well.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (language cps2 dce)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (language cps2)
+  #:use-module (language cps2 effects-analysis)
+  #:use-module (language cps2 renumber)
+  ;; #:use-module (language cps2 types)
+  #:use-module (language cps2 utils)
+  #:use-module (language cps intmap)
+  #:use-module (language cps intset)
+  #:export (eliminate-dead-code))
+(define (elide-type-checks conts effects)
+  "Given CONTS, an intmap of the conts in one local function, remove any
+&type-check effect from EFFECTS where we can prove that no assertion
+will be raised at run-time."
+  #;
+  (let ((types (infer-types conts)))
+    (define (visit-primcall effects fx label name args)
+      (if (primcall-types-check? types label name args)
+          (intmap-add! effects label (logand fx (lognot &type-check))
+                       (lambda (old new) new))
+          effects))
+    (persistent-intmap
+     (intmap-fold (lambda (label cont effects)
+                    (let ((fx (intmap-ref effects label)))
+                      (cond
+                       ((causes-all-effects? fx) effects)
+                       ((causes-effect? fx &type-check)
+                        (match cont
+                          (($ $kargs _ _ exp)
+                           (match exp
+                             (($ $continue k src ($ $primcall name args))
+                              (visit-primcall effects fx label name args))
+                             (($ $continue k src ($ $branch _ ($primcall name 
+                              (visit-primcall effects fx label name args))
+                             (_ effects)))
+                          (_ effects)))
+                       (else effects))))
+                  conts
+                  effects)))
+  effects)
+(define (fold-local-conts proc conts label seed)
+  (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+    (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
+     (let lp ((label label) (seed seed))
+       (if (<= label tail)
+           (lp (1+ label) (proc label (intmap-ref conts label) seed))
+           seed)))))
+(define (postorder-fold-local-conts2 proc conts label seed0 seed1)
+  (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+    (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
+     (let ((start label))
+       (let lp ((label tail) (seed0 seed0) (seed1 seed1))
+         (if (<= start label)
+             (let ((cont (intmap-ref conts label)))
+               (call-with-values (lambda () (proc label cont seed0 seed1))
+                 (lambda (seed0 seed1)
+                   (lp (1- label) seed0 seed1))))
+             (values seed0 seed1)))))))
+(define (fold-nested-functions proc conts seed)
+  "Given the renumbered program CONTS, fold PROC over subsets of
+CONTS that correspond to each function in the program."
+  (define (visit-fun label seed)
+    (call-with-values
+        (lambda ()
+          (postorder-fold-local-conts2
+           (lambda (label cont body nested)
+             (values (intmap-add! body label cont)
+                     (match cont
+                       (($ $kargs names vars ($ $continue k src exp))
+                        (match exp
+                          (($ $fun kfun)
+                           (intset-add! nested kfun))
+                          (($ $rec names vars (($ $fun kfun) ...))
+                           (fold1 (lambda (kfun nested)
+                                    (intset-add! nested kfun))
+                                  kfun
+                                  nested))
+                          (_ nested)))
+                       (_ nested))))
+           conts label empty-intmap empty-intset))
+      (lambda (body nested)
+        (intset-fold visit-fun
+                     nested
+                     (proc (persistent-intmap body) seed)))))
+  (visit-fun 0 seed))
+(define (compute-known-allocations conts effects)
+  "Compute the variables bound in CONTS that have known allocation
+  ;; Compute the set of conts that are called with freshly allocated
+  ;; values, and subtract from that set the conts that might be called
+  ;; with values with unknown allocation sites.  Then convert that set
+  ;; of conts into a set of bound variables.
+  (call-with-values
+      (lambda ()
+        (intmap-fold (lambda (label cont known unknown)
+                       ;; Note that we only need to add labels to the
+                       ;; known/unknown sets if the labels can bind
+                       ;; values.  So there's no need to add tail,
+                       ;; clause, branch alternate, or prompt handler
+                       ;; labels, as they bind no values.
