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[Getfem-commits] r5090 - in /trunk/getfem/src: getfem/getfem_copyable_pt
From: |
andriy . andreykiv |
Subject: |
[Getfem-commits] r5090 - in /trunk/getfem/src: getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h getfem_generic_assembly.cc |
Date: |
Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:50:56 -0000 |
Author: andrico
Date: Tue Oct 6 16:50:55 2015
New Revision: 5090
URL: http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/getfem?rev=5090&view=rev
"Thread-safing" ga_predef_function class. Making the cached members distributed.
Small stylistic changes with respect to encapsulation
trunk/getfem/src/getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h (with props)
Added: trunk/getfem/src/getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h
--- trunk/getfem/src/getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h (added)
+++ trunk/getfem/src/getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h Tue Oct 6 16:50:55 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- (enables emacs c++ mode) */
+ Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Andriy Andreykiv
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ As a special exception, you may use this file as it is a part of a free
+ software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files
+ instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file,
+ or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an
+ executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable
+ to be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License. This exception
+ does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file
+ might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+/address@hidden getfem_copyable_ptr.h
address@hidden Andriy Andreykiv <address@hidden>
address@hidden May 6th, 2015.
address@hidden A smart pointer that copies the value it points to on copy
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+namespace getfem {
+ A wrapper around a unique_ptr that clones the value on copy
+template<class T> class copyable_ptr{
+ std::unique_ptr<T> p_ = nullptr;
+ copyable_ptr() = default;
+ copyable_ptr(std::unique_ptr<T> p) : p_(std::move(p)) {}
+ copyable_ptr(const copyable_ptr<T> &x) : p_(x.p_ ?
std::make_unique<T>(*x.p_) : nullptr) {}
+ copyable_ptr(copyable_ptr<T> &&x) : p_(std::move(*x.p_)) {}
+ copyable_ptr<T> &operator=(const copyable_ptr<T> &x){
+ if (x.p_) p_ = std::make_unique<T>(*x.p_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ copyable_ptr<T> &operator=(copyable_ptr<T> &&x){
+ p_ = std::move(x.p_);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ operator bool() const {return p_.operator bool();}
+ T& operator*() const {return *p_;}
+ T& operator->() const {return *p_;}
+} // namespace getfem
Propchange: trunk/getfem/src/getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h
svn:keywords = Id URL Header
Modified: trunk/getfem/src/getfem_generic_assembly.cc
--- trunk/getfem/src/getfem_generic_assembly.cc (original)
+++ trunk/getfem/src/getfem_generic_assembly.cc Tue Oct 6 16:50:55 2015
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "getfem/dal_singleton.h"
#include "getfem/bgeot_rtree.h"
#include "getfem/bgeot_geotrans_inv.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h"
Providing for special Math functions unavailable on Intel or MSVS C++
@@ -1975,46 +1976,53 @@
const std::string &varname,
const std::string &interpolatename);
- struct ga_predef_function {
- size_type ftype; // 0 : C++ function with C++ derivative(s)
+ class ga_predef_function {
+ size_type ftype_; // 0 : C++ function with C++ derivative(s)
// 1 : function defined by an string expression.
- size_type dtype; // 0 : no derivative(s)
+ size_type dtype_; // 0 : no derivative(s)
// 1 : derivative(s) given by C++ functions
// 2 : derivatives(s) given by string expression(s)
// 3 : derivatives(s) to be symbolically computed.
- size_type nbargs; // One or two arguments
- pscalar_func_onearg f1; // Function pointer for a one argument function
- pscalar_func_twoargs f2; // Function pointer for a two arguments function
- std::string expr;
- std::string derivative1, derivative2;
- mutable base_vector t,u;
- mutable ga_workspace workspace;
- mutable ga_instruction_set *gis;
+ size_type nbargs_; // One or two arguments
+ pscalar_func_onearg f1_; // Function pointer for a one argument function
+ pscalar_func_twoargs f2_; // Function pointer for a two arguments function
+ std::string expr_;
+ std::string derivative1_, derivative2_;
+ mutable omp_distribute<base_vector> t, u;
+ mutable omp_distribute<ga_workspace> workspace;
+ copyable_ptr<omp_distribute<ga_instruction_set>> gis = nullptr;
+ friend void ga_define_function(const std::string name, size_type nbargs,
+ const std::string expr, const std::string
+ const std::string der2);
+ friend void ga_define_function(const std::string name, pscalar_func_onearg
+ const std::string &der);
+ friend void ga_define_function(const std::string name,
pscalar_func_twoargs f,
+ const std::string &der1, const std::string
+ public:
scalar_type operator()(scalar_type t_, scalar_type u_ = 0.) const {
- switch(ftype) {
+ switch(ftype_) {
case 0:
