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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Yves Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2017 14:10:22 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit a06ee069fa8ac246842f698d89006bdb8ec28e0d
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Date:   Sat Sep 23 18:01:53 2017 +0200

    Another adaptation for 64 bit integer blas/lapack, ipvt interface 
structure. Change a bit the call of some factorization functions
---                   |  7 ++--
 src/           |  2 +-
 src/gmm/gmm_dense_lu.h         | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 src/gmm/gmm_lapack_interface.h | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 src/gmm/gmm_opt.h              |  9 ++++--
 5 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index ac0014d..9d641be 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -870,18 +870,19 @@ if test "$usematlab" != NO; then
      if $(echo "" | $MEX 2>&1 | grep 'This is .*TeX'); then
          AC_MSG_ERROR([the mex binary which is in the PATH appears to be part 
of LaTeX, not matlab !! run ./configure MEX=/path/to/matlab/mex]);
-     AC_CHECK_PROGS(MEXEXT, mexext)
      # MATLAB_ROOT=`$MEX -v 2>&1 | grep "MATLAB  " | awk '{print $4}'|sed -e 
      MEX_EXE=`which $MEX`
      MEX_EXE=`readlink -e $MEX_EXE`
-     MATLAB_ROOT=`echo $MEX_EXE | sed -e 's/bin.*$//'` 
+     MATLAB_ROOT=`echo $MEX_EXE | sed -e 's/bin.*$//'`
+     MEXEXT=$MATLAB_ROOT/bin/mexext
      echo "checking for matlab path... " $MATLAB_ROOT
      echo "checking for mex extension... " $MATLAB_COM_EXT
 #    MATLAB_RELEASE=`grep "MATLAB R" $MATLAB_ROOT/extern/src/mexversion.c | 
awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/R//'`
 #    MATLAB_RELEASE=`grep "full_ver="$(which $MEX) | sed 's/[[^0-9]]//g'` # 
double brackets are for escaping reasons.
-     MATLAB_RELEASE=`echo $MATLAB_ROOT | sed 's/^.*R//g' | sed 's/\/$//'`
+     MATLAB_RELEASE=`matlab -nosplash -nojvm -r "exit" | grep "(R2" | sed 
's/^.*R//g' | sed 's/).*$//'`
      echo "Matlab release is : R$MATLAB_RELEASE"
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b0693f8..5e6fb24 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace getfem {
     // cout << "nbco = " << nbco << endl;
     std::vector<const mesher_signed_distance*> ls(nbco);
     std::vector<scalar_type> d(nbco), v(nbco);
-    std::vector<long> ipvt(nbco);
+    gmm::lapack_ipvt ipvt(nbco);
     gmm::col_matrix<base_node> G(N, nbco);
     gmm::dense_matrix<scalar_type> H(nbco, nbco);
     base_small_vector dd(N);
diff --git a/src/gmm/gmm_dense_lu.h b/src/gmm/gmm_dense_lu.h
index cb53771..1c6269a 100644
--- a/src/gmm/gmm_dense_lu.h
+++ b/src/gmm/gmm_dense_lu.h
@@ -70,10 +70,50 @@
 #define GMM_DENSE_LU_H
 #include "gmm_dense_Householder.h"
-#include "gmm_opt.h"
 namespace gmm {
+  /* ********************************************************************** */
+  /* IPVT structure.                                                        */
+  /* ********************************************************************** */
+  // For compatibility with lapack version with 64 or 32 bit integer.
+  // Should be replaced by std::vector<size_type> if 32 bit integer version
+  // of lapack is not used anymore (and lapack_ipvt_int set to size_type)
+  // Do not use iterators of this interface container
+  class lapack_ipvt : public std::vector<size_type> {
+    bool is_int64;
+    size_type &operator[](size_type i)
+    { return std::vector<size_type>::operator[](i); }
+    size_type operator[] (size_type i) const
+    { return std::vector<size_type>::operator[](i); }
+    void begin(void) const {}
+    void begin(void) {}
+    void end(void) const {}
+    void end(void) {}
+  public:
+    void set_to_int32() { is_int64 = false; }
+    const size_type *pfirst() const
+    { return &(*(std::vector<size_type>::begin())); }
+    size_type *pfirst() { return &(*(std::vector<size_type>::begin())); }
+    lapack_ipvt(size_type n) :  std::vector<size_type>(n), is_int64(true) {}
+    size_type get(size_type i) const {
+      const size_type *p = pfirst();
+      return is_int64 ? p[i] : size_type(((const int *)(p))[i]);
+    }
+    void set(size_type i, size_type val) {
+      size_type *p = pfirst();
+      if (is_int64) p[i] = val; else ((int *)(p))[i] = int(val);
+    }
+  };
+#include "gmm_opt.h"
+namespace gmm {
   /** LU Factorization of a general (dense) matrix (real or complex).
