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[Gm2] latest CVS changes

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: [Gm2] latest CVS changes
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 20:39:13 +0100


here are the latest ChangeLog entries for GM2. Basically it can now
compile nested variants, such as:

   this = RECORD
             CASE tag: CARDINAL OF
             1: foo: CARDINAL ;
                  CASE bar: BOOLEAN OF
                  TRUE : bt: INTEGER |
                  FALSE: bf: CARDINAL
                  END |
             2: an: CARDINAL |
             END ;
             final: CARDINAL ;
          END ;

correctly. These improvements allow another ULM module to compile and
install during the gm2 build process. There is now a gm2-harness-0.4
and gm2 can build with gcc-3.3.5. FTP appears blocked by the firewall
at - I'll try and remove this asap..

        * major changes which now allow GM2 to compile nested variant records
          (such as found in gm2/ulm-lib-gm2/std/RTErrors.def)
        * added runtime regression test in testsuite/types/run/pass
        * gm2/ modified to include RTErrors.mod to be built with
          the ulm libraries. Grammar files are built without the -l option to 
        * gm2/gccgm2.c new functions gccgm2_BuildOffset1 
          which implement modifications to record/variant field calculation.
        * gm2/gm2.texi contains gm2 internal documentation on how the front end
          symbol table represents records, field and variant records.
        * gm2/bnf/m2-2.bnf removed commented out code.
        * gm2/examples/map/Makefile builds the utility semantic.
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/M2Base.mod modifications to reflect change in 
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/M2GCCDeclare.mod added debugging procedures 
          and PrintSymbol, which can be called interactively from gdb. Also 
          variant record declaration.
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/M2GenGCC.mod fixed variant record field calculation.
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/M2Quads.mod changed operands to OffsetOp.
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/M2SubExp.mod changes to reflect OffsetOp change.
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/P2SymBuild.mod changed to allow nested variant 
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/SymbolTable.[def, mod] changes to variant record
          representation. Fixed memory leak.
        * gm2/gm2-compiler/gccgm2.def changed BuildOffset and added BuildOffset1
        * gm2/ulm-lib-gm2/std/RTErrors.def changed parameter name to match
          implementation module.
        * gm2/ulm-lib-gm2/std/RTErrors.mod fixed pointer/integer constant type 

If any mailing list members have had success porting gm2 to a platform
and have had to modify the sources in any form, please feel free to
post the diffs and I'll incorporate them.

Many thanks and enjoy,


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