- if (nbargs == 2)
- return (*f2)(t_, u_);
+ if (nbargs_ == 2)
+ return (*f2_)(t_, u_);
- return (*f1)(t_);
+ return (*f1_)(t_);
case 1:
t[0] = t_; u[0] = u_;
- workspace.assembled_potential() = scalar_type(0);
- ga_function_exec(*gis);
- return workspace.assembled_potential();
+ workspace.thrd_cast().assembled_potential() = scalar_type(0);
+ ga_function_exec((*gis).thrd_cast());
+ return workspace.thrd_cast().assembled_potential();
return 0.;
bool is_affine(const std::string &varname) const {
- if (ftype == 1) {
- for (size_type i = 0; i < workspace.nb_trees(); ++i) {
- ga_workspace::tree_description &td = workspace.tree_info(i);
+ if (ftype_ == 1) {
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < workspace.thrd_cast().nb_trees(); ++i) {
+ ga_workspace::tree_description &td =
if (!(ga_is_affine(*(td.ptree), workspace, varname, "")))
return false;
@@ -2023,21 +2031,28 @@
return false;
- ga_predef_function(void) : expr(""), derivative1(""), derivative2(""),
gis(0) {}
+ size_type ftype() const {return ftype_;}
+ size_type dtype() const {return dtype_;}
+ size_type nbargs() const {return nbargs_;}
+ const std::string &derivative1() const {return derivative1_;}
+ const std::string &derivative2() const {return derivative2_;}
+ const std::string &expr() const {return expr_;}
+ pscalar_func_onearg f1() const {return f1_;}
+ pscalar_func_twoargs f2() const {return f2_;}
+ ga_predef_function(void) : expr_(""), derivative1_(""), derivative2_(""),
gis(nullptr) {}
ga_predef_function(pscalar_func_onearg f, size_type dtype_ = 0,
const std::string &der = "")
- : ftype(0), dtype(dtype_), nbargs(1), f1(f), expr(""),
- derivative1(der), derivative2(""), gis(0) {}
+ : ftype_(0), dtype_(dtype_), nbargs_(1), f1_(f), expr_(""),
+ derivative1_(der), derivative2_("") {}
ga_predef_function(pscalar_func_twoargs f, size_type dtype_ = 0,
const std::string &der1 = "",
const std::string &der2 = "")
- : ftype(0), dtype(dtype_), nbargs(2), f2(f),
- expr(""), derivative1(der1), derivative2(der2), gis(0) {}
+ : ftype_(0), dtype_(dtype_), nbargs_(2), f2_(f),
+ expr_(""), derivative1_(der1), derivative2_(der2), gis(nullptr) {}
ga_predef_function(const std::string &expr_)
- : ftype(1), dtype(3), nbargs(1), expr(expr_),
- derivative1(""), derivative2(""), t(1), u(1), gis(0) {}
- ~ga_predef_function() { if (gis) delete gis; }
+ : ftype_(1), dtype_(3), nbargs_(1), expr_(expr_),
+ derivative1_(""), derivative2_(""), t(1, 0.), u(1, 0.), gis(nullptr) {}
@@ -2479,18 +2494,23 @@
"Already defined function " << name);
PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(expr);
ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
- F.gis = new ga_instruction_set;
- F.workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), F.t);
- if (nbargs == 2)
- F.workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("u", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), F.u);
- F.workspace.add_function_expression(expr);
- ga_compile_function(F.workspace, *(F.gis), true);
- F.nbargs = nbargs;
+ GMM_ASSERT1(!me_is_multithreaded_now(),
+ "functions should not be defined in multi-threaded code");
+ F.gis = std::make_unique<omp_distribute<ga_instruction_set>>();
+ for (size_type thread = 0; thread < num_threads(); ++thread)
+ {
+ F.workspace(thread).add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1),
+ if (nbargs == 2)
+ F.workspace(thread).add_fixed_size_variable("u",
gmm::sub_interval(0,1), F.u);
+ F.workspace(thread).add_function_expression(expr);
+ ga_compile_function(F.workspace(thread), (*F.gis)(thread), true);
+ }
+ F.nbargs_ = nbargs;
if (nbargs == 1) {
- if (der1.size()) { F.derivative1 = der1; F.dtype = 2; }
+ if (der1.size()) { F.derivative1_ = der1; F.dtype_ = 2; }
} else {
if (der1.size() && der2.size()) {
- F.derivative1 = der1; F.derivative2 = der2; F.dtype = 2;
+ F.derivative1_ = der1; F.derivative2_ = der2; F.dtype_ = 2;
@@ -2499,17 +2519,17 @@
const std::string &der) {
PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(f, 1, der);
ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
- if (der.size() == 0) F.dtype = 0;
- else if (!(ga_function_exists(der))) F.dtype = 2;
+ if (der.size() == 0) F.dtype_ = 0;
+ else if (!(ga_function_exists(der))) F.dtype_ = 2;
void ga_define_function(const std::string name, pscalar_func_twoargs f,
const std::string &der1, const std::string &der2) {
PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(f, 1, der1, der2);
ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
- if (der1.size() == 0 || der2.size() == 0) F.dtype = 0;
+ if (der1.size() == 0 || der2.size() == 0) F.dtype_ = 0;
else if (!(ga_function_exists(der1)) || !(ga_function_exists(der2)))
- F.dtype = 2;
+ F.dtype_ = 2;
void ga_undefine_function(const std::string name) {
@@ -6836,13 +6856,13 @@
pnode->name = name;
pnode->test_function_type = 0;
if (pnode->der1) {
- if (pnode->der1 > it->second.nbargs
- || pnode->der2 > it->second.nbargs)
+ if (pnode->der1 > it->second.nbargs()
+ || pnode->der2 > it->second.nbargs())
ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid derivative.");
const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
- if (F.ftype == 0 && !(pnode->der2)) {
+ if (F.ftype() == 0 && !(pnode->der2)) {
pnode->name = ((pnode->der1 == 1) ?