@@ -85,24 +125,23 @@ namespace gmm {
   The pivot indices in ipvt are indexed starting from 1
   so that this is compatible with LAPACK (Fortran).
-  template <typename DenseMatrix, typename Pvector>
-  size_type lu_factor(DenseMatrix& A, Pvector& ipvt) {
+  template <typename DenseMatrix>
+  size_type lu_factor(DenseMatrix& A, lapack_ipvt& ipvt) {
     typedef typename linalg_traits<DenseMatrix>::value_type T;
-    typedef typename linalg_traits<Pvector>::value_type int_T;
     typedef typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
     size_type info(0), i, j, jp, M(mat_nrows(A)), N(mat_ncols(A));
     size_type NN = std::min(M, N);
     std::vector<T> c(M), r(N);
     GMM_ASSERT2(ipvt.size()+1 >= NN, "IPVT too small");
-    for (i = 0; i+1 < NN; ++i) ipvt[i] = int_T(i);
+    for (i = 0; i+1 < NN; ++i) ipvt.set(i, i);
     if (M || N) {
       for (j = 0; j+1 < NN; ++j) {
        R max = gmm::abs(A(j,j)); jp = j;
        for (i = j+1; i < M; ++i)                  /* find pivot.          */
          if (gmm::abs(A(i,j)) > max) { jp = i; max = gmm::abs(A(i,j)); }
-       ipvt[j] = int_T(jp + 1);
+       ipvt.set(j, jp + 1);
        if (max == R(0)) { info = j + 1; break; }
         if (jp != j) for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) std::swap(A(jp, i), A(j, i));
@@ -112,7 +151,7 @@ namespace gmm {
        rank_one_update(sub_matrix(A, sub_interval(j+1, M-j-1),
                                 sub_interval(j+1, N-j-1)), c, conjugated(r));
-      ipvt[NN-1] = int_T(NN);
+      ipvt.set(NN-1, NN);
     return info;
@@ -126,7 +165,7 @@ namespace gmm {
     typedef typename linalg_traits<DenseMatrix>::value_type T;
     copy(b, x);
     for(size_type i = 0; i < pvector.size(); ++i) {
-      size_type perm = pvector[i]-1;     // permutations stored in 1's offset
+      size_type perm = pvector.get(i)-1;   // permutations stored in 1's offset
       if(i != perm) { T aux = x[i]; x[i] = x[perm]; x[perm] = aux; }
     /* solve  Ax = b  ->  LUx = b  ->  Ux = L^-1 b.                        */
@@ -138,7 +177,7 @@ namespace gmm {
   void lu_solve(const DenseMatrix &A, VectorX &x, const VectorB &b) {
     typedef typename linalg_traits<DenseMatrix>::value_type T;
     dense_matrix<T> B(mat_nrows(A), mat_ncols(A));
-    std::vector<long> ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
+    lapack_ipvt ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
     gmm::copy(A, B);
     size_type info = lu_factor(B, ipvt);
     GMM_ASSERT1(!info, "Singular system, pivot = " << info);
@@ -154,10 +193,9 @@ namespace gmm {
     lower_tri_solve(transposed(LU), x, false);
     upper_tri_solve(transposed(LU), x, true);
     for(size_type i = pvector.size(); i > 0; --i) {
-      size_type perm = pvector[i-1]-1;    // permutations stored in 1's offset
+      size_type perm = pvector.get(i-1)-1; // permutations stored in 1's offset
       if(i-1 != perm) { T aux = x[i-1]; x[i-1] = x[perm]; x[perm] = aux; }
@@ -212,7 +250,7 @@ namespace gmm {
     typedef typename linalg_traits<DenseMatrix>::value_type T;
     DenseMatrix& A = const_cast<DenseMatrix&>(A_);
     dense_matrix<T> B(mat_nrows(A), mat_ncols(A));
-    std::vector<long> ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
+    lapack_ipvt ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
     gmm::copy(A, B);
     size_type info = lu_factor(B, ipvt);
     if (doassert) GMM_ASSERT1(!info, "Non invertible matrix, pivot = "<<info);
@@ -229,7 +267,7 @@ namespace gmm {
     for (size_type j = 0; j < std::min(mat_nrows(LU), mat_ncols(LU)); ++j)
       det *= LU(j,j);
     for(size_type i = 0; i < pvector.size(); ++i)
-      if (i != size_type(pvector[i]-1)) { det = -det; }
+      if (i != size_type(pvector.get(i)-1)) { det = -det; }
     return det;
@@ -238,7 +276,7 @@ namespace gmm {
   lu_det(const DenseMatrix& A) {
