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[Guile-commits] GNU Guile branch, stable-2.0, updated. v2.0.2-137-gb275f

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] GNU Guile branch, stable-2.0, updated. v2.0.2-137-gb275fb2
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 17:39:58 +0000

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GNU Guile".

The branch, stable-2.0 has been updated
       via  b275fb2691af150cc57e395e65df5a66e315017e (commit)
      from  df40b969780df2979f9f5e1c9ae8b9d6f09dbd9a (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b275fb2691af150cc57e395e65df5a66e315017e
Author: Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed Sep 28 19:39:25 2011 +0200

    separate peval and a new canonicalization pass into their own modules
    * module/language/tree-il/peval.scm: Move to its own file.  Remove the
      bits about <prompt> thunk-application bodies, as they are not
      optimizations, simply expectations of the compiler.  `canonicalize'
      handles that now.
    * module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm: Use peval from its module.
      Don't call `inline!', as that's useless now.
    * module/language/tree-il/canonicalize.scm: New file, implementing a
      pass that `compile-tree-il' runs on the result from the optimizer.
      The compiler currently expects a <let> form to have bindings, for
      example, and this pass turns a <let> without bindings into its body.
    * module/language/tree-il/inline.scm: Deprecate, as `peval' does
      everything this function ever did.
    * module/language/tree-il/compile-glil.scm: Canonicalize after
      optimizing.  This should allow us to skip the optimizer entirely, if
      we want.
    * module/ Update and reorder a little bit.


Summary of changes:
 module/                                 |    6 +-
 module/language/tree-il/canonicalize.scm           |   86 ++
 module/language/tree-il/compile-glil.scm           |    2 +
 module/language/tree-il/inline.scm                 |  201 +----
 module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm               |  964 +-------------------
 .../language/tree-il/{optimize.scm => peval.scm}   |   60 +--
 6 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 1215 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 module/language/tree-il/canonicalize.scm
 copy module/language/tree-il/{optimize.scm => peval.scm} (95%)

diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index 0787f20..6b265b6 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -91,10 +91,12 @@ SCHEME_LANG_SOURCES =                                       
 TREE_IL_LANG_SOURCES =                                         \
   language/tree-il/primitives.scm                              \
-  language/tree-il/optimize.scm                                 \
-  language/tree-il/inline.scm                                   \
+  language/tree-il/peval.scm                                   \
   language/tree-il/fix-letrec.scm                               \
+  language/tree-il/optimize.scm                                 \
+  language/tree-il/canonicalize.scm                             \
   language/tree-il/analyze.scm                                 \
+  language/tree-il/inline.scm                                  \
   language/tree-il/compile-glil.scm                            \
diff --git a/module/language/tree-il/canonicalize.scm 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f5612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/tree-il/canonicalize.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;;; Tree-il canonicalizer
+;; Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (language tree-il canonicalize)
+  #:use-module (language tree-il)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:export (canonicalize!))
+(define (tree-il-any proc exp)
+  (tree-il-fold (lambda (exp res)
+                  (or res (proc exp)))
+                (lambda (exp res)
+                  (or res (proc exp)))
+                (lambda (exp res) res)
+                #f exp))
+(define (canonicalize! x)
+  (post-order!
+   (lambda (x)
+     (match x
+       (($ <sequence> src (tail))
+        tail)
+       (($ <sequence> src exps)
+        (and (any sequence? exps)
+             (make-sequence src
+                            (append-map (lambda (x)
+                                          (if (sequence? x)
+                                              (sequence-exps x)
+                                              (list x)))
+                                        exps))))
+       (($ <let> src () () () body)
+        body)
+       (($ <letrec> src _ () () () body)
+        body)
+       (($ <fix> src () () () body)
+        body)
+       (($ <dynlet> src () () body)
+        body)
+       (($ <prompt> src tag body handler)
+        (define (escape-only? handler)
+          (match handler
+            (($ <lambda-case> _ (_ . _) _ _ _ _ (cont . _) body #f)
+             (tree-il-any (lambda (x)
+                            (and (lexical-ref? x)
+                                 (eq? (lexical-ref-gensym x) cont)))
+                          body))
+            (else #f)))
+        (define (thunk-application? x)
+          (match x
+            (($ <application> _
+                ($ <lambda> _ _ ($ <lambda-case> _ () #f #f #f))
+                ()) #t)
+            (_ #f)))
+        (define (make-thunk-application body)
+          (define thunk
+            (make-lambda #f '()
+                         (make-lambda-case #f '() #f #f #f '() '() body #f)))
+          (make-application #f thunk '()))
+        ;; This code has a nasty job to do: to ensure that either the
+        ;; handler is escape-only, or the body is the application of a
+        ;; thunk.  Sad but true.
+        (if (or (escape-only? handler)
+                (thunk-application? body))
+            #f
+            (make-prompt src tag (make-thunk-application body) handler)))
+       (_ #f)))
+   x))
diff --git a/module/language/tree-il/compile-glil.scm 
index 518823d..3daac7f 100644
--- a/module/language/tree-il/compile-glil.scm
+++ b/module/language/tree-il/compile-glil.scm
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
   #:use-module (system vm instruction)
   #:use-module (language tree-il)
   #:use-module (language tree-il optimize)
+  #:use-module (language tree-il canonicalize)
   #:use-module (language tree-il analyze)
   #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (filter-map))
   #:export (compile-glil))
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
   (let* ((x (make-lambda (tree-il-src x) '()
                          (make-lambda-case #f '() #f #f #f '() '() x #f)))
          (x (optimize! x e opts))
+         (x (canonicalize! x))
          (allocation (analyze-lexicals x)))
     (with-fluids ((*comp-module* e))
diff --git a/module/language/tree-il/inline.scm 
index 67441ea..5a2d9af 100644
--- a/module/language/tree-il/inline.scm
+++ b/module/language/tree-il/inline.scm
@@ -17,204 +17,9 @@
 ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
 (define-module (language tree-il inline)
-  #:use-module (system base pmatch)
-  #:use-module (system base syntax)
-  #:use-module (language tree-il)
   #:export (inline!))
-;; Possible optimizations:
-;; * constant folding, propagation
-;; * procedure inlining
-;;   * always when single call site
-;;   * always for "trivial" procs
-;;   * otherwise who knows
-;; * dead code elimination
-;; * degenerate case optimizations
-;; * "fixing letrec"
-(define (boolean-value x)
-  (let ((src (tree-il-src x)))
-    (record-case x
-      ((<void>)
-       (make-const src #t))
-      ;; FIXME: This is redundant with what the partial evaluator does.