+                       (match cont
+                         (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k))
+                          (let ((fx (intmap-ref effects label)))
+                            (if (and (not (causes-all-effects? fx))
+                                     (causes-effect? fx &allocation))
+                                (values (intset-add! known k) unknown)
+                                (values known (intset-add! unknown k)))))
+                         (($ $kreceive arity kargs)
+                          (values known (intset-add! unknown kargs)))
+                         (($ $kfun src meta self tail clause)
+                          (values known unknown))
+                         (($ $kclause arity body alt)
+                          (values known (intset-add! unknown body)))
+                         (($ $ktail)
+                          (values known unknown))))
+                     conts
+                     empty-intset
+                     empty-intset))
+    (lambda (known unknown)
+      (persistent-intset
+       (intset-fold (lambda (label vars)
+                      (match (intmap-ref conts label)
+                        (($ $kargs (_) (var)) (intset-add! vars var))
+                        (_ vars)))
+                    (intset-subtract (persistent-intset known)
+                                     (persistent-intset unknown))
+                    empty-intset)))))
+(define (compute-live-code conts)
+  (let* ((effects (fold-nested-functions elide-type-checks
+                                         conts
+                                         (compute-effects conts)))
+         (known-allocations (compute-known-allocations conts effects)))
+    (define (adjoin-var var set)
+      (intset-add set var))
+    (define (adjoin-vars vars set)
+      (match vars
+        (() set)
+        ((var . vars) (adjoin-vars vars (adjoin-var var set)))))
+    (define (var-live? var live-vars)
+      (intset-ref live-vars var))
+    (define (any-var-live? vars live-vars)
+      (match vars
+        (() #f)
+        ((var . vars)
+         (or (var-live? var live-vars)
+             (any-var-live? vars live-vars)))))
+    (define (cont-defs k)
+      (match (intmap-ref conts k)
+        (($ $kargs _ vars) vars)
+        (_ #f)))
+    (define (visit-live-exp label k exp live-exps live-vars)
+      (match exp
+        ((or ($ $const) ($ $prim))
+         (values live-exps live-vars))
+        (($ $fun body)
+         (visit-fun body live-exps live-vars))
+        (($ $rec names vars (($ $fun kfuns) ...))
+         (let lp ((vars vars) (kfuns kfuns)
+                  (live-exps live-exps) (live-vars live-vars))
+           (match (vector vars kfuns)
+             (#(() ()) (values live-exps live-vars))
+             (#((var . vars) (kfun . kfuns))
+              (if (var-live? var live-vars)
+                  (call-with-values (lambda ()
+                                      (visit-fun kfun live-exps live-vars))
+                    (lambda (live-exps live-vars)
+                      (lp vars kfuns live-exps live-vars)))
+                  (lp vars kfuns live-exps live-vars))))))
+        (($ $prompt escape? tag handler)
+         (values live-exps (adjoin-var tag live-vars)))
+        (($ $call proc args)
+         (values live-exps (adjoin-vars args (adjoin-var proc live-vars))))
+        (($ $callk k proc args)
+         (values live-exps (adjoin-vars args (adjoin-var proc live-vars))))
+        (($ $primcall name args)
+         (values live-exps (adjoin-vars args live-vars)))
+        (($ $branch k ($ $primcall name args))
+         (values live-exps (adjoin-vars args live-vars)))
+        (($ $branch k ($ $values (arg)))
+         (values live-exps (adjoin-var arg live-vars)))
+        (($ $values args)
+         (values live-exps
+                 (match (cont-defs k)
+                   (#f (adjoin-vars args live-vars))
+                   (defs (fold (lambda (use def live-vars)
+                                 (if (var-live? def live-vars)
+                                     (adjoin-var use live-vars)
+                                     live-vars))
+                               live-vars args defs)))))))
+    (define (visit-exp label k exp live-exps live-vars)
+      (cond
+       ((intset-ref live-exps label)
+        ;; Expression live already.
+        (visit-live-exp label k exp live-exps live-vars))
+       ((let ((defs (cont-defs k))
+              (fx (intmap-ref effects label)))
+          (or
+           ;; No defs; perhaps continuation is $ktail.
+           (not defs)
+           ;; We don't remove branches.
+           (match exp (($ $branch) #t) (_ #f))
+           ;; Do we have a live def?
+           (any-var-live? defs live-vars)
+           ;; Does this expression cause all effects?  If so, it's
+           ;; definitely live.
+           (causes-all-effects? fx)
+           ;; Does it cause a type check, but we weren't able to prove
+           ;; that the types check?
+           (causes-effect? fx &type-check)
+           ;; We might have a setter.  If the object being assigned to
+           ;; is live or was not created by us, then this expression is
+           ;; live.  Otherwise the value is still dead.
+           (and (causes-effect? fx &write)
+                (match exp
+                  (($ $primcall
+                      (or 'vector-set! 'vector-set!/immediate
+                          'set-car! 'set-cdr!
+                          'box-set!)
+                      (obj . _))
+                   (or (var-live? obj live-vars)
+                       (not (intset-ref known-allocations obj))))
+                  (_ #t)))))
+        ;; Mark expression as live and visit.
+        (visit-live-exp label k exp (intset-add live-exps label) live-vars))
+       (else
+        ;; Still dead.
+        (values live-exps live-vars))))
+    (define (visit-fun label live-exps live-vars)
+      ;; Visit uses before definitions.
+      (postorder-fold-local-conts2
+       (lambda (label cont live-exps live-vars)
+         (match cont
+           (($ $kargs _ _ ($ $continue k src exp))
+            (visit-exp label k exp live-exps live-vars))
+           (($ $kreceive arity kargs)
+            (values live-exps live-vars))
+           (($ $kclause arity kargs kalt)
+            (values live-exps (adjoin-vars (cont-defs kargs) live-vars)))
+           (($ $kfun src meta self)
+            (values live-exps (adjoin-var self live-vars)))
+           (($ $ktail)
+            (values live-exps live-vars))))
+       conts label live-exps live-vars))
+    (fixpoint (lambda (live-exps live-vars)
+                (visit-fun 0 live-exps live-vars))
+              empty-intset
+              empty-intset)))
+(define-syntax adjoin-conts
+  (syntax-rules ()
+    ((_ (exp ...) clause ...)
