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Re: groff supports Italian input documents now

From: Dave Kemper
Subject: Re: groff supports Italian input documents now
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 08:36:56 -0500

On 7/3/21, G. Branden Robinson <> wrote:
> These are all fair points and I will chew on them, and would like to
> solicit the views of others on this as well.

I agree with Ingo's point that the document author is in the best
position to know which language-specific macro package is required to
format the document correctly.

However, this argues against requiring the end user to either have a
specific locale setting or need to supply specific command-line
switches, and in favor of this information being encoded into the
document itself.

To that end, it seems we ought to be steering authors toward including
appropriate .mso requests within their documents.  This would allow
the output to be correct regardless of the end user's environment or
command invocation.

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