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Re: Problem with nokia 8310 [PSEUDO-SOLVED???]

From: Samuel Díaz García
Subject: Re: Problem with nokia 8310 [PSEUDO-SOLVED???]
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 02:52:15 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20060313)

Some comments about initial problem:
a) With: "connection = dau9p" Connection goes more quickly (the READMEs are the READMEs).
   b) With models 6510 and 8310 the problems persists (with RPM binaries).
   c) With self-compiled 0.6.12 from sources scratch IT WORKS!!

The problem remains into the Fedora Core 5 RPM.


Samuel Díaz García escribió:
Hi guys, I'm having many troubles with my nokia 8310 mobile sending sms.
I put many "dumps" and write info beween them, the dumps begins with "===BEGIN xxxx===" and ends with "===END xxxx===".
Sorry for my english.

I run:

echo "hola coco, hola" | gnokii --sendsms 000000000 -r

And gnokii say me:

GNOKII Version 0.6.12
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
LOG: rlpdebug mask is 0x1
LOG: xdebug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/ttyS1
connection_type: 0
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 0
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: on
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to low
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to high
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 1b, seq: 80]
[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 7]
Message received: 0x1b / 0x002e
01 2b 00 08 00 01 58 29 00 22 56 20 30 36 2e 30 |  +    X) "V 06.0
34 0a 31 31 2d 30 32 2d 30 33 0a 4e 48 4d 2d 37 | 4 11-02-03 NHM-7
0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4d 50 2e 0a 43 00 00 00       |  (c) NMP. C
Received message type 1b
model length: 5
Received model NHM-7
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0006
00 01 00 14 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  1]
[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 0]
Message received: 0x02 / 0x0022
01 56 00 15 00 01 0b 1c 01 ed ed 00 a7 02 82 0c |  V
02 08 07 91 43 06 07 30 11 f0 81 08 02 00 00 00 |     C  0
00 00                                           |
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMSC Received
General Data Coding
dcs: 0x0
Length: 0xf
user_data_length: 0xe
ValidityIndicator: 2
user_data: E8373B0C1ABFC76F1608FD668701
Sending SMS...(70)
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0046
00 01 00 02 00 00 00 55 55 01 02 3c 31 00 00 00 |        UU  <1
00 04 82 0c 01 07 09 81 56 91 73 42 f8 00 82 0c |         V sB
02 03 02 91 f0 00 00 00 00 00 80 18 0e 0f e8 37 |                7
3b 0c 1a bf c7 6f 16 08 fd 66 87 01 55 55 55 55 | ;    o   f  UUUU
55 55 08 04 01 a9                               | UU
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  2]
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0046
00 01 00 02 00 00 00 55 55 01 02 3c 31 00 00 00 |        UU  <1
00 04 82 0c 01 07 09 81 56 91 73 42 f8 00 82 0c |         V sB
02 03 02 91 f0 00 00 00 00 00 80 18 0e 0f e8 37 |                7
3b 0c 1a bf c7 6f 16 08 fd 66 87 01 55 55 55 55 | ;    o   f  UUUU
55 55 08 04 01 a9                               | UU
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  3]
[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 1]
Message received: 0x02 / 0x000e
01 56 00 03 55 01 0c 08 00 04 55 55 55 00       |  V  U     UUU
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMS sent
Send succeeded!
Serial device: closing device

My gnokiirc:

===BEGIN /etc/gnokiirc===
port = /dev/ttyS1
model = 6510
initlength = default
connection = serial
use_locking = yes
serial_baudrate = 19200
sm_retry = 10
smsc_timeout = 0
bindir = /usr/sbin/
TELEPHONE = 123456789
debug = on
rlpdebug = on
xdebug = on
===END /etc/gnokiirc===

More info (omiting the preface, because they are as the first dump:

