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NYC LOCAL: Tuesday 12 September 2006 Lisp NYC: Samantha Kleinberg on CLA

From: secretary
Subject: NYC LOCAL: Tuesday 12 September 2006 Lisp NYC: Samantha Kleinberg on CLARITY: A Common Lisp Data Alignment Repository
Date: 10 Sep 2006 01:53:43 -0400

  what="official Lisp NYC announcement">

 From: Heow Eide-Goodman <>
 To: "" <>
 Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:10:42 -0400

 Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, September 12th from 7:00
 to 9:00 at Trinity Lutheran Church.

 Samantha Kleinberg presents: 

     "CLARITY: A Common Lisp Data Alignment Repository"

 Samantha, for the second year in a row, won and accepted a Google Summer
 of Code grant to extend her previous work of CL-GoDB and to:

     Create a system where people upload their data files and fill out
     a form with as much information as they know about the data via a
     simple for or series of checkboxes. Then, when the data is
     inserted into the database, it gets placed into a
     phylogenetic-type tree of all diseases. The lengths of edges in
     the tree represent the distance of nodes from one another. So, in
     the case of disease, specific breast cancer cell lines are a
     subset of breast cancer and then all cancers. Thus, distance in
     the tree between those cell lines would be less than that between
     breast cancer cell lines and prostate cancer cell lines. Every set
     number (maybe 100, maybe 500) of inserts, the tree gets
     re-optimized. In this way, the tree is continually learning and
     re-grouping patients, but each individual insert is quick.

 Hear about both CL-GoDB and CLARITY, her winning-experiences with Lisp
 and about Google's Summer of Code project.

 Directions to Trinity: 

   Trinity Lutheran 
   602 E. 9th St. & Ave B., on Thomkins Square Park

   From N,R,Q,W (8th Street NYU Stop) and the 4,5 (Astor Street Stop): 
     Walk East 4 blocks on St. Marks, cross Thomkins Square Park. 

   From F&V (2nd Ave Stop): 
     Walk E one or two blocks, turn north for 8 short blocks 

   From L (1st Ave Stop): 
     Walk E one block, turn sounth for 5 short blocks 

   The M9 bus line drops you off at the doorstep and the M15 is near get 
   off on St. Marks & 1st) 

   To get there by car, take the FDR (East River Drive) to Houston then 
   go NW till you're at 9th & B.  Week-night parking isn't bad at all, 
   but if you're paranoid about your Caddy or in a hurry, there is a 
   parking garage on 9th between 1st and 3rd Ave. 

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