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[Gnoppix-user] Warrty RC2

From: Andreas Mueller
Subject: [Gnoppix-user] Warrty RC2
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 23:38:56 +0200

There have been some big developments in regards to Gnoppix that I'm
excited to report. Recently, I've been contacted by developers working
on the new Debian derivative "Ubuntu" about collaboration between
Ubuntu and Gnoppix.

Ubuntu is a light fork of Debian unstable -- heavily GNOME based --
released every six months in conjunction with the GNOME release
schedule. The project is funded and sponsored by a new startup called
Canonical Ltd. Most importantly though, the project is being actively
worked on many Debian and GNOME developers who are giving back to
their respective projects as they do the work in Ubuntu.

While Ubuntu's primary project is an installable CD based on the
Debian installer, they have done a good deal of work on an Live CD
version of their distribution. Since both Gnoppix and Ubuntu are
working from within Debian to create GNOME based Live CDs, a rich
collaboration seems like an unambiguous win for both sides.

As a result, and barring any major objects, my currently plan is to
merge the two projects; in the future, Gnoppix and the Ubuntu Live CD
will be the same project. Gnoppix will benefit from Ubuntu's work on a
highly integrated Debian-based GNOME desktop and Ubuntu will benefit
from a solid Live CD base. Both projects will be able to complement
each other and pursue what they are best at Since both projects are
committed to Free Software, we're be able to part ways at any point in
the future if the goals of the two projects diverge.

I hope others are as excited about this development as I am and I --
the Ubuntu team -- welcome feedback of any sort.

For more information on Ubuntu, you can check out their web page here:

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