-      ((<conditional> test consequent alternate)
-       (record-case (boolean-value test)
-         ((<const> exp)
-          (case exp
-            ((#t) (boolean-value consequent))
-            ((#f) (boolean-value alternate))
-            (else x)))
-         (else x)))
-      ((<application> src proc args)
-       (record-case proc
-         ;; ((lambda (y ...) x) z ...) => (let ((y z) ...) x)
-         ((<primitive-ref> name)
-          (case name
-            ((memq memv)
-             (pmatch args
-               ((,k ,l) (guard (const? l) (list? (const-exp l)))
-                (cond
-                 ((null? (const-exp l))
-                  (make-const #f #f))
-                 ((const? k)
-                  (make-const #f (->bool ((case name
-                                            ((memq) memq)
-                                            ((memv) memv)
-                                            (else (error "unexpected member 
func" name)))
-                                          (const-exp k) (const-exp l)))))
-                 (else
-                  (let lp ((elts (const-exp l)))
-                    (let ((test (make-application
-                                 #f
-                                 (make-primitive-ref #f (case name
-                                                          ((memq) 'eq?)
-                                                          ((memv) 'eqv?)
-                                                          (else (error 
-                                 (list k (make-const #f (car elts))))))
-                      (if (null? (cdr elts))
-                          test
-                          (make-conditional
-                           src
-                           test
-                           (make-const #f #t)
-                           (lp (cdr elts)))))))))
-               (else x)))
-            (else x)))
-         (else x)))
-      ((<lambda> meta body)
-       (make-const src #t))
-      ((<const> exp)
-       (make-const src (not (not exp))))
-      (else
-       x))))
-;; This is a completely brain-dead optimization pass whose sole claim to
-;; fame is ((lambda () x)) => x.
 (define (inline! x)
-  (define (inline1 x)
-    (record-case x
-      ((<application> src proc args)
-       (record-case proc
-         ;; ((lambda (y ...) x) z ...) => (let ((y z) ...) x)
-         ((<lambda> body)
-          (let lp ((lcase body))
-            (and lcase
-                 (record-case lcase
-                   ((<lambda-case> req opt rest kw inits gensyms body 
-                    (if (and (= (length gensyms) (length req) (length args)))
-                        (let ((x (make-let src req gensyms args body)))
-                          (or (inline1 x) x))
-                        (lp alternate)))))))
-         ((<primitive-ref> name)
-          (case name
-            ((@call-with-values)
-             (pmatch args
-               ;; (call-with-values (lambda () foo) (lambda (a b . c) bar))
-               ;; => (let-values (((a b . c) foo)) bar)
-               ;;
-               ;; Note that this is a singly-binding form of let-values.
-               ;; Also note that Scheme's let-values expands into
-               ;; call-with-values, then here we reduce it to tree-il's
-               ;; let-values.
-               ((,producer ,consumer)
-                (guard (lambda? consumer)
-                       (lambda-case? (lambda-body consumer))
-                       (not (lambda-case-opt (lambda-body consumer)))
-                       (not (lambda-case-kw (lambda-body consumer)))
-                       (not (lambda-case-alternate (lambda-body consumer))))
-                (make-let-values
-                 src
-                 (let ((x (make-application src producer '())))
-                   (or (inline1 x) x))
-                 (lambda-body consumer)))
-               (else #f)))
-            (else #f)))
-         (else #f)))
-      ((<conditional> test consequent alternate)
-       (let ((btest (boolean-value test)))
-         (or (record-case btest
-               ((<const> exp)
-                (case exp
-                  ((#t) consequent)
-                  ((#f) alternate)
-                  (else #f)))
-               (else #f))
-             (if (eq? test btest)
-                 x
-                 (make-conditional (conditional-src x)
-                                   btest consequent alternate)))))
-      ((<let> gensyms body)
-       (if (null? gensyms) body x))
-      ((<letrec> gensyms body)
-       (if (null? gensyms) body x))
-      ((<fix> gensyms body)
-       (if (null? gensyms) body x))
-      ((<lambda-case> req opt rest kw gensyms body alternate)
-       (define (args-compatible? args gensyms)
-         (let lp ((args args) (gensyms gensyms))
-           (cond
-            ((null? args) (null? gensyms))
-            ((null? gensyms) #f)
-            ((and (lexical-ref? (car args))
-                  (eq? (lexical-ref-gensym (car args)) (car gensyms)))
-             (lp (cdr args) (cdr gensyms)))
-            (else #f))))
-       (and (not opt) (not kw) rest (not alternate)
-            (record-case body
-              ((<application> proc args)
-               ;; (lambda args (apply (lambda ...) args)) => (lambda ...)
-               (and (primitive-ref? proc)
-                    (eq? (primitive-ref-name proc) '@apply)
-                    (pair? args)
-                    (lambda? (car args))
-                    (args-compatible? (cdr args) gensyms)
-                    (lambda-body (car args))))
-              (else #f))))
-      ;; Actually the opposite of inlining -- if the prompt cannot be proven to
-      ;; be escape-only, ensure that its body is the application of a thunk.
-      ((<prompt> src tag body handler)
-       (define (escape-only? handler)
-         (and (pair? (lambda-case-req handler))
-              (let ((cont (car (lambda-case-gensyms handler))))
-                (tree-il-fold (lambda (leaf escape-only?)
-                                (and escape-only?
-                                     (not
-                                      (and (lexical-ref? leaf)
-                                           (eq? (lexical-ref-gensym leaf) 
-                              (lambda (down escape-only?) escape-only?)
-                              (lambda (up escape-only?) escape-only?)
-                              #t
-                              (lambda-case-body handler)))))
-       (define (make-thunk body)
-         (make-lambda #f '() (make-lambda-case #f '() #f #f #f '() '() body 
-       (if (or (and (application? body)
-                    (lambda? (application-proc body))
-                    (null? (application-args body)))
-               (escape-only? handler))
-           x
-           (make-prompt src tag
-                        (make-application #f (make-thunk body) '())
-                        handler)))
-      (else #f)))
-  (post-order! inline1 x))
+  (issue-deprecation-warning
+   "`inline!' is deprecated.  Use (language tree-il peval) instead.")
