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Re: [Gnoppix-user] BETA-Test 0.7

From: Andreas Mueller
Subject: Re: [Gnoppix-user] BETA-Test 0.7
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 23:19:34 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

Am Sonntag 11 Juli 2004 20:18 schrieb Harold Bower:
> On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 00:13:39 +0200
> Andreas Mueller <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Note for Beta-Testers, please submit your report till 31th July
> >      This is a non-public release for beta-tester
> Andreas, Ausgezeichnet!  This is the first Gnoppix release that I have
> been able to actually use, and successfully install on hard disk.  The
> system used is a Shuttle SK-41 (AMD Athlon, 1.34 GHz, 512 MB DDR Memory,
> 160 GB Maxtor hda, DVD drive at hdc).

:) thanks, I'll forward the credits to Alex 

> >From CDROM, the system booted with only one error message (only one
> CPU), but continued.  The password for root access was unknown, so I was
> not able to configure networking or some other poking around, so I
> installed to hard disk.

did you tried with sudo ? 

> The drive was already partitioned as:
>       hda1 - 58 MB            - was /boot
>       hda2 - 517 HB <swap>
>       hda3 <extended>
>       hda4 - 134 GB           - was /data
>       hda5 - 2 GB             - was /var
>       hda6 - 1 GB             - was /
>       hda7 - 8 GB             - was /usr
>       hda8 - 18 GB            - was /home
> During the install steps, I selected hda1 for /boot, and hda6 for /, but
> received an error on / size, so I used hda7.  It never asked for other
> partitions.

please test it again on another computer and with more than 12 partions,
if its possible dual boot with existing windows.

> When the installation finished, it would not boot from any of the
> entries in the grub menu, so I edited the entries, and added a new one.
> It seems that the installer mis-computes some of the partition numbers.
> After booting the hard drive, the sound was set up properly and
> utilities properly played music CDs.  I was unable to play DVDs (I only
> own two).  Both xine and MPlayer aborted with an error reading NAV

Regarding to german law's DeCSS isnt allowd ( for now ) I hope this stupid
thing will change soon, otherwise we must find a special server, who will
host a multimedia.iso.

> packet.  I am still trying to track this down.
> Is it possible to have the kernel compiled with lm_sensors?  gkrellm is
> much nicer, and I feel better, when it displays CPU temperatures and fan
> RPMs, since some of these things run hot.

File me a "bug" to the BTS. 

> On the list of 'nice-to-have' would be fonts for Korean characters.  I
> noticed that some Japanese and others are installed, but hangul (Korean)
> is missing and I was unable to view the characters (see
> for a sample).

please try a apt-get install xfonts-base-transcoded
dont worry your CD is 'writable' , if you didnt noticed ;) 

>  Here is my resulting /boot/grub/menu.lst with the first entry which I
> added.

thx for your fast report.

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