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Re: GNU licenses

From: mike4ty4
Subject: Re: GNU licenses
Date: 8 Sep 2006 15:12:19 -0700
User-agent: G2/0.2

John Hasler wrote:
> mike4ty4 writes:
> > You can't distribute the original program w/o the GPLed code vs the
> > combined program w/the GPLed code together _in any way_ singificantly
> > different from GPL...
> The fact that you have distributed copies of your code under the GPL
> does not prevent you from distributing subsequent copies under any terms
> you see fit.  You retain all rights.
> --
> John Hasler
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI USA

Thanks, and thanks everybody for all their input and a good discussion.
least you didn't resort to insults on this one (your groop seems just a
bit more civilized than some other ones out there) I think I finally
it now. Now I'm done. Gonna quit before the number of posts in this
hits 300 (this is #291 I think)...  Thanks a lot for relieving my

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