+  x)
diff --git a/module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm 
index fee629a..cb19905 100644
--- a/module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm
+++ b/module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm
@@ -21,14 +21,9 @@
 (define-module (language tree-il optimize)
   #:use-module (language tree-il)
   #:use-module (language tree-il primitives)
-  #:use-module (language tree-il inline)
+  #:use-module (language tree-il peval)
   #:use-module (language tree-il fix-letrec)
-  #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
-  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
   #:export (optimize!))
 (define (optimize! x env opts)
@@ -37,961 +32,6 @@
                   ;; Disable partial evaluation.
                   (lambda (x e) x))
                  (_ peval))))
-   (inline!
      (peval (expand-primitives! (resolve-primitives! x env))
-            env)))))
-;;; Partial evaluation.
-(define (fresh-gensyms syms)
-  (map (lambda (x) (gensym (string-append (symbol->string x) " ")))
-       syms))
-(define (alpha-rename exp)
-  "Alpha-rename EXP.  For any lambda in EXP, generate new symbols and
-replace all lexical references to the former symbols with lexical
-references to the new symbols."
-  ;; XXX: This should be factorized somehow.
-  (let loop ((exp     exp)
-             (mapping vlist-null))             ; maps old to new gensyms
-    (match exp
-      (($ <lambda-case> src req opt rest kw inits gensyms body alt)
-       ;; Create new symbols to replace GENSYMS and propagate them down
-       ;; in BODY and ALT.
-       (let* ((new     (fresh-gensyms
-                        (append req
-                                (or opt '())
-                                (if rest (list rest) '())
-                                (match kw
-                                  ((aok? (_ name _) ...) name)
-                                  (_ '())))))
-              (mapping (fold vhash-consq mapping gensyms new)))
-         (make-lambda-case src req opt rest
-                           (match kw
-                             ((aok? (kw name old) ...)
-                              (cons aok? (map list
-                                              kw
-                                              name
-                                              (take-right new (length old)))))
-                             (_ #f))
-                           (map (cut loop <> mapping) inits)
-                           new
-                           (loop body mapping)
-                           (and alt (loop alt mapping)))))
-      (($ <lexical-ref> src name gensym)
-       ;; Possibly replace GENSYM by the new gensym defined in MAPPING.
-       (let ((val (vhash-assq gensym mapping)))
-         (if val
-             (make-lexical-ref src name (cdr val))
-             exp)))
-      (($ <lexical-set> src name gensym exp)
-       (let ((val (vhash-assq gensym mapping)))
-         (make-lexical-set src name (if val (cdr val) gensym)
-                           (loop exp mapping))))
-      (($ <lambda> src meta body)
-       (make-lambda src meta (loop body mapping)))
-      (($ <let> src names gensyms vals body)
-       ;; As for `lambda-case' rename GENSYMS to avoid any collision.
-       (let* ((new     (fresh-gensyms names))
-              (mapping (fold vhash-consq mapping gensyms new))
-              (vals    (map (cut loop <> mapping) vals))
-              (body    (loop body mapping)))
-         (make-let src names new vals body)))
-      (($ <letrec> src in-order? names gensyms vals body)
-       ;; Likewise.
-       (let* ((new     (fresh-gensyms names))
-              (mapping (fold vhash-consq mapping gensyms new))
-              (vals    (map (cut loop <> mapping) vals))
-              (body    (loop body mapping)))
-         (make-letrec src in-order? names new vals body)))
-      (($ <fix> src names gensyms vals body)
-       ;; Likewise.
-       (let* ((new     (fresh-gensyms names))
-              (mapping (fold vhash-consq mapping gensyms new))
-              (vals    (map (cut loop <> mapping) vals))
-              (body    (loop body mapping)))
-         (make-fix src names new vals body)))
-      (($ <let-values> src exp body)
-       (make-let-values src (loop exp mapping) (loop body mapping)))
-      (($ <const>)
-       exp)
-      (($ <void>)
-       exp)
-      (($ <toplevel-ref>)
-       exp)
-      (($ <module-ref>)
-       exp)
-      (($ <primitive-ref>)
-       exp)
-      (($ <toplevel-set> src name exp)
-       (make-toplevel-set src name (loop exp mapping)))
-      (($ <toplevel-define> src name exp)
-       (make-toplevel-define src name (loop exp mapping)))
-      (($ <module-set> src mod name public? exp)
-       (make-module-set src mod name public? (loop exp mapping)))
-      (($ <dynlet> src fluids vals body)
-       (make-dynlet src
-                    (map (cut loop <> mapping) fluids)
-                    (map (cut loop <> mapping) vals)
-                    (loop body mapping)))
-      (($ <dynwind> src winder body unwinder)
-       (make-dynwind src
-                     (loop winder mapping)
-                     (loop body mapping)
-                     (loop unwinder mapping)))
-      (($ <dynref> src fluid)
-       (make-dynref src (loop fluid mapping)))
-      (($ <dynset> src fluid exp)
-       (make-dynset src (loop fluid mapping) (loop exp mapping)))
-      (($ <conditional> src condition subsequent alternate)
-       (make-conditional src
-                         (loop condition mapping)
-                         (loop subsequent mapping)
-                         (loop alternate mapping)))
-      (($ <application> src proc args)
-       (make-application src (loop proc mapping)
-                         (map (cut loop <> mapping) args)))
-      (($ <sequence> src exps)
-       (make-sequence src (map (cut loop <> mapping) exps)))
-      (($ <prompt> src tag body handler)
-       (make-prompt src (loop tag mapping) (loop body mapping)
-                    (loop handler mapping)))
-      (($ <abort> src tag args tail)
-       (make-abort src (loop tag mapping) (map (cut loop <> mapping) args)
-                   (loop tail mapping))))))
-(define-syntax-rule (let/ec k e e* ...)
-  (let ((tag (make-prompt-tag)))
-    (call-with-prompt
-     tag
-     (lambda ()
-       (let ((k (lambda args (apply abort-to-prompt tag args))))
-         e e* ...))
-     (lambda (_ res) res))))
-(define (tree-il-any proc exp)
-  (let/ec k
-    (tree-il-fold (lambda (exp res)
-                    (let ((res (proc exp)))
-                      (if res (k res) #f)))
-                  (lambda (exp res)
-                    (let ((res (proc exp)))
-                      (if res (k res) #f)))
-                  (lambda (exp res) #f)
-                  #f exp)))
-(define (vlist-any proc vlist)
-  (let ((len (vlist-length vlist)))
-    (let lp ((i 0))
-      (and (< i len)
-           (or (proc (vlist-ref vlist i))
-               (lp (1+ i)))))))
-(define-record-type <var>
-  (make-var name gensym refcount set?)
