On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Davi Leal <
address@hidden> wrote:
Antenore Gatta wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> > Antenore and MJ were right! We have to add OpenID support.
> Great!
IMHO, If I had keep disagreeing with both you about this subject, then
we would have to vote as it is exposed at the association Charter [1];
Two (Antenore + MJ) counts more than one (me) so we end anyway with
allowing OpenID support.
[1] http://gnuherds.org/charter#Decisions
The association Charter (draft) could be changed, but that would need
agreement too.
In this case we have ended with a technical conclusion which has taken into
account the market context, "user demand". So we did not needed to vote [2].
[2] http://gnuherds.org/charter#Voting
As exposed above I do not oppose to add it. Another subject is if I will
develop such feature or not. In this case it is: Yes, I will add it, but as
there are lots of features more main, this one is delayed. Anyone who feels
it should be take more priority can develop it herself.