On Sun, 24 Mar 2024 at
09:28, Alice Osako wrote:
I don't
especially want to step on the toes of Benjamin Kowarsch
and his colleagues, but I think it in addition to what
I've already done with CardBitOps library, might be
worth the trouble to hoist several other elements of the
M2BSK library to separate projects, to make it easier to
apply them to other projects beyond both M2BSK itself
and those I am already working on.
The code is published open source in a public repository
precisely so that other people can benefit from it.
I don't suggest
this lightly, if for no other reason than that it puts
me in the position of being the key figure in
maintaining several libraries. However, I suspect that
others would benefit from doing this.
I can move the code out into a separate repository and
give anyone who wants to contribute write access. This would
probably be better than forking it. Also, nobody will then
have to worry about taking on responsibility for the repo.
People can just contribute on an ad-hoc basis.