-  var?
-  (name var-name)
-  (gensym var-gensym)
-  (refcount var-refcount set-var-refcount!)
-  (set? var-set? set-var-set?!))
-(define* (build-var-table exp #:optional (table vlist-null))
-  (tree-il-fold
-   (lambda (exp res)
-     (match exp
-       (($ <lexical-ref> src name gensym)
-        (let ((var (vhash-assq gensym res)))
-          (if var
-              (begin
-                (set-var-refcount! (cdr var) (1+ (var-refcount (cdr var))))
-                res)
-              (vhash-consq gensym (make-var name gensym 1 #f) res))))
-       (_ res)))
-   (lambda (exp res)
-     (match exp
-       (($ <lexical-set> src name gensym exp)
-        (let ((var (vhash-assq gensym res)))
-          (if var
-              (begin
-                (set-var-set?! (cdr var) #t)
-                res)
-              (vhash-consq gensym (make-var name gensym 0 #t) res))))
-       (_ res)))
-   (lambda (exp res) res)
-   table exp))
-(define-record-type <counter>
-  (%make-counter effort size continuation recursive? data prev)
-  counter?
-  (effort effort-counter)
-  (size size-counter)
-  (continuation counter-continuation)
-  (recursive? counter-recursive?)
-  (data counter-data)
-  (prev counter-prev))
-(define (abort-counter c)
-  ((counter-continuation c)))
-(define (record-effort! c)
-  (let ((e (effort-counter c)))
-    (if (zero? (variable-ref e))
-        (abort-counter c)
-        (variable-set! e (1- (variable-ref e))))))
-(define (record-size! c)
-  (let ((s (size-counter c)))
-    (if (zero? (variable-ref s))
-        (abort-counter c)
-        (variable-set! s (1- (variable-ref s))))))
-(define (find-counter data counter)
-  (and counter
-       (if (eq? data (counter-data counter))
-           counter
-           (find-counter data (counter-prev counter)))))
-(define* (transfer! from to #:optional
-                    (effort (variable-ref (effort-counter from)))
-                    (size (variable-ref (size-counter from))))
-  (define (transfer-counter! from-v to-v amount)
-    (let* ((from-balance (variable-ref from-v))
-           (to-balance (variable-ref to-v))
-           (amount (min amount from-balance)))
-      (variable-set! from-v (- from-balance amount))
-      (variable-set! to-v (+ to-balance amount))))
-  (transfer-counter! (effort-counter from) (effort-counter to) effort)
-  (transfer-counter! (size-counter from) (size-counter to) size))
-(define (make-top-counter effort-limit size-limit continuation data)
-  (%make-counter (make-variable effort-limit)
-                 (make-variable size-limit)
-                 continuation
-                 #t
-                 data
-                 #f))
-(define (make-nested-counter continuation data current)
-  (let ((c (%make-counter (make-variable 0)
-                          (make-variable 0)
-                          continuation
-                          #f
-                          data
-                          current)))
-    (transfer! current c)
-    c))
-(define (make-recursive-counter effort-limit size-limit orig current)
-  (let ((c (%make-counter (make-variable 0)
-                          (make-variable 0)
-                          (counter-continuation orig)
-                          #t
-                          (counter-data orig)
-                          current)))
-    (transfer! current c effort-limit size-limit)
-    c))
-(define (types-check? primitive-name args)
-  (case primitive-name
-    ((values) #t)
-    ((not pair? null? list? symbol? vector? struct?)
-     (= (length args) 1))
-    ((eq? eqv? equal?)
-     (= (length args) 2))
-    ;; FIXME: add more cases?
-    (else #f)))
-(define* (peval exp #:optional (cenv (current-module)) (env vlist-null)
-                #:key
-                (operator-size-limit 40)
-                (operand-size-limit 20)
-                (value-size-limit 10)
-                (effort-limit 500)
-                (recursive-effort-limit 100))
-  "Partially evaluate EXP in compilation environment CENV, with
-top-level bindings from ENV and return the resulting expression.  Since
-it does not handle <fix> and <let-values>, it should be called before
-  ;; This is a simple partial evaluator.  It effectively performs
-  ;; constant folding, copy propagation, dead code elimination, and
-  ;; inlining, but not across top-level bindings---there should be a way
-  ;; to allow this (TODO).
-  ;;
-  ;; Unlike a full-blown partial evaluator, it does not emit definitions
-  ;; of specialized versions of lambdas encountered on its way.  Also,
-  ;; it's not yet complete: it bails out for `prompt', etc.
-  (define local-toplevel-env
-    ;; The top-level environment of the module being compiled.
-    (match exp
-      (($ <toplevel-define> _ name)
-       (vhash-consq name #t env))
-      (($ <sequence> _ exps)
-       (fold (lambda (x r)
-               (match x
-                 (($ <toplevel-define> _ name)
-                  (vhash-consq name #t r))
-                 (_ r)))
-             env
-             exps))
-      (_ env)))
-  (define (local-toplevel? name)
-    (vhash-assq name local-toplevel-env))
-  (define store (build-var-table exp))
-  (define (assigned-lexical? sym)
-    (let ((v (vhash-assq sym store)))
-      (and v (var-set? (cdr v)))))
-  (define (lexical-refcount sym)
-    (let ((v (vhash-assq sym store)))
-      (if v (var-refcount (cdr v)) 0)))
-  (define (record-source-expression! orig new)
-    (set! store (vhash-consq new
-                             (source-expression orig)
-                             (build-var-table new store)))
-    new)
-  (define (source-expression new)
-    (let ((x (vhash-assq new store)))
-      (if x (cdr x) new)))
-  (define residual-lexical-references (make-hash-table))
-  (define (record-residual-lexical-reference! sym)
-    (hashq-set! residual-lexical-references sym #t))
-  (define (apply-primitive name args)
-    ;; todo: further optimize commutative primitives
-    (catch #t
-      (lambda ()
-        (call-with-values
-            (lambda ()
-              (apply (module-ref the-scm-module name) args))
-          (lambda results
-            (values #t results))))
-      (lambda _
-        (values #f '()))))
-  (define (inline-values exp src names gensyms body)
-    (let loop ((exp exp))
-      (match exp
-        ;; Some expression types are always singly-valued.
