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Re: Phone powers off automatically after switching it on (Nokia 6100)

From: Johannes Zellner
Subject: Re: Phone powers off automatically after switching it on (Nokia 6100)
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 10:00:10 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 02:15:56PM +0100, Aart Koelewijn wrote:
> Op 2004-01-08 om 09:19 schreef Johannes Zellner:
> > My question: does anyone use successfully gnokii with the nokia 6100 (over
> > the infrared port) ?
> I have been using gnokii with a nokia 6110 over the infrared port of my
> laptop for about 1 1/2 year now. Never a problem. But read the
> documentation!!(gnokii-ir-howto) It does NOT work with IRDA but with the
> SIR protocol.
> The laptop is a Gerricom and in the configuration menu of the laptop I can
> choose different settings for comm B. I think SIR is called ASK IR in the
> configuration menu.
> So for me, after setting the laptop up to use the SIR protocol on
> the infrared port, /dev/ttyS1, my ~/.gnokiirc reads:
> [global]
> port = /dev/ttyS1
> model = 6110
> initlength = default
> connection = infrared
> bindir = /usr/local/sbin
> use_locking = yes
> serial_baudrate = 19200
> [sms]
> timeout = 30
> (everything else commented out.)

well, not really the same. The 6110 phone uses the 6100 driver, while my
6100 phone uses the 6510 driver. Anyway: which kernel modules do you
use, especially which infrared modules? (irtty / irport / ircomm ?)


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