     typedef typename linalg_traits<DenseMatrix>::value_type T;
     dense_matrix<T> B(mat_nrows(A), mat_ncols(A));
-    std::vector<long> ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
+    lapack_ipvt ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
     gmm::copy(A, B);
     lu_factor(B, ipvt);
     return lu_det(B, ipvt);
diff --git a/src/gmm/gmm_lapack_interface.h b/src/gmm/gmm_lapack_interface.h
index 148f664..24cd78c 100644
--- a/src/gmm/gmm_lapack_interface.h
+++ b/src/gmm/gmm_lapack_interface.h
@@ -96,33 +96,19 @@ namespace gmm {
     void sgeesx_(...); void dgeesx_(...); void cgeesx_(...); void zgeesx_(...);
     void sgesvd_(...); void dgesvd_(...); void cgesvd_(...); void zgesvd_(...);
-  // For compatibility with lapack version with 32 bit integer.
-# define int_to_long_ipvt(ipvt)                                \
-  {                                                    \
-    for (size_type ii = ipvt.size(); ii != 0; --ii)    \
-      ipvt[ii-1] = long(((int *)(&ipvt[0]))[ii-1]);    \
-  }
-// # define long_to_int_ipvt(ipvt)                     
-//   {                                                 
-//     long *ipvt_ = const_cast<long *>(&ipvt[0]);
-//     for (size_type ii = 0; ii < ipvt.size(); ++ii)
-//       ((int *)(&ipvt_[0]))[ii] = int(ipvt_[ii]);
-//   }
   /* ********************************************************************** */
   /* LU decomposition.                                                      */
   /* ********************************************************************** */
 # define getrf_interface(lapack_name, base_type) inline                      \
-  size_type lu_factor(dense_matrix<base_type > &A, std::vector<long> &ipvt){ \
+    size_type lu_factor(dense_matrix<base_type > &A, lapack_ipvt &ipvt){     \
     GMMLAPACK_TRACE("getrf_interface");                                      \
     long m = long(mat_nrows(A)), n = long(mat_ncols(A)), lda(m), info(-1L);  \
-    if (m && n) lapack_name(&m, &n, &A(0,0), &lda, &ipvt[0], &info);         \
+    if (m && n) lapack_name(&m, &n, &A(0,0), &lda, ipvt.pfirst(), &info);    \
     if ((info & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) && !(info & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL))      \
       /* For compatibility with lapack version with 32 bit integer. */      \
-      int_to_long_ipvt(ipvt);                                               \
+      ipvt.set_to_int32();                                                  \
     return size_type(int(info & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL));                      \
@@ -131,6 +117,58 @@ namespace gmm {
   getrf_interface(cgetrf_, BLAS_C)
   getrf_interface(zgetrf_, BLAS_Z)
+  /* ********************************************************************* */
+  /* LU solve.                                                             */
+  /* ********************************************************************* */
+# define getrs_interface(f_name, trans1, lapack_name, base_type) inline    \
+  void f_name(const dense_matrix<base_type > &A,                           \
+              const lapack_ipvt &ipvt, std::vector<base_type > &x,        \
+              const std::vector<base_type > &b) {                          \
+    GMMLAPACK_TRACE("getrs_interface");                                    \
+    long n = long(mat_nrows(A)), info(0), nrhs(1);                        \
+    gmm::copy(b, x); trans1;                                               \
+    if (n)                                                                 \
+      lapack_name(&t,&n,&nrhs,&(A(0,0)),&n,ipvt.pfirst(),&x[0],&n,&info);  \
+  }
+# define getrs_trans_n const char t = 'N'
+# define getrs_trans_t const char t = 'T'
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve, getrs_trans_n, sgetrs_, BLAS_S)
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve, getrs_trans_n, dgetrs_, BLAS_D)