-        ((or ($ <const>)
-             ($ <void>)
-             ($ <lambda>)
-             ($ <lexical-ref>)
-             ($ <toplevel-ref>)
-             ($ <module-ref>)
-             ($ <primitive-ref>)
-             ($ <dynref>)
-             ($ <lexical-set>)          ; FIXME: these set! expressions
-             ($ <toplevel-set>)         ; could return zero values in
-             ($ <toplevel-define>)      ; the future
-             ($ <module-set>)           ;
-             ($ <dynset>))              ; 
-         (and (= (length names) 1)
-              (make-let src names gensyms (list exp) body)))
-        (($ <application> src
-            ($ <primitive-ref> _ (? singly-valued-primitive? name)))
-         (and (= (length names) 1)
-              (make-let src names gensyms (list exp) body)))
-        ;; Statically-known number of values.
-        (($ <application> src ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'values) vals)
-         (and (= (length names) (length vals))
-              (make-let src names gensyms vals body)))
-        ;; Not going to copy code into both branches.
-        (($ <conditional>) #f)
-        ;; Bail on other applications.
-        (($ <application>) #f)
-        ;; Bail on prompt and abort.
-        (($ <prompt>) #f)
-        (($ <abort>) #f)
-        ;; Propagate to tail positions.
-        (($ <let> src names gensyms vals body)
-         (let ((body (loop body)))
-           (and body
-                (make-let src names gensyms vals body))))
-        (($ <letrec> src in-order? names gensyms vals body)
-         (let ((body (loop body)))
-           (and body
-                (make-letrec src in-order? names gensyms vals body))))
-        (($ <fix> src names gensyms vals body)
-         (let ((body (loop body)))
-           (and body
-                (make-fix src names gensyms vals body))))
-        (($ <let-values> src exp
-            ($ <lambda-case> src2 req opt rest kw inits gensyms body #f))
-         (let ((body (loop body)))
-           (and body
-                (make-let-values src exp
-                                 (make-lambda-case src2 req opt rest kw
-                                                   inits gensyms body #f)))))
-        (($ <dynwind> src winder body unwinder)
-         (let ((body (loop body)))
-           (and body
-                (make-dynwind src winder body unwinder))))
-        (($ <dynlet> src fluids vals body)
-         (let ((body (loop body)))
-           (and body
-                (make-dynlet src fluids vals body))))
-        (($ <sequence> src exps)
-         (match exps
-           ((head ... tail)
-            (let ((tail (loop tail)))
-              (and tail
-                   (make-sequence src (append head (list tail)))))))))))
-  (define (make-values src values)
-    (match values
-      ((single) single)                 ; 1 value
-      ((_ ...)                          ; 0, or 2 or more values
-       (make-application src (make-primitive-ref src 'values)
-                         values))))
-  (define (constant-expression? x)
-    ;; Return true if X is constant---i.e., if it is known to have no
-    ;; effects, does not allocate storage for a mutable object, and does
-    ;; not access mutable data (like `car' or toplevel references).
-    (let loop ((x x))
-      (match x
-        (($ <void>) #t)
-        (($ <const>) #t)
-        (($ <lambda>) #t)
-        (($ <lambda-case> _ req opt rest kw inits _ body alternate)
-         (and (every loop inits) (loop body) (loop alternate)))
-        (($ <lexical-ref> _ _ gensym)
-         (not (assigned-lexical? gensym)))
-        (($ <primitive-ref>) #t)
-        (($ <conditional> _ condition subsequent alternate)
-         (and (loop condition) (loop subsequent) (loop alternate)))
-        (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ name) args)
-         (and (effect-free-primitive? name)
-              (not (constructor-primitive? name))
-              (types-check? name args)
-              (every loop args)))
-        (($ <application> _ ($ <lambda> _ _ body) args)
-         (and (loop body) (every loop args)))
-        (($ <sequence> _ exps)
-         (every loop exps))
-        (($ <let> _ _ _ vals body)
-         (and (every loop vals) (loop body)))
-        (($ <letrec> _ _ _ _ vals body)
-         (and (every loop vals) (loop body)))
-        (($ <fix> _ _ _ vals body)
-         (and (every loop vals) (loop body)))
-        (($ <let-values> _ exp body)
-         (and (loop exp) (loop body)))
-        (($ <prompt> _ tag body handler)
-         (and (loop tag) (loop body) (loop handler)))
-        (_ #f))))
-  (define (prune-bindings names syms vals body for-effect
-                          build-result)
-    (let lp ((names names) (syms syms) (vals vals)
-             (names* '()) (syms* '()) (vals* '())
-             (effects '()))
-      (match (list names syms vals)
-       ((() () ())
-        (let ((body (if (null? effects)
-                        body
-                        (make-sequence #f (reverse (cons body effects))))))
-          (if (null? names*)
-              body
-              (build-result (reverse names*) (reverse syms*)
-                            (reverse vals*) body))))
-       (((name . names) (sym . syms) (val . vals))
-        (if (hashq-ref residual-lexical-references sym)
-            (lp names syms vals
-                (cons name names*) (cons sym syms*) (cons val vals*)
-                effects)
-            (let ((effect (for-effect val)))
-              (lp names syms vals
-                  names* syms* vals*
-                  (if (void? effect)
-                      effects
-                      (cons effect effects)))))))))
-  (define (small-expression? x limit)
-    (let/ec k
-      (tree-il-fold
-       (lambda (x res)                  ; leaf
-         (1+ res))
-       (lambda (x res)                  ; down
-         (1+ res))
-       (lambda (x res)                  ; up
-         (if (< res limit)
-             res
-             (k #f)))
-       0 x)
-      #t))
-  (let loop ((exp   exp)
-             (env   vlist-null)         ; static environment
-             (counter #f)               ; inlined call stack
-             (ctx 'value))   ; effect, value, test, operator, or operand
-    (define (lookup var)
-      (and=> (vhash-assq var env) cdr))
-    (define (for-value exp)
-      (loop exp env counter 'value))
-    (define (for-operand exp)
-      (loop exp env counter 'operand))
-    (define (for-test exp)
-      (loop exp env counter 'test))
-    (define (for-effect exp)
-      (loop exp env counter 'effect))
-    (define (for-tail exp)
-      (loop exp env counter ctx))
-    (if counter
-        (record-effort! counter))
-    (match exp
-      (($ <const>)
-       (case ctx
-         ((effect) (make-void #f))
-         (else exp)))
-      (($ <void>)
-       (case ctx
-         ((test) (make-const #f #t))
-         (else exp)))
-      (($ <lexical-ref> _ _ gensym)
-       (case ctx
-         ((effect) (make-void #f))
-         (else
-          (let ((val (lookup gensym)))
-            (cond
-             ((or (not val)
-                  (assigned-lexical? gensym)
-                  (not (constant-expression? val)))
-              ;; Don't copy-propagate through assigned variables,
-              ;; and don't reorder effects.