- F.derivative1 : F.derivative2);
+ F.derivative1() : F.derivative2());
pnode->der1 = pnode->der2 = 0;
@@ -7102,7 +7122,7 @@
std::string name = child0->name;
ga_predef_function_tab::iterator it = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
- size_type nbargs = F.nbargs;
+ size_type nbargs = F.nbargs();
if (nbargs+1 != pnode->children.size()) {
ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Bad number of arguments for "
"predefined function " << name << ". Found "
@@ -8408,22 +8428,22 @@
ga_predef_function_tab::iterator it = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
- if (F.nbargs == 1) {
- switch (F.dtype) {
+ if (F.nbargs() == 1) {
+ switch (F.dtype()) {
case 0:
GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
<< ". No derivative provided or not derivable
case 1:
- child0->name = F.derivative1;
+ child0->name = F.derivative1();
case 2: case 3:
child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC_" + child0->name;
if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
- if (F.dtype == 2)
- ga_define_function(child0->name, 1, F.derivative1);
+ if (F.dtype() == 2)
+ ga_define_function(child0->name, 1, F.derivative1());
else {
- std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr,"t");
+ std::string expr =
ga_define_function(child0->name, 1, expr);
@@ -8470,22 +8490,22 @@
if (child1->marked) {
- switch (F.dtype) {
+ switch (F.dtype()) {
case 0:
GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
<< ". No derivative provided");
case 1:
- child0->name = F.derivative1;
+ child0->name = F.derivative1();
case 2:
child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + child0->name;
if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name)))
- ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative1);
+ ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative1());
case 3:
child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + child0->name;
if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
- std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr, "t");
+ std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(),
ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, expr);
@@ -8507,22 +8527,22 @@
child0 = pnode->children[0]; child1 = pnode->children[1];
child2 = pnode->children[2];
- switch (F.dtype) {
+ switch (F.dtype()) {
case 0:
GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
<< ". No derivative provided");
case 1:
- child0->name = F.derivative2;
+ child0->name = F.derivative2();
case 2:
child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + child0->name;
if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name)))
- ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative2);
+ ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative2());
case 3:
child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + child0->name;
if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
- std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr, "u");
+ std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(),
ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, expr);
@@ -9918,51 +9938,51 @@
std::string name = child0->name;
ga_predef_function_tab::iterator it = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
- size_type nbargs = F.nbargs;
+ size_type nbargs = F.nbargs();
pga_tree_node child2 = (nbargs == 2) ? pnode->children[2] : child1;
if (nbargs == 1) {
if (child1->t.size() == 1) {
- if (F.ftype == 0)
+ if (F.ftype() == 0)
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res
- (pnode->t[0], child1->t[0], F.f1);
+ (pnode->t[0], child1->t[0], F.f1());
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res_expr
(pnode->t[0], child1->t[0], F);
} else {
- if (F.ftype == 0)
+ if (F.ftype() == 0)
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg
- (pnode->t, child1->t, F.f1);
+ (pnode->t, child1->t, F.f1());
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_expr
(pnode->t, child1->t, F);
} else {
if (child1->t.size() == 1 && child2->t.size() == 1) {
- if (F.ftype == 0)
+ if (F.ftype() == 0)
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res
- (pnode->t[0], child1->t[0], child2->t[0], F.f2);
+ (pnode->t[0], child1->t[0], child2->t[0], F.f2());
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res_expr
(pnode->t[0], child1->t[0], child2->t[0], F);
} else if (child1->t.size() == 1) {
- if (F.ftype == 0)
+ if (F.ftype() == 0)
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar
- (pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F.f2);
+ (pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F.f2());
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar_expr
(pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F);
} else if (child2->t.size() == 1) {
- if (F.ftype == 0)
+ if (F.ftype() == 0)
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar
- (pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F.f2);
+ (pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F.f2());
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar_expr
(pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F);
} else {
- if (F.ftype == 0)
+ if (F.ftype() == 0)
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg
- (pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F.f2);
+ (pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F.f2());
pgai = new ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_expr
(pnode->t, child1->t, child2->t, F);
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- [Getfem-commits] r5090 - in /trunk/getfem/src: getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h getfem_generic_assembly.cc,
andriy . andreykiv <=