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Nokia 6020

From: Greg Franks
Subject: Nokia 6020
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 23:57:43 -0400

I am happy to report I have gotten my Nokia 6020 running with the CA42 data cable, both on Linux (RH, FC5), and MacOSX 10.3.9

The config for MacOSX:
connection = dlr3p
serial_baudrate = 115200
port = /dev/cu.usbmodem1911

MacOSX does not have a /var/lock directory, so I had to create one to get it to work. The build instructions for 'addgroup' don't apply. Adding a group seems a touch convoluted on MacOSX, so I have not bothered.

I used the same connection-type and baudrate for FC5.

On an unrelated topic -- ldif output for --getphonenumber. It appears as though numbers stored in the phone as 'General' are not output in the ldif output. Numbers either have to saved as 'work' or 'home'. Perhaps the 'General'-type could be output as 'telephoneNumber:' The "General" numbers appear as "unkown(0)" in the default output format.

It would be nice if the Group Id could also be dumped in the ldif output, perhaps as 'businessCategory' (for lack of other field in the generic ldif schema).


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