-              (record-residual-lexical-reference! gensym)
-              exp)
-             ((lexical-ref? val)
-              (for-tail val))
-             ((or (const? val)
-                  (void? val)
-                  (primitive-ref? val))
-              ;; Always propagate simple values that cannot lead to
-              ;; code bloat.
-              (for-tail val))
-             ((= 1 (lexical-refcount gensym))
-              ;; Always propagate values referenced only once.
-              ;; There is no need to rename the bindings, as they
-              ;; are only being moved, not copied.  However in
-              ;; operator context we do rename it, as that
-              ;; effectively clears out the residualized-lexical
-              ;; flags that may have been set when this value was
-              ;; visited previously as an operand.
-              (case ctx
-                ((test) (for-test val))
-                ((operator) (record-source-expression! val (alpha-rename val)))
-                (else val)))
-             ;; FIXME: do demand-driven size accounting rather than
-             ;; these heuristics.
-             ((eq? ctx 'operator)
-              ;; A pure expression in the operator position.  Inline
-              ;; if it's a lambda that's small enough.
-              (if (and (lambda? val)
-                       (small-expression? val operator-size-limit))
-                  (record-source-expression! val (alpha-rename val))
-                  (begin
-                    (record-residual-lexical-reference! gensym)
-                    exp)))
-             ((eq? ctx 'operand)
-              ;; A pure expression in the operand position.  Inline
-              ;; if it's small enough.
-              (if (small-expression? val operand-size-limit)
-                  (record-source-expression! val (alpha-rename val))
-                  (begin
-                    (record-residual-lexical-reference! gensym)
-                    exp)))
-             (else
-              ;; A pure expression, processed for value.  Don't
-              ;; inline lambdas, because they will probably won't
-              ;; fold because we don't know the operator.
-              (if (and (small-expression? val value-size-limit)
-                       (not (tree-il-any lambda? val)))
-                  (record-source-expression! val (alpha-rename val))
-                  (begin
-                    (record-residual-lexical-reference! gensym)
-                    exp))))))))
-      (($ <lexical-set> src name gensym exp)
-       (if (zero? (lexical-refcount gensym))
-           (let ((exp (for-effect exp)))
-             (if (void? exp)
-                 exp
-                 (make-sequence src (list exp (make-void #f)))))
-           (begin
-             (record-residual-lexical-reference! gensym)
-             (make-lexical-set src name gensym (for-value exp)))))
-      (($ <let> src names gensyms vals body)
-       (let* ((vals (map for-operand vals))
-              (body (loop body
-                      (fold vhash-consq env gensyms vals)
-                      counter
-                      ctx)))
-         (cond
-          ((const? body)
-           (for-tail (make-sequence src (append vals (list body)))))
-          ((and (lexical-ref? body)
-                (memq (lexical-ref-gensym body) gensyms))
-           (let ((sym (lexical-ref-gensym body))
-                 (pairs (map cons gensyms vals)))
-             ;; (let ((x foo) (y bar) ...) x) => (begin bar ... foo)
-             (for-tail
-              (make-sequence
-               src
-               (append (map cdr (alist-delete sym pairs eq?))
-                       (list (assq-ref pairs sym)))))))
-          (else
-           ;; Only include bindings for which lexical references
-           ;; have been residualized.
-           (prune-bindings names gensyms vals body for-effect
-                           (lambda (names gensyms vals body)
-                             (if (null? names) (error "what!" names))
-                             (make-let src names gensyms vals body)))))))
-      (($ <letrec> src in-order? names gensyms vals body)
-       ;; Things could be done more precisely when IN-ORDER? but
-       ;; it's OK not to do it---at worst we lost an optimization
-       ;; opportunity.
-       (let* ((vals (map for-operand vals))
-              (body (loop body
-                      (fold vhash-consq env gensyms vals)
-                      counter
-                      ctx)))
-         (if (and (const? body)
-                  (every constant-expression? vals))
-             body
-             (prune-bindings names gensyms vals body for-effect
-                             (lambda (names gensyms vals body)
-                               (make-letrec src in-order?
-                                            names gensyms vals body))))))
-      (($ <fix> src names gensyms vals body)
-       (let* ((vals (map for-operand vals))
-              (body (loop body
-                      (fold vhash-consq env gensyms vals)
-                      counter
-                      ctx)))
-         (if (const? body)
-             body
-             (prune-bindings names gensyms vals body for-effect
-                             (lambda (names gensyms vals body)
-                               (make-fix src names gensyms vals body))))))
-      (($ <let-values> lv-src producer consumer)
-       ;; Peval the producer, then try to inline the consumer into
-       ;; the producer.  If that succeeds, peval again.  Otherwise
-       ;; reconstruct the let-values, pevaling the consumer.
-       (let ((producer (for-value producer)))
-         (or (match consumer
-               (($ <lambda-case> src req #f #f #f () gensyms body #f)
-                (cond
-                 ((inline-values producer src req gensyms body)
-                  => for-tail)
-                 (else #f)))
-               (_ #f))
-             (make-let-values lv-src producer (for-tail consumer)))))
-      (($ <dynwind> src winder body unwinder)
-       (make-dynwind src (for-value winder) (for-tail body)
-                     (for-value unwinder)))
-      (($ <dynlet> src fluids vals body)
-       (make-dynlet src (map for-value fluids) (map for-value vals)
-                    (for-tail body)))
-      (($ <dynref> src fluid)
-       (make-dynref src (for-value fluid)))
-      (($ <dynset> src fluid exp)
-       (make-dynset src (for-value fluid) (for-value exp)))
-      (($ <toplevel-ref> src (? effect-free-primitive? name))
-       (if (local-toplevel? name)
-           exp
-           (resolve-primitives! exp cenv)))
-      (($ <toplevel-ref>)
-       ;; todo: open private local bindings.
