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Re: What webapp features need bank support? -- functional side

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: What webapp features need bank support? -- functional side
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 12:52:09 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Antenore Gatta wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> > According to the Charter draft, GNU Herds is not a business but a
> > non-profit association.
> >
> > People get a profit, but not GNU Herds itself.
> >
> > GNU Herds could be a libre tool which people could use to carry out
> > her/his activities.
> I know perfectly this, but banks don't have accounts for non-profit, and

I am almost sure banks have accounts for non-profit too, of course!

> IMHO we cannot give the GNU Herds account just to one person, it's too
> much risky and surely the GNU Herds users will not like (won't trust).
> With a business account we can have multiple accounts and manage access
> control lists to it.
> It's just a matter of trusting, or better, how we looks like...

As discussed some time ago, the webapp could support several e-money and
transfer methods, being the "GNU Herds virtual bank" just an option. Read

General functional requisites

What features request for adding bank support to them?

And exactly, what bank features are demanded: virtual bank to keep my
e-money, just a Payment Gateway to do transfers, both?

  Note: We could delay the addition of bank support to the feature
        which maybe would benefit from it but actually do not require
        it, as the job-offers one.

* Job offers

  The payment can be send by classic bank transfer, because if you
  send $100 o more the transfer commission is not prohibitive. The
  problem raises when you want to micro-donate $0.02.

  Anyway if the webapp add another kind of payment method it could
  be enabled as an option.

* Micro-donation pledge groups [1]

  This feature ask for some kind of bank support which removes any
  transfer commission.

  The "GNU Herds virtual bank" feature could solve this issue [2].


  Micro-donations needs it due it needs to support donations as
  low as 0.02 cents without any charge by part of any bank or

  I propose GNU Herds will not charge for any of its services. That
  would be the true value the project will do to the free software
  community.  Other projects does its part, I propose GNU Herds try
  to fill another niche of people freedom.  We try, if it fails we
  have just lost our time.

* Direct micro-donation to individuals, projects, organizations, etc.

  That is another feature which ask for a "GNU Herds virtual bank".

* Convert a volunteer entry into a micro-donation pledge group

  IMHO this feature do not require for a "GNU Herds virtual bank", but
  it would be a plus.

Antenore Gatta wrote:
> The intention of this thread is to clarify some points about the
> payment support we would like to put in place.
> I'll not speak about micro donation in this thread.

IMHO job-offer payment support through GNU Herds is not the most
urgent bank feature, due to if you send $100 o more the transfer
commission is not prohibitive. The problem raises when you want
to micro-donate $0.02.

> So before to proceed deeply I would like to have your opinions, it's
> not a simple subject at all!!!

I agree with you it is complex. So a deadline of 12 months or even more could 
be OK.

As usual, please expose any disagreement, correction, etc.

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