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Re: [gpsd-users] Is GPSD receiving PPS?

From: Bo Berglund
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] Is GPSD receiving PPS?
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 10:32:23 +0100

On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 15:51:07 -0800, "Gary E. Miller" <address@hidden>

>On Tue, 08 Mar 2016 00:36:25 +0100
>Bo Berglund <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I got it compiled and running now (manually started).
>Before you forget what you did, try to put your steps in an email so we
>can improve the build.txt.

I do keep notes. I learned earlier that my memory is not good enough
to keep track of linux command line entries including switches so I
tend to make notes all the time I do something in Linux...

>> Need to go over the systemd stuff again (I did that on the apt-get
>> version, which is now removed) so that the service will start working
>> again.
>I'm not sure why.  I see no advantage over just starting gpsd on boot
>with a simple script.  You can't wait to start gpsd until just before
>you need its data.

OK, then I need to kill the existing service anyway and do something
else instead. Would be good to have a single start script that
contains all I have had to spread out in several configuration files
in order to get it running with the apt-get version.
Is there some preferred way to run a script like that which starts
gpsd? I can see at least two possibilities:

1) If the GPS is connected at all times:
Start at a certain time after boot (to give systemd time enough to
properly start up the system)

2) If the GPS is plugged in and out:
- Start when the presence of the GPS is detected (how?)
- Stop when the GPS is unplugged from USB (how?)

>> Maybe I should symlink from the deposited files in /usr/local/bin/ to
>> /usr/bin or wherever it was put by apt-get?
>No, if a dependency reinstalls the Jessie gpsd you could over-write your
>work.  The /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin split is there for many good
>reasons.  Leave /usr to the OS, and limit yourselve to /usr/local when

I have now tried to check how this works and I am really confused..
I can enter some commands and it works fine but others show a very
strange error message instead:
cgps -s
works just fine executed from the home dir

/usr/local/bin/gpspipe -r -n 20
works fine

gpspipe -r -n 20
-bash: /usr/bin/gpspipe: No such file or directory

checking where gpspipe is looked for:
which gpspipe

echo $PATH

So why is gpspipe showing this strange error message indicating it
does not exist when in fact it is on path????
What makes it look for gpspipe in /usr/bin and then give up?
/usr/local/bin comes before /usr/bin!

>> And another thing (I have not checked the build.txt file on this yet):
>> After apt-get remove all man entries also vanished so I need to find
>> out how these can be reinstated.
>When you installed from the tar ball you installed newer man pages, you
>do not want to have binaries and man pages from different versions.
Where does the man files end up when building using scone?
I thought that these would be fixed files in the release tar file, but
I don't see any so I guess they are created by scone?
But where exactly do they end up? I have not seen them anywhere I
searched (of course I don't really know what names they should have).
I cannot find any pages in any case...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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