-       exp)
-      (($ <module-ref>)
-       exp)
-      (($ <module-set> src mod name public? exp)
-       (make-module-set src mod name public? (for-value exp)))
-      (($ <toplevel-define> src name exp)
-       (make-toplevel-define src name (for-value exp)))
-      (($ <toplevel-set> src name exp)
-       (make-toplevel-set src name (for-value exp)))
-      (($ <primitive-ref>)
-       (case ctx
-         ((effect) (make-void #f))
-         ((test) (make-const #f #t))
-         (else exp)))
-      (($ <conditional> src condition subsequent alternate)
-       (let ((condition (for-test condition)))
-         (if (const? condition)
-             (if (const-exp condition)
-                 (for-tail subsequent)
-                 (for-tail alternate))
-             (make-conditional src condition
-                               (for-tail subsequent)
-                               (for-tail alternate)))))
-      (($ <application> src
-          ($ <primitive-ref> _ '@call-with-values)
-          (producer
-           ($ <lambda> _ _
-              (and consumer
-                   ;; No optional or kwargs.
-                   ($ <lambda-case>
-                      _ req #f rest #f () gensyms body #f)))))
-       (for-tail (make-let-values src (make-application src producer '())
-                                  consumer)))
-      (($ <application> src orig-proc orig-args)
-       ;; todo: augment the global env with specialized functions
-       (let ((proc (loop orig-proc env counter 'operator)))
-         (match proc
-           (($ <primitive-ref> _ (? constructor-primitive? name))
-            (case ctx
-              ((effect test)
-               (let ((res (if (eq? ctx 'effect)
-                              (make-void #f)
-                              (make-const #f #t))))
-                 (match (for-value exp)
-                   (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'cons) (x xs))
-                    (for-tail
-                     (make-sequence src (list x xs res))))
-                   (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'list) elts)
-                    (for-tail
-                     (make-sequence src (append elts (list res)))))
-                   (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'vector) elts)
-                    (for-tail
-                     (make-sequence src (append elts (list res)))))
-                   (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'make-prompt-tag) 
-                    res)
-                   (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'make-prompt-tag)
-                       (($ <const> _ (? string?))))
-                    res)
-                   (exp exp))))
-              (else
-               (match (cons name (map for-value orig-args))
-                 (('cons head tail)
-                  (match tail
-                    (($ <const> src ())
-                     (make-application src (make-primitive-ref #f 'list)
-                                       (list head)))
-                    (($ <application> src ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'list) elts)
-                     (make-application src (make-primitive-ref #f 'list)
-                                       (cons head elts)))
-                    (_ (make-application src proc
-                                         (list head tail)))))
-                 ;; FIXME: these for-tail recursions could take
-                 ;; place outside an effort counter.
-                 (('car ($ <application> src ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'cons) (head 
-                  (for-tail (make-sequence src (list tail head))))
-                 (('cdr ($ <application> src ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'cons) (head 
-                  (for-tail (make-sequence src (list head tail))))
-                 (('car ($ <application> src ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'list) (head 
. tail)))
-                  (for-tail (make-sequence src (append tail (list head)))))
-                 (('cdr ($ <application> src ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'list) (head 
. tail)))
-                  (for-tail (make-sequence
-                             src
-                             (list head
-                                   (make-application
-                                    src (make-primitive-ref #f 'list) tail)))))
-                 (('car ($ <const> src (head . tail)))
-                  (for-tail (make-const src head)))
-                 (('cdr ($ <const> src (head . tail)))
-                  (for-tail (make-const src tail)))
-                 ((_ . args)
-                  (make-application src proc args))))))
-           (($ <primitive-ref> _ (? effect-free-primitive? name))
-            (let ((args (map for-value orig-args)))
-              (if (every const? args)   ; only simple constants
-                  (let-values (((success? values)
-                                (apply-primitive name
-                                                 (map const-exp args))))
-                    (if success?
-                        (case ctx
-                          ((effect) (make-void #f))
-                          ((test)
-                           ;; Values truncation: only take the first
-                           ;; value.
-                           (if (pair? values)
-                               (make-const #f (car values))
-                               (make-values src '())))
-                          (else
-                           (make-values src (map (cut make-const src <>)
-                                                 values))))
-                        (make-application src proc args)))
-                  (cond
-                   ((and (eq? ctx 'effect) (types-check? name args))
-                    (make-void #f))
-                   (else
-                    (make-application src proc args))))))
-           (($ <lambda> _ _
-               ($ <lambda-case> _ req opt #f #f inits gensyms body #f))
-            ;; Simple case: no rest, no keyword arguments.
-            ;; todo: handle the more complex cases
-            (let* ((nargs (length orig-args))
-                   (nreq (length req))
-                   (nopt (if opt (length opt) 0))
-                   (key (source-expression proc)))
-              (cond
-               ((or (< nargs nreq) (> nargs (+ nreq nopt)))
-                ;; An error, or effecting arguments.
-                (make-application src (for-value orig-proc)
-                                  (map for-value orig-args)))
-               ((or (and=> (find-counter key counter) counter-recursive?)
-                    (lambda? orig-proc))
-                ;; A recursive call, or a lambda in the operator
-                ;; position of the source expression.  Process again in
-                ;; tail context.
-                (loop (make-let src (append req (or opt '()))
-                                gensyms
-                                (append orig-args
-                                        (drop inits (- nargs nreq)))
-                                body)
-                  env counter ctx))
-               (else
-                ;; An integration at the top-level, the first
-                ;; recursion of a recursive procedure, or a nested
-                ;; integration of a procedure that hasn't been seen
-                ;; yet.
-                (let/ec k
-                  (define (abort)
-                    (k (make-application src
-                                         (for-value orig-proc)
-                                         (map for-value orig-args))))
-                  (define new-counter
-                    (cond
-                     ;; These first two cases will transfer effort
-                     ;; from the current counter into the new
-                     ;; counter.
-                     ((find-counter key counter)
-                      => (lambda (prev)
-                           (make-recursive-counter recursive-effort-limit
-                                                   operand-size-limit
-                                                   prev counter)))
-                     (counter
-                      (make-nested-counter abort key counter))
-                     ;; This case opens a new account, effectively
-                     ;; printing money.  It should only do so once
-                     ;; for each call site in the source program.
-                     (else
-                      (make-top-counter effort-limit operand-size-limit
-                                        abort key))))
-                  (define result
-                    (loop (make-let src (append req (or opt '()))
-                                    gensyms
-                                    (append orig-args
-                                            (drop inits (- nargs nreq)))
-                                    body)
-                      env new-counter ctx))
-                  (if counter
-                      ;; The nested inlining attempt succeeded.