===BEGIN gnockii --identify===
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to high
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 1b, seq: 80]
[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 3]
Message received: 0x1b / 0x002e
01 2b 00 08 00 01 58 29 00 22 56 20 30 36 2e 30 |  +    X) "V 06.0
34 0a 31 31 2d 30 32 2d 30 33 0a 4e 48 4d 2d 37 | 4 11-02-03 NHM-7
0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4d 50 2e 0a 43 00 00 00       |  (c) NMP. C
Received message type 1b
model length: 5
Received model NHM-7
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0005
00 01 00 00 41                                  |     A
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 1b, seq:  1]
[Received Ack of type 1b, seq:  2]
[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 4]
Message received: 0x1b / 0x001a
01 2b 00 01 00 01 41 14 00 10 33 35 31 34 37 33 |  +    A   351473
31 30 30 35 38 31 38 39 35 00                   | 100581895
Received message type 1b
Received imei 351473100581895
[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 5]
Message received: 0x1b / 0x002e
01 2b 00 08 00 01 58 29 00 22 56 20 30 36 2e 30 |  +    X) "V 06.0
34 0a 31 31 2d 30 32 2d 30 33 0a 4e 48 4d 2d 37 | 4 11-02-03 NHM-7
0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4d 50 2e 0a 43 00 00 00       |  (c) NMP. C
Received message type 1b
Received revision V 06.04
model length: 5
Received model NHM-7
IMEI         : 351473100581895
Manufacturer : Nokia
Model        : NHM-7
Revision     : V 06.04
Serial device: closing device
===END gnockii --identify===

===BEGIN --getsmsc 1 3===
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to high
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 1b, seq: 80]
[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 6]
Message received: 0x1b / 0x002e
01 2b 00 08 00 01 58 29 00 22 56 20 30 36 2e 30 |  +    X) "V 06.0
34 0a 31 31 2d 30 32 2d 30 33 0a 4e 48 4d 2d 37 | 4 11-02-03 NHM-7
0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4d 50 2e 0a 43 00 00 00       |  (c) NMP. C
Received message type 1b
model length: 5
Received model NHM-7
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0006
00 01 00 14 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  1]
[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 7]
Message received: 0x02 / 0x0022
01 56 00 15 00 01 0b 1c 01 ed ed 00 a7 02 82 0c |  V
02 08 07 91 43 06 07 30 11 f0 81 08 02 00 00 00 |     C  0
00 00                                           |
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMSC Received
No. 1: "" (defined name)
SMS center number is 0
Default recipient number is (none)
Messages sent as Unknown
Message validity is 24 hours
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0006
00 01 00 14 02 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  2]
[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 0]
Message received: 0x02 / 0x0016
01 56 00 15 00 01 0b 10 02 ff 00 28 55 01 81 08 |  V         (U
02 00 00 00 00 00                               |
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMSC Received
No. 2: "" (defined name)
SMS center number is (none)
Default recipient number is (none)
Messages sent as Text
Message validity is Unknown
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0006
00 01 00 14 03 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  3]
[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 1]
Message received: 0x02 / 0x0016
01 56 00 15 00 01 0b 10 03 ff 00 28 55 01 81 08 |  V         (U
02 00 00 00 00 00                               |
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMSC Received
No. 3: "" (defined name)
SMS center number is (none)
Default recipient number is (none)
Messages sent as Text
Message validity is Unknown
Serial device: closing device
===END --getsmsc 1 3===

Ah, the last (and very curious), I tried changing smsc_timeout config option from 0 to 10 and see the dump, see the "smsc_timeout: 100" line at begining and "SMS Send failed (Command failed.)" and the end.

==BEGIN --sendsms 000000000 -r===
GNOKII Version 0.6.12
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
LOG: rlpdebug mask is 0x1
LOG: xdebug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/ttyS1
connection_type: 0
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: on
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to low
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to high
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 1b, seq: 80]
[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 2]
Message received: 0x1b / 0x002e
01 2b 00 08 00 01 58 29 00 22 56 20 30 36 2e 30 |  +    X) "V 06.0
34 0a 31 31 2d 30 32 2d 30 33 0a 4e 48 4d 2d 37 | 4 11-02-03 NHM-7
0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4d 50 2e 0a 43 00 00 00       |  (c) NMP. C
Received message type 1b
model length: 5
Received model NHM-7
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0006
00 01 00 14 01 00                               |
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  1]
[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 3]
Message received: 0x02 / 0x0022
01 56 00 15 00 01 0b 1c 01 ed ed 00 a7 02 82 0c |  V
02 08 07 91 43 06 07 30 11 f0 81 08 02 00 00 00 |     C  0
00 00                                           |
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMSC Received
General Data Coding
dcs: 0x0
Length: 0xf
user_data_length: 0xe
ValidityIndicator: 2
user_data: E8373B0C1ABFC76F1608FD668701
Sending SMS...(70)
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0046
00 01 00 02 00 00 00 55 55 01 02 3c 31 00 00 00 |        UU  <1
00 04 82 0c 01 07 09 81 56 91 73 42 f8 00 82 0c |         V sB
02 03 02 91 f0 00 00 00 00 00 80 18 0e 0f e8 37 |                7
3b 0c 1a bf c7 6f 16 08 fd 66 87 01 55 55 55 55 | ;    o   f  UUUU
55 55 08 04 01 a9                               | UU
[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  2]
[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 4]
Message received: 0x02 / 0x000e
01 56 00 03 00 01 0c 08 01 60 1c 55 55 00       |  V       ` UU
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMS sending failed
SMS Send failed (Command failed.)
Serial device: closing device
===END --sendsms 000000000 -r===