+     (let ((cps (exp ...)))
+       (adjoin-conts cps clause ...)))
+    ((_ cps (label cont) clause ...)
+     (adjoin-conts (intmap-add! cps label (build-cont cont))
+       clause ...))
+    ((_ cps)
+     cps)))
+(define (process-eliminations conts live-exps live-vars)
+  (define (exp-live? label)
+    (intset-ref live-exps label))
+  (define (value-live? var)
+    (intset-ref live-vars var))
+  (define (make-adaptor k src defs)
+    (let* ((names (map (lambda (_) 'tmp) defs))
+           (vars (map (lambda (_) (fresh-var)) defs))
+           (live (filter-map (lambda (def var)
+                               (and (value-live? def) var))
+                             defs vars)))
+      (build-cont
+        ($kargs names vars
+          ($continue k src ($values live))))))
+  (define (visit-term label term cps)
+    (match term
+      (($ $continue k src exp)
+       (if (exp-live? label)
+           (match exp
+             (($ $fun body)
+              (values (visit-fun body cps)
+                      term))
+             (($ $rec names vars funs)
+              (match (filter-map (lambda (name var fun)
+                                   (and (value-live? var)
+                                        (list name var fun)))
+                                 names vars funs)
+                (()
+                 (values cps
+                         (build-term ($continue k src ($values ())))))
+                (((names vars funs) ...)
+                 (values (fold1 (lambda (fun cps)
+                                  (match fun
+                                    (($ $fun kfun)
+                                     (visit-fun kfun cps))))
+                                funs cps)
+                         (build-term ($continue k src
+                                       ($rec names vars funs)))))))
+             (_
+              (match (intmap-ref conts k)
+                (($ $kargs ())
+                 (values cps term))
+                (($ $kargs names ((? value-live?) ...))
+                 (values cps term))
+                (($ $kargs names vars)
+                 (match exp
+                   (($ $values args)
+                    (let ((args (filter-map (lambda (use def)
+                                              (and (value-live? def) use))
+                                            args vars)))
+                      (values cps
+                              (build-term
+                                ($continue k src ($values args))))))
+                   (_
+                    (let-fresh (adapt) ()
+                      (values (adjoin-conts cps
+                                (adapt ,(make-adaptor k src vars)))
+                              (build-term
+                                ($continue adapt src ,exp)))))))
+                (_
+                 (values cps term)))))
+           (values cps
+                   (build-term
+                     ($continue k src ($values ()))))))))
+  (define (visit-cont label cont cps)
+    (match cont
+      (($ $kargs names vars term)
+       (match (filter-map (lambda (name var)
+                            (and (value-live? var)
+                                 (cons name var)))
+                          names vars)
+         (((names . vars) ...)
+          (call-with-values (lambda () (visit-term label term cps))
+            (lambda (cps term)
+              (adjoin-conts cps
+                (label ($kargs names vars ,term))))))))
+      (($ $kreceive ($ $arity req () rest () #f) kargs)
+       (let ((defs (match (intmap-ref conts kargs)
+                     (($ $kargs names vars) vars))))
+         (if (and-map value-live? defs)
+             (adjoin-conts cps (label ,cont))
+             (let-fresh (adapt) ()
+               (adjoin-conts cps
+                 (adapt ,(make-adaptor kargs #f defs))
+                 (label ($kreceive req rest adapt)))))))
+      (_
+       (adjoin-conts cps (label ,cont)))))
+  (define (visit-fun kfun cps)
+    (fold-local-conts visit-cont conts kfun cps))
+  (with-fresh-name-state conts
+    (persistent-intmap (visit-fun 0 empty-intmap))))
+(define (eliminate-dead-code conts)
+  ;; We work on a renumbered program so that we can easily visit uses
+  ;; before definitions just by visiting higher-numbered labels before
+  ;; lower-numbered labels.  Renumbering is also a precondition for type
+  ;; inference.
+  (let ((conts (renumber conts)))
+    (call-with-values (lambda () (compute-live-code conts))
+      (lambda (live-exps live-vars)
+        (process-eliminations conts live-exps live-vars)))))
+;;; Local Variables:
+;;; eval: (put 'adjoin-conts 'scheme-indent-function 1)
+;;; End:
diff --git a/module/language/cps2/optimize.scm 
index 2ccd3b1..d5fb329 100644
--- a/module/language/cps2/optimize.scm
+++ b/module/language/cps2/optimize.scm
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 (define-module (language cps2 optimize)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (language cps2 dce)
   #:use-module (language cps2 simplify)
   #:export (optimize))
@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@
   ;; any case, though currently it does not because it doesn't do escape
   ;; analysis on the box created for the set!.
+  (run-pass! eliminate-dead-code #:dce2? #t)
   (run-pass! simplify #:simplify? #t)

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