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Re: Modula-2 generics, exceptions, and optional parameters - how widely

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: Modula-2 generics, exceptions, and optional parameters - how widely supported?
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:08:30 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Benjamin Kowarsch <> writes:

> On Thu, 28 Mar 2024 at 05:52, Alice Osako wrote:
>  I know that ISO Modula-2 added both exceptions and optionally, generics.
> Exceptions are part of the ISO M2 base standard while generics are an
> additional standard on top of the base standard.

exceptions are fully supported in gm2 (also note there is SYSTEM.THROW
as well).

>  Further, I know that GNU Modula-2 also supports optional parameters and 
>  optional return values, but as far as I can tell those are unique to 
>  GM2.
> Yes, those are GM2 extensions, not available elsewhere.
> I think you will find that template expansion by placeholder replacement is 
> VASTLY SUPERIOR to any static generics facility in any language. And once you
> have worked on this basis, you will never ever want to go back to anything 
> that is built into or bolted onto the language.
> Any static generics facility built into a language is nothing else but text 
> replacement anyway. It doesn't do anything different. However, it hides what 
> it does
> from you. You are blind. You cannot see what it has generated. You may think 
> you know what the actual source code is that the compiler is translating, but 
> it
> may be something quite different and you won't know. And this poses a very 
> serious problem when debugging.
> With a template expansion utility, you will see what the compiler sees.
> And, you can inject text into comments, so that the expanded source code 
> tells you what version it is.
> Thus, from a usability perspective alone, an external template expansion 
> utility is already superior.
> Then, there is the aspect of implementation and complexity/reliability of the 
> compiler. Why should the compiler be burdened with the task of expanding
> templates? Why should the compiler have to check the syntax of the template? 
> The only thing that matters is whether the generated source is syntactically
> correct. The compiler doesn't need to care whether the template is correct. 
> Furthermore, there is no need to expand a template over and over and over 
> again,
> once it has been expanded.
> Keeping template expansion out of the compiler significantly reduces 
> implementation complexity and thus reliability.
> And then you can always add features to the template engine utility for 
> common use cases that make things easier. The compiler will not be impacted 
> by that
> at all. The compiler always expects correct Modula-2 input and the job of the 
> template and template expansion is to generate correct Modula-2.
> So, I'd recommend you try working with an external template expansion utility 
> and then see how this works out.

I concur, as a side note it is possible to insert line directives into
the processed source to direct the debugger to the original source.

So for example:

# 123 topsource.mod
some mangled m2 code

when compiled with gm2 -g will contain debugging info relating "some
mangled m2 code" to line 123 in file topsource.mod.  I find this feature
useful to toggle on/off depending the level of debugging required.

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