that doesn't tell us what you are running
please show the output of smsd --version
address@hidden:~# /usr/local/bin/smsd --version
smsd - Version 1.5.2 aus gnokii 0.6.31
Copyright Jan Derfinak 1999-2011
the fact that you aren't able to paste Umlaut in the email looks like
a misconfiguration on you system
Yes - i think so - the tests are on a Debian Machine using a win client and putty to connect via SSH.
are you able to send the same SMS with gnokii --sendsms? If so then
Just tryed it - same problem:
Bitte geben Sie den Nachrichtentext ein. Beendes Sie die Eingabe mit: <cr><Strg-D>:
ucs2_encode/iconv: Ungültiges oder unvollständiges Multi-Byte- oder Wide-Zeichen
Senden mit Referenz 37 erfolgreich!
Is there anything i can do at the Debian side to solve this problem ?
Best Regards
Axel Gruber