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Re: New feature: visit counters

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: New feature: visit counters
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 21:08:42 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Dion Rasmussen wrote:
> If you need help with a PerlFixupHandler to do the count, you have my
> address.

I was thinking to do it as follows:

  1. Add new data base fields:
       Q1_VisitCount  in the Q1_Qualifications 'resume' table.
       J1_VisitCount  in the J1_JobOffers table.

  2. Increment the count at any view-request from somebody different
     to the information owner.

  3. Draw the visits count at a good place in the webapp.
     The visit count is showed only to the owner of such Qualifications
     or JobOffer.

What do you think about? Any correction?

The current architecture is PHP based. Anyway, if there is any clean way to 
insert Perl, Python, or any other kind of code, I think it could be a good 
thing!  Fill free to show any Perl code at this mailing list Dane.

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