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Re: [Gm2] Numerical Library : GM2 issue with multidimensional array para

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: [Gm2] Numerical Library : GM2 issue with multidimensional array parameter
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2018 11:33:58 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux)

Michael Riedl <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Michael,

> RTExceptions.mod:639:9:invalid address referenced in invalidloc
> Perhaps you find some time to have a look on that.

sure - I can reproduce this on my machine.  Will fix it.

> Just as an interesting point I also compared the timings of both the
> REAL64 and REAL96 variant (see third attachment). The tasks is to
> compute the eigensystem of a 256x256 matrix 100 times by a classical
> jacobi routine.
> As expected in one of my former emails I see a huge time penalty for
> the 12 BYTE reals (approx 1.8 times longer runtime if not optimized,
> 2.7 times longer runtime if optimized with -O2). Keeping in mind that
> using a linarised array for the input matrix for the Jacobi
> diagonalisation routine is memory but not cache optimal I expect an
> even more dramatic difference for the other routines (e.g. for the SVD
> routines not yet part of the routines I did sent you).

interesting timings indeed.  I'd ignore timing unoptimised code as it is
not designed to run fast but to compile fast and provide very accurate
debugging information.

Encouraging that the gm2 REAL/LONGREAL are both faster and more accurate
(wider) than xds.  It might be interesting to see if your test can be
compiled with

   -O2 -fm2-whole-program


   -O3 -fm2-whole-program

I see good results when compiling a game engine


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