Basically you need two functions
PROCEDURE utf8ToUnichar ( utf8 : ARRAY [0..5] OF CARDINAL
[0..127]; VAR ch : UNICHAR );
PROCEDURE unicharToUtf8 ( ch : UNICHAR; VAR utf8 : ARRAY
[0..5] OF CARDINAL [0..127] );
I just noticed that I made a mistake in the above function signatures. For UTF-8, the I/O buffer elements should be of type CARDINAL [0..255] instead of CARDINAL [0..127]. The latter would be for UTF-7.
BTW, for portability, you should avoid using SHORTCARD. Define a type for CARDINAL [0..255]. This will be portable.
You may also need a few utility functions such as:
(* Returns a UNICHAR value for code point n *)
PROCEDURE is7bitPrintable ( ch : UNICHAR ) : BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if ch represents a 7-bit printable character, else FALSE *)
PROCEDURE charFromUnichar ( ch : UNICHAR ) : CHAR;
(* Converts a UNICHAR value to type CHAR if ch is a 7-bit printable,
causes a runtime error if ch does not represent a 7-bit printable *)
If you design the library for unqualified import, you may call the latter function toChar, calling it as Unichar.toChar().