I put the ".diff" between "with smsc_timeout=0" and the "with smsc_timeout=10" gnokiirc config option outputs, with the same command line, obviously:

===BEGIN diff===
--- smsctimeout_0.output.txt    2006-04-09 01:41:34.000000000 +0200
+++ smsctimeout_10.output.txt   2006-04-09 01:45:56.000000000 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 serial_write_usleep: -1
 hardware_handshake: 0
 require_dcd: 0
-smsc_timeout: 0
+smsc_timeout: 100
 rfcomm_cn: 1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
 00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
 [Received Ack of type 1b, seq: 80]
-[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 1]
+[Sending Ack of type 1b, seq: 5]
 Message received: 0x1b / 0x002e
 01 2b 00 08 00 01 58 29 00 22 56 20 30 36 2e 30 |  +    X) "V 06.0
 34 0a 31 31 2d 30 32 2d 30 33 0a 4e 48 4d 2d 37 | 4 11-02-03 NHM-7
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0006
 00 01 00 14 01 00                               |
 [Received Ack of type 02, seq:  1]
-[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 2]
+[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 6]
 Message received: 0x02 / 0x0022
 01 56 00 15 00 01 0b 1c 01 ed ed 00 a7 02 82 0c |  V
 02 08 07 91 43 06 07 30 11 f0 81 08 02 00 00 00 |     C  0
@@ -86,19 +86,11 @@
 3b 0c 1a bf c7 6f 16 08 fd 66 87 01 55 55 55 55 | ;    o   f  UUUU
 55 55 08 04 01 a9                               | UU
 [Received Ack of type 02, seq:  2]
-SM_Block Retry - 0
-Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0046
-00 01 00 02 00 00 00 55 55 01 02 3c 31 00 00 00 |        UU  <1
-00 04 82 0c 01 07 09 81 56 91 73 42 f8 00 82 0c |         V sB
-02 03 02 91 f0 00 00 00 00 00 80 18 0e 0f e8 37 |                7
-3b 0c 1a bf c7 6f 16 08 fd 66 87 01 55 55 55 55 | ;    o   f  UUUU
-55 55 08 04 01 a9                               | UU
-[Received Ack of type 02, seq:  3]
-[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 3]
+[Sending Ack of type 02, seq: 7]
 Message received: 0x02 / 0x000e
-01 56 00 03 55 01 0c 08 00 04 55 55 55 00       |  V  U     UUU
+01 56 00 03 00 01 0c 08 01 60 1f 55 55 00       |  V       ` UU
 Received message type 02
 Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
-SMS sent
-Send succeeded!
+SMS sending failed
+SMS Send failed (Command failed.)
 Serial device: closing device
===END diff===

Info about the linux box:

===BEGIN uname -a===
Linux mybox.localdomain 2.6.16-1.2080_FC5smp #1 SMP Tue Mar 28 03:55:15 EST 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
===END uname -a===

===BEGIN yum list installed | grep gnokii ===
gnokii.i386                              0.6.12-4.fc5           installed
gnokii-smsd.i386                         0.6.12-4.fc5           installed
gnokii-smsd-pgsql.i386                   0.6.12-4.fc5           installed
xgnokii.i386                             0.6.12-4.fc5           installed
===END yum list installed | grep gnokii ===

The last is the question: Can you help me? Please!!!


   Samuel Díaz García
    Director Gerente
ArcosCom Wireless, S.L.L.

CIF: B11828068
c/ Romero Gago, 19
Arcos de la Frontera
11630 - Cadiz

msn: address@hidden

Móvil: 651 93 72 48
Tlfn.: 956 70 13 15
Fax:   956 70 34 83

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