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve, getrs_trans_n, cgetrs_, BLAS_C)
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve, getrs_trans_n, zgetrs_, BLAS_Z)
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve_transposed, getrs_trans_t, sgetrs_, BLAS_S)
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve_transposed, getrs_trans_t, dgetrs_, BLAS_D)
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve_transposed, getrs_trans_t, cgetrs_, BLAS_C)
+  getrs_interface(lu_solve_transposed, getrs_trans_t, zgetrs_, BLAS_Z)
+  /* ********************************************************************* */
+  /* LU inverse.                                                           */
+  /* ********************************************************************* */
+# define getri_interface(lapack_name, base_type) inline                    \
+  void lu_inverse(const dense_matrix<base_type > &LU,                      \
+           const lapack_ipvt &ipvt, const dense_matrix<base_type > &A_) { \
+    GMMLAPACK_TRACE("getri_interface");                                    \
+    dense_matrix<base_type >&                                              \
+    A = const_cast<dense_matrix<base_type > &>(A_);                        \
+    long n = int(mat_nrows(A)), info(0), lwork(-1); base_type work1;      \
+    if (n) {                                                               \
+      gmm::copy(LU, A);                                                    \
+      lapack_name(&n, &A(0,0), &n, ipvt.pfirst(), &work1, &lwork, &info);  \
+      lwork = int(gmm::real(work1));                                       \
+      std::vector<base_type > work(lwork);                                 \
+      lapack_name(&n, &A(0,0), &n, ipvt.pfirst(), &work[0], &lwork,&info); \
+    }                                                                      \
+  }
+  getri_interface(sgetri_, BLAS_S)
+  getri_interface(dgetri_, BLAS_D)
+  getri_interface(cgetri_, BLAS_C)
+  getri_interface(zgetri_, BLAS_Z)
   /* ********************************************************************** */
   /* QR factorization.                                                      */
   /* ********************************************************************** */
diff --git a/src/gmm/gmm_opt.h b/src/gmm/gmm_opt.h
index 31e830e..87b1929 100644
--- a/src/gmm/gmm_opt.h
+++ b/src/gmm/gmm_opt.h
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 #ifndef GMM_OPT_H__
 #define GMM_OPT_H__
+#include <gmm/gmm_dense_lu.h>
 namespace gmm {
   /* ********************************************************************* */
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ namespace gmm {
       default :
          dense_matrix<T> B(mat_nrows(A), mat_ncols(A));
-         std::vector<size_type> ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
+         lapack_ipvt ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
          gmm::copy(A, B);
          lu_factor(B, ipvt);
          return lu_det(B, ipvt);       
@@ -69,7 +71,8 @@ namespace gmm {
-  template <typename T> T lu_inverse(const dense_matrix<T> &A_, bool doassert 
= true) {
+  template <typename T> T lu_inverse(const dense_matrix<T> &A_,
+                                    bool doassert = true) {
     dense_matrix<T>& A = const_cast<dense_matrix<T> &>(A_);
     size_type N = mat_nrows(A);
     T det(1);
@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ namespace gmm {
       default : {
            dense_matrix<T> B(mat_nrows(A), mat_ncols(A));
-           std::vector<long> ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
+           lapack_ipvt ipvt(mat_nrows(A));
            gmm::copy(A, B);
        size_type info = lu_factor(B, ipvt);
            GMM_ASSERT1(!info, "non invertible matrix");

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