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[Gm2] Report on gm2-2010-11-07 on Solaris 10/sparc

From: john o goyo
Subject: [Gm2] Report on gm2-2010-11-07 on Solaris 10/sparc
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 08:09:32 -0500

Gmake check-gm2 on gm2-2010-11-07 Solaris 10/sparc reports the following.

                === gm2 Summary ===

# of expected passes            9171
# of unexpected failures        45

(Full report to Gaius.)

The extra failures are due to sigfig.mod but something is amiss in reporting. The file gm2.sum contains the following.

FAIL: gm2/isolib/run/pass/sigfig.mod execution,  -g
FAIL: gm2/isolib/run/pass/sigfig.mod execution,  -O
FAIL: gm2/isolib/run/pass/sigfig.mod execution,  -O -g
FAIL: gm2/isolib/run/pass/sigfig.mod execution,  -Os
FAIL: gm2/isolib/run/pass/sigfig.mod execution, -O3 -fomit-frame- pointer FAIL: gm2/isolib/run/pass/sigfig.mod execution, -O3 -fomit-frame- pointer -finline-functions

However, on their own, we have the following passes.

johng: 591 [tst-gm2]=> gm2 -c -g sigfig.mod
johng: 592 [tst-gm2]=> gm2 -g sigfig.mod
johng: 593 [tst-gm2]=> ./a.out
  passed   ToSigFig(12.3456789, 3) -> 12.3
  passed   ToSigFig(12.3456789, 4) -> 12.35
  passed   ToSigFig(12.3456789, 5) -> 12.346
  passed   ToSigFig(12.3456789, 6) -> 12.3457
  passed   ToSigFig(19.99, 3) -> 20.0
  passed   ToSigFig(99.999, 3) -> 100
  passed   ToSigFig(99.999, 3) -> 100

The sigfig tests: passed

Similarly, "-O", "-O -g", and "-Os" pass.

The compilation option "-O3" causes failure regardless of what follows.

johng: 603 [tst-gm2]=> gm2 -c -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sigfig.mod
johng: 604 [tst-gm2]=> gm2 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer sigfig.mod
johng: 605 [tst-gm2]=> ./a.out
../../../src/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/gm2/gm2-libs/StrLib.mod:117:3:array index out of bounds during dynamic ar
ray access in implementation module M2EXCEPTION
Abort (core dumped)
johng: 606 [tst-gm2]=> gm2 -c -O3 sigfig.mod
johng: 607 [tst-gm2]=> gm2 -O3 sigfig.mod
johng: 608 [tst-gm2]=> ./a.out
../../../src/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/gm2/gm2-libs/StrLib.mod:117:3:array index out of bounds during dynamic ar
ray access in implementation module M2EXCEPTION
Abort (core dumped)


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