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Re: [Gm2] complex types

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: [Gm2] complex types
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 16:33:34 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)

Andreas Fischlin <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi Gaius,
> I am simply using CMath to implement whatever MathLib0 etc. I wish to
> implement. That should not break any legacy code. I have of course a legacy
> implementation of MathLib0 that uses portably algorithms if you wish to have a
> legacy implementation in order to have not the least significat bit being of
> max precision. However, I generally use CMath, since it is to the least
> significant bit precise, even if you use it as implementation of a REAL or 
> even
> SHORTREAL definition of the procedure. RETURNing the long real value exploits
> the assignment compatibility, e.g.
>     BEGIN
>       RETURN CMath.sin(x)
>     END Sin;
>  and that's about all there is.
> Regards,
> Andreas

Hi Andreas,

ahh, yes - sorry I missed that it was a definition module for CMath
(rather than MathLib0) - my mistake,


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