"EBM" == Ernest B M (gmail) <address@hidden> writes:
EBM> yes. i see it is the following sequence:
EBM> gnokii --sendsms <number>
EBM> ...
EBM> ...
EBM> message
EBM> Ctrl+D
EBM> what i am trying to achieve is specifying the number and message
EBM> on the same command, and hitting enter to send the sms
This is an issue regardin the shell, not gnokii, maybe man bash should
have helped you :).
As your example suggest, and this one
echo "Message" | gnokii --sendsms <number>
confirms, the text to be sent as SMS is readed from stdin (yes, this
solves your problem AFAIK).
All you need is to do is play around with pipes or here documents or
even here strings (with bash, see the man page of the shell you use)
as you feel it suites more to your taste.