-                      ;; Deposit the unspent effort and size back
-                      ;; into the current counter.
-                      (transfer! new-counter counter))
-                  result)))))
-           (_
-            (make-application src proc
-                              (map for-value orig-args))))))
-      (($ <lambda> src meta body)
-       (case ctx
-         ((effect) (make-void #f))
-         ((test) (make-const #f #t))
-         ((operator) exp)
-         (else
-          (make-lambda src meta (for-value body)))))
-      (($ <lambda-case> src req opt rest kw inits gensyms body alt)
-       (make-lambda-case src req opt rest kw
-                         (map for-value inits)
-                         gensyms
-                         (for-tail body)
-                         (and alt (for-tail alt))))
-      (($ <sequence> src exps)
-       (let lp ((exps exps) (effects '()))
-         (match exps
-           ((last)
-            (if (null? effects)
-                (for-tail last)
-                (make-sequence
-                 src
-                 (reverse (cons (for-tail last) effects)))))
-           ((head . rest)
-            (let ((head (for-effect head)))
-              (cond
-               ((sequence? head)
-                (lp (append (sequence-exps head) rest) effects))
-               ((void? head)
-                (lp rest effects))
-               (else
-                (lp rest (cons head effects)))))))))
-      (($ <prompt> src tag body handler)
-       (define (singly-used-definition x)
-         (cond
-          ((and (lexical-ref? x)
-                ;; Only fetch definitions with single uses.
-                (= (lexical-refcount (lexical-ref-gensym x)) 1)
-                (lookup (lexical-ref-gensym x)))
-           => singly-used-definition)
-          (else x)))
-       (define (escape-only? handler)
-         (match handler
-           (($ <lambda-case> _ (_ . _) _ _ _ _ (cont . _) body #f)
-            (tree-il-any (lambda (x)
-                           (and (lexical-ref? x)
-                                (eq? (lexical-ref-gensym x) cont)))
-                         body))
-           (else #f)))
-       (define (thunk-application? x)
-         (match x
-           (($ <application> _
-               ($ <lambda> _ _ ($ <lambda-case> _ () #f #f #f))
-               ()) #t)
-           (_ #f)))
-       (define (make-thunk-application body)
-         (define thunk
-           (make-lambda #f '()
-                        (make-lambda-case #f '() #f #f #f '() '() body #f)))
-         (make-application #f thunk '()))
-       (match (singly-used-definition tag)
-         (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'make-prompt-tag)
-             (or () ((? constant-expression?))))
-          ;; There is no way that an <abort> could know the tag
-          ;; for this <prompt>, so we can elide the <prompt>
-          ;; entirely.
-          (for-tail body))
-         (_
-          ;; It's a nasty, but this code has another job to do: to
-          ;; ensure that either the handler is escape-only, or the
-          ;; body is the application of a thunk.  Sad but true.
-          (let ((tag (for-value tag))
-                (body (for-value body))
-                (handler (for-value handler)))
-            (make-prompt src tag
-                         (if (or (escape-only? handler)
-                                 (thunk-application? body))
-                             body
-                             (make-thunk-application body))
-                         handler)))))
-      (($ <abort> src tag args tail)
-       (make-abort src (for-value tag) (map for-value args)
-                   (for-value tail))))))
+            env))))
diff --git a/module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm 
similarity index 95%
copy from module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm
copy to module/language/tree-il/peval.scm
index fee629a..a097dd4 100644
--- a/module/language/tree-il/optimize.scm
+++ b/module/language/tree-il/peval.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-;;; Tree-il optimizer
+;;; Tree-IL partial evaluator
-;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -16,33 +16,17 @@
 ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
-;;; Code:
-(define-module (language tree-il optimize)
+(define-module (language tree-il peval)
   #:use-module (language tree-il)
   #:use-module (language tree-il primitives)
-  #:use-module (language tree-il inline)
-  #:use-module (language tree-il fix-letrec)
   #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
-  #:export (optimize!))
-(define (optimize! x env opts)
-  (let ((peval (match (memq #:partial-eval? opts)
-                 ((#:partial-eval? #f _ ...)
-                  ;; Disable partial evaluation.
-                  (lambda (x e) x))
-                 (_ peval))))
-   (inline!
-    (fix-letrec!
-     (peval (expand-primitives! (resolve-primitives! x env))
-            env)))))
+  #:export (peval))
 ;;; Partial evaluation.
@@ -952,26 +936,6 @@ it does not handle <fix> and <let-values>, it should be 
called before
                 (lookup (lexical-ref-gensym x)))
            => singly-used-definition)
           (else x)))
-       (define (escape-only? handler)
-         (match handler
-           (($ <lambda-case> _ (_ . _) _ _ _ _ (cont . _) body #f)
-            (tree-il-any (lambda (x)
-                           (and (lexical-ref? x)
-                                (eq? (lexical-ref-gensym x) cont)))
-                         body))
-           (else #f)))
-       (define (thunk-application? x)
-         (match x
-           (($ <application> _
-               ($ <lambda> _ _ ($ <lambda-case> _ () #f #f #f))
-               ()) #t)
-           (_ #f)))
-       (define (make-thunk-application body)
-         (define thunk
-           (make-lambda #f '()
-                        (make-lambda-case #f '() #f #f #f '() '() body #f)))
-         (make-application #f thunk '()))
        (match (singly-used-definition tag)
          (($ <application> _ ($ <primitive-ref> _ 'make-prompt-tag)
              (or () ((? constant-expression?))))
@@ -980,18 +944,8 @@ it does not handle <fix> and <let-values>, it should be 
called before
           ;; entirely.
           (for-tail body))
-          ;; It's a nasty, but this code has another job to do: to
-          ;; ensure that either the handler is escape-only, or the
-          ;; body is the application of a thunk.  Sad but true.
-          (let ((tag (for-value tag))
-                (body (for-value body))
-                (handler (for-value handler)))
-            (make-prompt src tag
-                         (if (or (escape-only? handler)
-                                 (thunk-application? body))
-                             body
-                             (make-thunk-application body))
-                         handler)))))
+          (make-prompt src (for-value tag) (for-tail body)
+                       (for-value handler)))))
       (($ <abort> src tag args tail)
        (make-abort src (for-value tag) (map for-value args)
                    (for-value tail))))))

GNU Guile

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