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[Gnoppix-user] Gnoppix installer - Select partition

From: fabrice
Subject: [Gnoppix-user] Gnoppix installer - Select partition
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 18:59:58 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.2

Hi all,

I am trying to install Gnoppix on my PC. When launching the
gnoppix-installer, I have to say on which hard drive I want to install the
/dev/hde which is choice #1
/dev/hdf which is choice #2

The thing is I have several partitions on each one of these hdd. I would
like to install gnoppix on /dev/hde5 which is ext3 3GB and use /dev/hde4
which is already swap.

If I select choice number 1, will I be prompted to select the final
partition or will the gnoppix-installer format my whole hdd (that would
imply I lose all my files in the other partitions on the disk) before
repartitionning it and installing gnoppix ?

That may sound like a stupid question but I didn't dare go select a hdd...

Thanks for your help.


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