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Re: Cookie-over-HTTPS vs HTTP authentication

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: Cookie-over-HTTPS vs HTTP authentication
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 19:26:09 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Chris Carpita wrote:
> Basic auth is more or less fool-proof, best for internal audiences,
> and it is encrypted only over SSL.

The current authentication procedure is working as follows: 

 1. The user fill email+password in the log-in form.

 2. The submit button send via HTTPS the email+password information:

       <form name="LogForm" method="post" action="";>

     Ref.: Layer-0__Site_entry_point/templates/log_in_box.tpl

 3. The email+password is checked against the database:

     Ref.: Layer-2__Business_logic/others/Log_form.php

    If the email+password is right the webapp set several PHP session

      * 'Logged' to '1' to record the user is rightly logged.

           $_SESSION['Logged'] = '1';

      * 'LoginEmail' to identify what user is logged.


 4. In the next HTTPS request the user's browser will send
    the PHPSESSID cookie to the Apache server.

    The PHPSESSID cookie is only accepted if it has been sent
    over HTTPS. That is forced with the below php.ini configuration

       session.cookie_secure = 1


     Every page which requires the user being authenticated to be able to
     access, has the below check:

      // We have to use SSL for encryption of the password, PHPSESSID, etc.,
      // because else it is sent to the web server as plain text.

      // Insert the following code sniped into the top of secure page.

      if ( $_SESSION['Logged'] == '1' and ( !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or
        $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on' ) )
       header("Location: https://$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";);

     Ref.: Layer-0__Site_entry_point/*.php

There are other security meassure on some of the PHP configuration options 
exposed at

IMHO the current authentication method is secure. What do you think? Any fix, 
any better option?

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