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Re: gnokii and Motorola C350

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: gnokii and Motorola C350
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 20:00:04 +0100 (CET)

On Sun, 25 Jan 2004, Ron Yorston wrote:

Hi Ron,

> The first issue is the response the phone gives to requests for model,
> manufacturer, revision and IMEI number ('AT+CG??').  The standard says
> that the response should just be the requested data, but the Motorola is
> returning '+CG??: ' followed by a quoted string.  I've fixed this by
> replacing the REPLY_SIMPLETEXT macro with a function which can handle
> both the standard and the Motorola responses.
> Secondly, in the response to a request to read a phone book entry the
> name string (which is hex-encoded UCS2) isn't quoted whereas the code in
> atgen.c expects it to be quoted.  Again I've modified the code so that it
> should handle either type of response.

Both explanations seem to be sane and the solution also. I'll review the
patch, test with Nokia 6310 and Siemens S55 and if it works, I'll apply
the pach. Thank you work the work done.

>    The response to '+CPBS?' doesn't include any information about the
>    number of free/used slots.
>    The code in atgen.c doesn't handle the  response to '+CPBR=?'.  In
>    the Motorola this includes useful information about the valid range
>    of phone book slots.  In particular, the index numbers for the SIM
>    entries have index values from 101-300, whereas xgnokii only looks
>    for 1-100.

Hmmm... It needs more work. I'll try to figure out how to fit +CPBS
command into gnokii with the reasonable ammount of work.

>    The phone doesn't support PDU mode, so it isn't possible to fetch
>    SMS messages because the code assumes that PDU mode works.  There
>    are also problems with the names of the folders for messages.

Yeah, gnokii still misses SMS TEXT mode. And I'm surprised that there are
still phones without PDU mode.

take care,
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